Why Is America So Racist And Will They Ever Overcome It

If race doesn't exist, why did Asian Americans overcome racism and poverty and blacks not?

@Bittersweet, No, I'm not going to say this to your face. You might go Trayvon Martin on me. Sure, Asians might be the model minority now, but they were feared at first. However, they demonstrated that they could act civilized. There is little to support your outlandish theories of discrimination. You have a BLACK PRESIDENT for gods sake and yet you still have this persecution complex. Compare that to the affirmative action you guys get. You guys get a 400 point(new scale) SAT advantage when applying to college over us. And yet, despite all the liberalism, despite the fact that it is 2013, your race still does bad in school and commits crime. I've read the Bible. I don't believe it.

Can American society ever overcome racism and sexism?

I've learned the hard way that playing dumb is a fact of life in the workplace as a woman. I can't be smarter, that makes me competition. Now they need to put me back in my place.Who does she think she is?!She thinks she's better then me.She thinks she's smarter then meShe doesn't belong here.What is she doing here?This isn't the place for her.She's telling me how to do my job,What a bitch.I was unfortunate enough to overhear them yesterday. My heart is broken.They had been struggling for two weeks trying to figure something out. I figured it out, passed along the information, got them in contact with the right people. They all congratulated each other.Given the time crunch. I didn't even stop to think, I'm usually so much better at this, just how threatening it is, to them, for a woman, to figure out what they couldn't.I know this. How could I have been so stupid as to show them what I'm really capable of?They spent the rest of yesterday one by one going to speak to the managers.Today. I lost my position. They are downsizing the department. I was assured that it wasn't performance related, and it had nothing to do with my qualifications. I will be moved to another area. However my schedule will no longer be set. I'll have 30 days to figure it out.

Will the American people ever overcome racism?

America is one of least racist countries in the world. There's nowhere else in the Western world that would vote a man with President Obama's ancestry into its highest office. Ethnic diversity is seen at every level of government. The Supreme Court, the Senate, and the House all have minorities of every ethnic kind. The highest echelons of the military are ethnically diverse.  Classes in ethnicity are endemic in all Universities. The professional classes also are peopled by ethnic minorities. Does America have more to do? Yes, it does. But it is far ahead of the European countries like France or Britain. The Scandinavian countries are ethnically homogeneous so they haven't had to deal with the struggles of attempting to coalesce a people of differing ethnic heritages. Other parts of the world are truly pathetic when it comes to an acceptance of diversity. I am proud of this country. I am lucky to be a citizen.

What makes racism so difficult to overcome in America?

Well America is recovering from slavery.

Why is america such a mean racist country?

i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i am very hot sexy and beautiful.i am not black,i am not hispanic,and i am certainly not ugly.i am a very very beautiful and sexy white//caucasian entire family are father and mother are caucasain.recently,i was arrested by hispaniac and black police officers because i was selling medical marijuana in a school zone.right before i was ambushed by racist cops,i had made 500 dollars from a group of white high school students.than,it happened,i was arrested and thrown in jail with minority/unwhite criminals.i was also arrested on dwi warrants in kingsland,georgia,and i am under investigation on dwi vehicular manslaughter charges in miamai,florida.will the racism ever end in america?will it ever get better,or will i have to endure this racism forever,i am not a criminal,i am white beautiful thin and sexy.

How did Japanese Americans overcome racism from after Pearl Harbor?

There are strong parallels between prejudice against Japanese Americans following Pearl Harbor and prejudice against Arabs/ Muslims/ Middle Easterners after 9/11. My question is how did the Japanese American community overcome discrimination such that Japanese culture is so well loved and received in the U.S.? (anime is highly popular here, as is Japanese cuisine, songs etc.)

NOTE: I realize that there still is racism against Asian Americans; I'm just wondering how Asian American communities dealt with it or countered it.

Do you think that we can ever overcome racism? If so, how?

The insight that we are all the same on the inside and the outside of us humans is nothing of lasting value nor is it determening the content of the inner being of us.So the exterior parts of our body do not determine the content of the soul nor the heart - and these parts are the same for all humans. To be capable and able to look beyond what we think we see on the exterior of a human is essential in all relations between us. The color of the skin seems to be a very primitive way of viewing a human being and most probably the ever constant urge within people to be better than others - when with that very action they point to the opposite.God is simply not interested in our brains nor in our exterior nor in our actions nor anything else than the content of our hearts - and THAT is the same for all. So I truly hope we will learn from God how to be better humans.

Can African-Americans be racist?

“Racism is still with us. But it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet, and, hopefully, we shall overcome.” - Rosa Parks-Oh yes, absolutely. Unfortunately frickin anybody can be ‘racist.’ I think most people immediately think of white/black relationships when think of race relations, or the term ‘racist.’ The truth is, there are more than two races.Unfortunately, there is an unrecognised portion of black Americans who are slightly, somewhat, or very racist towards other races. Races like Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Middle Easterners, or the Creole.Many people are bullied and discriminated upon by the black community, but cannot be taken seriously by whites. Take this Asian woman, for example, who was booed when she tried to bring up the notion that ‘Black people can be racist too.’[1]Of course, this can be taken as vice versa too. Asians have been known to create cringily racist advertisements (Childish, innocent behavior, but still) against black people.[2] I am half Latino, but I recognize there is a good amount of Latinos who come from racist backgrounds. Every race experiences racism, but as the quote above says, hopefully, we will overcome.But to answer your question's implied meaning, not really. I don't think blacks can be racist to whites. By literal definition, well, then yeah, they can. But as someone else said, racism is ultimately decided by society. A black person cannot be racist towards a white person in America. Unless they take it to the other extreme, of course, like, segregation against whites, or, “I’m black and I want to wipe out whites.” Otherwise, no, they can’t. As you put it, the oppressed cannot oppress the oppressor.Footnotes[1] Asian Woman Says ‘Black People Can Be Racist,’ And That Did Not Go Over Well[2] Chinese Detergent Ad Draws Charges of Racism

Today, is America no longer racist?

The United States of America has had a very complicated history of race issues. To say a city in the modern U.S. is not racist is highly doubtful.  As most people have seen, events involving multiple black citizens across the U.S. have sparked an outbreak of protests and riots in various cities (Baltimore MD, etc.).  They have also sparked new "threats" targeted at police and law officials (hand-raising, verbal lashings involving quotes used by victims of police misconduct, etc.).  Bothersome and rash as it may seem, to some people, it is totally fine.  The mindset of citizens in the U.S. has changed because of these people, and because of the idea that it's ok to retaliate against officers of the law, or that it's ok to sing a song and dance that is centered at the police AND is shown on NATIONAL TELEVISION (note: Beyonce and the Black Lives Matter movement she showed during the SB50 halftime show), or that it's ok to hate and diss law enforcement.   Now, it is a sin to say "All Lives Matter", or to have the Confederate flag flown showing the history of the Union.  Having a colorful life and hanging out with people of various races, I understand why people perform these actions.  Opinions rule the human body, and opinions are what will get it hurt.In conclusion, no.  It is not the country, but the people and ideas that lie within it.  But, the only way to fix this is to work together with it, not attack it.  There will always be a problem in the United States, and there will always be a solution.