Why Is Everyone Jelly Of American Military

Why is everyone suddenly joining the military?

There is no jobs right now in the civilian sector and the age group that cant find work and becoming homeless is age 18-24. Before that age its also hard to collect any college money unless mom and dad are willing to chip in and with it being so difficult trying to find jobs that is pretty much the only option. The US economy sucks and when this happens everyone runs to the military.

Why does it seem like everyone hates Military Officers?

A question well asked. If this question were to be universally true, we Air Force Officers would be THE most Hated among all services.

But then again, I don't know why. Speaking from experience, I don't think I got hated by anyone at all. Ok, sure, some might got pissed off by me, but for damn sure I don't do anything just to ruin somebody else's day or on purpose.

I won't know or speak for other Officers (there are some who are really jerks, and I pity the NCOs who are working for such pricks), but I always try to maintain a good relationship with NCO working with me (NCOs don't work for you, because, without them, Officers are screwed). I try to get involved with them in their work as much as possible.

My Master Chief is 10 years senior than me, and I respect him more than I respect some Officers I see around all the time. I never use rank on people around me, and I always get the NCOs to speak frankly. In a way, they are more like my high schools buddies than my ground crew. Heck, I spent more time eating with them in the mess than with the other Officers.

I think it all comes down to the individual. If the Officer truely understands the values of others around him, he/she would do well to treat them all with genuine respect, irregardless of rank or age, rather than acting all high and mighty.

But then, that's just my way of thinking.

Will the american military homosexual rape everyone in boot camp?

This homo 5hit is really getting old, Can't you come up with anything better?
Exorcise that Funny Bone in your head, and impress us.
This has been run so far into the ground, that it is half way to China.

Let's look at it in a different perspective.
I kind of feel empathy with one in that position.
Imagine that you are in a squad, where you are the only Man, and your other mates are all Female.
You train with them, sleep in the same dorm, use the same shower, and share an upper bunk; but, there is nothing that you can do about it, but, try to ignore it the best you can.
I don't condone their perspective, but, I can have an idea of what they may be going through.
I kind of feel sorry for them in that way.

Why should everyone serve in the military?

Realistically, I don’t see this being feasible. However, there are a number of positives that this could bring to up and coming generations. Bare in mind, this is on behalf of the UK.It would teach discipline. We know this is a problem that gets worse with each generation, I thought mine was bad (left school nearly 2 years ago), and then I have encounters with the generations below my own, and by god they are getting worse. So discipline would be important, even if their military duties will not begin until age 18.It would encourage fitness. Again, we are getting worse at this too! We’ll son turn out to be the humans portrayed in WALL-E. Military service will teach young adults the importance of fitness, and put that into practice, anyone who enters their service obese, will certainly benefit from the experience health wise.It would benefit the Military. It would be of great help to the military if each year a new batch of service men and women did their service, the military would naturally gain numbers from people taking up a job in the military following their mandatory service.There are plenty more standard points I could continue to list such as it preparing people to be independent in life etc.However, this final point seems most important to me:It would show people’s true colours. Those people that bullied others through High School would have to endure being bullied, being battered and bruised. Its in situations such as military service that weak people show who they are, and the strong too. It will make shitty people better, by exploiting their shittiness. When they are part of a collective group, a uniform, a number, they can’t stand out, or belittle others as they are in the same situation. That is most important to me.Any other suggestions let me know. This seems like an interesting topic to me.

Why are members of the military overly prideful?

everyone will have there opinion, thats what the men and women of our nations armed forces have fought for, for over 200 years. Service member risk there lives everyday following the countries elected officials orders to preserve our great nation we would not be what we are today with out our military. im sure you have opened up a history book at some point at your ivy league school so you know theres not one history book out there that doesn t talk about past wars. why is that? because human nature through the course of time has been to expand gain land and control the population. where you are right is many service members come into the military for a variety of reasons not everyone is so privileged. Many SM are dumb but there are far more that are not and thats exhibited every year we have the greatest military and the greatest nation in the world. You should really work on your liberal close minded views and realize that without the smartest military in the world you would not have this right you would not have any rights you would be shot dead by a communist dictator. Your that person that wants to talk **** about how you have no respect for the military and how they are dumb and how they are welfare recipients and then turn around and want to know where they are when our country is invaded while you hide under your desk. you disgust me you coward.

What is the real reason for the growing American military presence in Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia?

In my opinion there was no real reason for that during this particular moment, but simply following a planned and signed-ff pipeline approach towards bringing NATO logistic chains towards Russian (CSTO) borders that has been developing over a course of the last 20 years. Crimean case was simply a good and well timed reason to intensify and progress with various actions that were idle/put on hold due to limited military budgeting within between members states that has started in 2008 after the world economical recession.Time will show that most of other reasons (i.e. public opinion, state concerns) will be quite shortly forgotten or taken into account for this process moving on (to verify it simply measure the build-up of military logistical and command chains intensification over a course of time in absence of any similar cases above) and were simply used to channel the necessary shifts in military funding (funded by tax payers) to higher levels, as well as bypass certain moments of understanding a necessity of NATO logistics location in the region and intensified (yet controlled) rusophobia with further tensions between citizens of the Baltic States and the neighbouring countries quite handy to disrupt the emotional background of the area and keep certain groups under control. In my humble opinion there was no defined plan during this case of sending any support message or practical help. Any activity currently carried out is not capable of stopping a serious attack by any modern military force  with plans of seizing a land, you can read materials about that in open source given by NATO officials. I may be wrong of course, but pure logic of my life and clear understanding of money matters suggest that usually it's always better to listen to logic than emotions.

Is everyone in the military Assholes?

Some, not all by a LONG shot. Savannah, Georgia has 4 military bases within 1 hour drive of the downtown party area, Parris Island (USMC boot camp), Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, Hunter Army Air Field, Home of 1st Ranger Batallion (Special Forces) and Fort Stewart, one of the largest military bases east of the Mississippi River in square miles. When the weekend comes, many military go downtown to party, and depending on the club you go to, you Will see various types.The club I used to frequent had 4 floors, a basement game room with pool tables, live music on the ground floor, a pop music floor in the second level, and “Club Crush” alternative music on the top floor. I usually hung out at Club Crush. Our bartender did his hair similar to Robert Smith from THE CURE, and we had no bouncer on our floor, we had REGULARS. One evening, a Ranger is sitting at the bar, and the bartender thinks he sees him stealing from the top bar so he asks a lady at the bar to watch him. A few minutes later, the lady confirms his suspicions. The Ranger saw a freak with his weird hair, not realizing the freak had multiple black belts. The bartender laid one hand on the bar and vaulted it, coming down straddling said Ranger with one knee on each arm, and pummling him. When the bouncers arrived from downstairs, the bartender informed them of what happened and asked for the guy to be permanently banned. Lasted a month. A month later, same guy, same bartender, same stupid move, same reaction. This time,he was permanently banned. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.Rangers, unfortunately, have or at least had, a terrible reputation for going out and looking for fights. Our club had a Ranger Staff Sergeant who was a regular. He would meet any group of more than two within a few feet of them walking in the door and give them an almost canned speech… “If you are up here to have a good time, Welcome, meet the locals and regulars and enjoy yourselves. If you are here to start shit, the regulars will take care of you tonight, and you will have to deal with ME on Monday.”Soldiers, in general, are people paid to do a job that most don't want to do. As with any large group, there are going to be assholes, but the vast majority will show you the same respect you show them, often a bit more.