Why Is God Called Holy Holy Holy In The Bible

Why is the Bible holy?

Thank you for this question. The answer is found within the Bible, the scriptures.The Word of God (Bible) is Holy because Jesus Christ is Holy. Jesus Christ is the word of God.John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.John 17:17 Sanctify [make holy] them by Your truth. Your word is truth.Rev 4:8 The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. And they do not rest day or night, saying: “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!”Revelation is the “unveiling of Jesus Christ”. Jesus Christ is holy and He is the word of God. This is why the Bible is holy.I hope this has been beneficial to you in some way, if you have any further comments or questions, please leave a comment.

Why is the Bible called the Holy Bible?

It's a traditional expanded form of the name held over from its original Greek title, τὰ βιβλία τὰ ἅγια, which literally means "the holy scrolls." In the original Greek, τό βιβλίον (τὰ βιβλία is the plural form) is a generic, not a proper noun, so the adjective τὰ ἅγια was necessary to specify which scrolls were being talked about: the holy scrolls, not just any old scrolls. In Latin, this expression was partially translated and partially borrowed as biblia sacra (Latin at the time did not use definite articles). Greek words were borrowed into Latin all the time, so even in Latin it might have needed clarification.The use of the word τό βιβλίον (scroll) is somewhat ironic, as in the New Testament period, the manuscripts were mostly distributed as codices, which is to say, as booklets, rather than as scrolls.Of course, as time went on the name τὰ βιβλία in Greek and biblia in Latin became so associated with the Holy Bible that it gradually stopped needing clarification. In Romance languages, which are descended from Latin, the original Latin neuter plural biblia was re-interpreted as a feminine singular noun. So it's not that the word "bible" was supplemented with the adjective "holy." It's that the expression Holy Bible was abbreviated to just Bible, with the long form retained in some more verbose situations.By the way, in some language the sun actually is called the "bright sun" or something similar. For instance, in Classical Chinese, the sun is called 太陽 (traditional characters) or 太阳 (simplified characters), which translates as the bright one or the brightest one. See, 太 is a sort of prefix for adjectives which makes them superlative and sometimes nominalizes them at the same time, and this expression replaced ancient Chinese 日 once the meaning of that character shifted from 'sun' to 'day'... But the question's not really about Chinese, I guess.

Why is God holy?

Part of my answer is that there is a holy mystery within in us, and our conceptions of God are, in part, an outward projection of that. (Note: I am not saying God is only that.) There is something mysterious about our makeup. In practical and quasi-scientific terms, that mystery has to do with our self-consciousness which sees ourselves as 'alone' in experiencing our subjectivity and its attendant consciousness of the world, and yet doing so in terms that are intimately formulated in terms of experience of others and of experiences shared with others. In short, we are convinced everyone else has the same subjectivity and consciousness we do, but do not have any access to it. Communion with God is the activity in which we are most completely immersed in that mystery. It touches deeply into who we are and how we function in the world. Science is still very far from engaging such questions. Religion, of course, has a ready answer.PS: It is not that I think  Joshua Hardy's excellent answer is wrong or irrelevant, I merely ask myself, if two of the three definitions of Holy relate to God and if this question relates to why God is Holy, well, it might be fair to turn the question around and ask why are we responsive to that holiness. It occurs to me that in the presence of God we are most ourselves. The capacity of holiness abides within us. It is deep within our nature. By design? By invocation? By bestowal? How can I know on a rational basis? Doctrine teaches me that it is not something that 'evolved', but something that transcends our animal nature and is given. Of course, these are religious answers entirely. Not scientific.  (And yet, somehow reasonable.)

Why do Catholics call the pope "holy father"?

Every so often, my Catholic friends (I'm not a catholic), call the pope their "holy father"

The term Holy Father is only found one time in the entire Bible. It was when Jesus prayed before He and His disciples went to the garden of Gethsemane. He referred to God the Father as Holy Father. Isn't it blasphemy to call a man by God's name?

17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.

When was the Holy Spirit first mentioned in the Bible?

I agree in Genesis.However, at that time, there wasn’t a broad understanding of the Trinity yet.Meaning, there was no clear distinction between the Father, son or Holy Spirit. They used ‘The word, The Spirit, and God’ interchangeably.It’s been said that King David, and the prophets of old had the Spirit of God move on them.Abraham has been seen as the first biblical prophet, however even with his wife Sara (or Sarai, later renamed to Sarah), the bible only mentions that ‘the Lord visited Sarah; not ‘the spirit of God’).Even Enoch, the bible says that he ‘walked with God,… and was no more’. Gen 5:21. No mention of the Spirit there.In Numbers 27:18, The Lord said: “Take Joshua son of Nun, who has the Spirit in him”, However, this could be about ‘the spirit of leadership’, not ‘the Holy Spirit’.In Judges 14:6 I see the first (there might be more before that) that talks about the Spirit of God coming upon Samson with great power.Here is a note about the Spirit of God coming UPON someone.The spirit manifested as an external entity, but not from within, until Jesus was raised from the dead.Jesus mentioned in Joh 14:26 about the Holy Spirit: “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name,…”This was the first mention with a clear difference between the different names of the Trinity, and the physical appearance of ‘the Holy Spirit” on earth.Jesus announced it in John, and in Acts 2, His Holy Spirit made a powerful entrance into this world as we know Him today!

Is the holy spirit god?

Yes. Grace Communion International“Holiness: In more than 90 places, the Bible calls the Spirit of God “the Holy Spirit.” Holiness is a basic characteristic of the Spirit. The Spirit is so holy that blasphemy against the Spirit cannot be forgiven, although blasphemy against Jesus could be (Matthew 12:32). Insulting the Spirit is just as sinful as trampling the Son of God under foot (Hebrews 10:29). This indicates that the Spirit is inherently holy, holy in essence, rather than having an assigned or secondary holiness such as the temple had. The Spirit also has the infinite attributes of God: unlimited in time, space, power and knowledge.Eternality: The Holy Spirit, the Counselor, will be with us “forever” (John 14:16). The Spirit is “eternal” (Hebrews 9:14).Omnipresence: David, praising God’s greatness, asked, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there” (Psalm 139:7-8). God’s Spirit, which David uses as a synonym for the presence of God, is in heaven and in sheol (verse 8), in the east and in the west (verse 9). God’s Spirit can be said to be poured out on someone, to fill a person, or to descend — yet without implying that the Spirit has moved away from or vacated some other place. Thomas Oden observes that “such statements are grounded in the premises of omnipresence and eternality — attributes ascribed properly only to God” (Life in the Spirit,page 18).Omnipotence: The works that God does, such as creation, are also ascribed to the Holy Spirit (Job 33:4; Psalm 104:30). Miracles of Jesus Christ were done “by the Spirit” (Matthew 12:28). In Paul’s ministry, the work that “Christ has accomplished” was done “through the power of the Spirit” (Romans 15:18-19).Omniscience: “The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God” (1 Corinthians 2:10). The Spirit of God “knows the thoughts of God” (verse 11). The Spirit therefore knows all things, and is able to teach all things (John 14:26).Holiness, eternality, omnipresence, omni­potence and omniscience are attributes of God’s essence, that is, characteristic of the nature of divine existence. The Holy Spirit has the basic attributes of God.”The rest of this article is equally informative.

Many times in the Bible the praise “Holy Holy Holy” is stated towards God, would this also be another confirmation of the triune nature of God, by God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Son are each being acknowledged as “Holy”?

I don’t know that we can impose the Council of Nicea’s (325 AD) doctrine of the Trinity on the three-fold proclamation “holy, holy, holy” in Isaiah. The repetition of a name or an expression three times was common in Jewish literature. In Jeremiah 7:4, the Jews reportedly said, “The temple of the Lord” three times, expressing their confidence in their own worship, even though it was hypocritical and corrupt. Jeremiah 22:29, Ezekiel 21:27, and 2 Samuel 18:33 contain similar three-fold expressions of intense conviction. Therefore, when the angels around the throne call to one another, “Holy, holy, holy,” they are expressing with force and passion the Jewish religion’s belief in the supreme holiness of God.