Why Is Green A Rare Skin Colour In Animals

Are humans the only animals with different color skin?

The irony is black and white or not actually colours, this is because the human eye can not perceive pure black or pure white. (Only the heart can)

Identifying life and human beings on an objective, subjective level gives rise to misery, and some say formatory thinking (Miasmic minds, some say spiritual sleep); it also indicates the possibility of still being subjugated and deluded from the days of colonial rule.

Colour is literally in the eye of the beholder,
Colours do not exist, they are mental constructs.
Some tribes can't differentiate the difference between shades of blue and green, they even use the same word for the two colours.
Humans see 3 colours through the R.G & B spectrum.
The Mantis shrimp see's through a 12 colour spectrum.
In fact all the senses construct this materially pervading paradigm.

Case in point: the Himba tribe of remote northern Namibia, to whom water looks “white” like milk and the sky looks “black” like coal, and who struggle to distinguish between blue and green, yet can easily pick out micro-shades which Americans cannot see.

Human beings have mindful volition and free will, consciousness and conscience.
The word “Race” is just man creating and categorizing in order to recognize, this weakness being exploited for the purposes of government control or subjugation, keeping the masses in trouble and preoccupied with them selves.(Social Division)
(Perhaps a consequence of man kind’s subjectively formed ego which is still being exploited)
Why do we categorise in order to see that the Polar Bear is White and that the Black Bear is Black?, or are their anatomies products of differing environmental circumstances?

Why animal are not green in colour?

There is no real KNOWN reason for why mammals aren't green in color. Most of the variation, including coloration in any species is due to mutations, and perhaps there just wasn't a mutation that coded for a change in pigmentation. Or perhaps there was one, but it wasn't selected for and that individual didn't pass it on to their offspring. This could have been due to the fact that the sensory reception of many creatures was not attuned to the coloration of that individual so they didn't get to mate, or maybe they were eaten by a predator because they stood out so much.Other creatures "see" in different wavelengths, and their perception is hard to estimate. It's hard to say exactly why, but there are several good guesses out there.

It is true that there are other creatures that are green in the wild (reptiles, birds, bugs, etc), but the only mammal I can think of that would be considered green is a sloth, and that's due to the plant life that grows in its fur.

The Akhal-Teke, a beautiful russian breed of horses, has a fur with metallic shines: Akhal-Teke.There are not green mammals, only Sloths show greenish patches in their backs due to algae in their fur. Sloth fur has symbiotic relationship with green algae.Many cephalopods are actually bioluminiscents (Bioluminescence)albino dolphins are pinkish due to the extreme irrigation of their fat. Thank you for the A2A(Edit to add the photo of the shiny horse).

Well I assume you mean genetically, because many sloths have moss growing on them that give them a green appearance.Found on google images.I don't have a good answer for the green but I have great answer for the blue.Blue is actually a very rare color in nature. I could go on about why and the science behind the eye and wave lengths of color, but that would make this answer too long so you're gonna have to trust me on that one.But I will say that while other colors are from pigments found in an animal, blue is actually a reflection of light from a specific angle to stop the yellow and red from showing.So when you see birds with blue feathers, you're actually seeing an absence of yellow and other warm colors, rather than actually seeing blue. Kinda like how fucsia is an absence of green.But what about fur? You see, a big difference between feathers and fur is that feathers interlock and stay in a specific way; while fur is less patterned and is usually all over the place. Therefore, blue fur would be useless because it would appear black in different angles.You could also argue that mammals tend to get less sun in comparison to the tree top dwelling birds. So they would have less opportunity to show off their blue fur even if they had it.In fact, though I haven't studied this, I'm assuming that's what green animals do as well. Because you can't have green without blue. That part of my knowledge is sadly limited. (I guess I'll update this when I educate myself on green)

Why is it that we Humans have different skin colors?

i think its because depending on what part of the country that our ancestors lived in they got darker if they had to deal with a lot of sun and uv rays and if you lived somewhere you didnt have to deal with a lot of that you stayed lighter, except for like the guy said some people do have orange skin cuz they tan way to much and i have no idea why we dont have green or blue

Which skin color is the most rare in this world?

Asian skin tones are the most common because Asians are the largest race in the world.
Black/African skin tones are the second most common.
Caucasian skin tones-as white as possible-is the least common.

The more paler your skin is, the least common it is because pale skin is not possessed naturally by many people. A lot of Asians and Africans use skin bleaching to achieve pale skin which is dumb because they can actually die from the ingredients in it.

Edit: Uh Riley, where did you get the idea that only Australians have bronze skin because I know British people, American people and South American people with bronze skin?

Most of the animals on Earth, and all of the vertebrates, are unable to make blue or green pigments. Animals without fur compensate for this by using refraction effects to separate out the blue light, such as micro-barbs on feathers or micro-scales on reptiles or tiny ridges on the skin of amphibians. But mammals are covered in fur and lack scales or feather, so this method isn't available to us. Fur is a lot like feathers, but a hair doesn't bifurcate; it doesn't have the little barbs that can scatter blue light like bird feathers do. Mammalian fur can be made the right thickness to scatter blue light, as in some breeds of dogs or cats, but it's still not a very intense blue, and even then it doesn't serve as well as insulation or as padding, so there's a trade-off involved, and among wild animals, it generally hasn't been worth it.Here's a Russian Blue. This is about as blue as mammals get.Some mammals, like sloths, allow symbiotic green algae to grow in and on their fur to create a green color, but sloths are pretty weird.NPR recently had an article on this very subject: How Animals Hacked The Rainbow And Got Stumped On Blue

Colors aren’t rare in nature, they are absent. It’s the brain that produces the colors we see. But that’s for a different question. What exists in nature is electromagnetic radiation bouncing, reflecting and scattering off things. And from the broad range of radiation on earth only a very small part lies within 450 to 500 nanometers and which we perceive as blue. There are no true blue animals or plants. Plants use ”blue” bandwidths for photosynthesis so no use to reflect it back and look blue. And pollinating insects go for other colors than blue.The question should thus be, why do humans unlike other animals capture and process this particularly rare bandwidth and have the brain perceive it with a color of its own: blue? The perception of blue is very recent in our evolution. There is evidence that humans didn't see blue until modern times. Actually, many languages lack a description of the color blue or never mention it. And there are tribes like the Himba from Namibia; they see small nuances of green but fail to detect blue in tests.Science cannot conclude on why most of us (but not all) capture and process this particular bandwidth, especially while it’s so rare on Earth. My take on it is that in combination with the other two primary colors we perceive (red and green) it produces hues that somehow gave us a competitive advantage but which for the Nimba tribe is insignificant. Or maybe it is just a mutation that was passed on without any benefit for survival but with no disadvantage either. In that case we perceive blue for no reason at all other than to appreciate it as a beautiful color.Members of the Himba tribe fail to identify the blue square

Rarest hair color- red… and by red I mean true red, as in possessing the Mc1R gene.Rarest eye color- amber or green (Nicole Richie’s eyes are an example of true amber eyes)Rarest skin color- blue. Yes, that’s a real thing, no, not referencing Smurfs. People with a rare condition called methemoglobinemia have actual blue skin. The Blue Fugates of Kentucky are the only known family carrying this trait.EDIT: So apparently the picture I found online is of Paul Karason, who had argyria, not methemoglobinemia. Still, the rarest skin color is blue.Darn… Google’s not always right.EDIT 2: I’ve been getting a lot of comments about violet eyes. If they existed, yes, they would be the rarest eye color, however scientists have yet to prove the existence of eyes that are truly purple. Elizabeth Taylor, for example, had deep blue eyes that simply appeared violet in certain lighting.Maybe this picture is irrelevant, but it’s Elizabeth Taylor! And note how her eyes are… not purple (striking nonetheless).