Why Is He Still Going So Slow He Hasn

Why hasn't Justin Bieber gone through puberty?

It is a legitimate question!

He's fine. I don't like him because everybody else adores him, but I'll support him on this one.

This isn't the first child celebrity that this has happened to. Do you remember Randy Taylor (Johnathon Taylor Thomas) from Home Improvement? No? I'm getting old. >.< Anyway, he was small for a long time! Eventually, Mark (Taran Noah Smith) started to get bigger than him. So, Thomas ended up having to take some growth pills. In the end, Smith and Thomas were about the same height. (If I remember correctly.)

Give him a little more time. Bieber's balls will eventually drop and his career will go out the window. I'll give him a year at the most.

Why hasn't he called?

I'm a female in my late 20s' with admittedly very little experience in the dating department. A few months ago I met a guy who was so different from any man I ever met and he swept me off my feet. He doesn't live in town, but comes in for business once a month. We spent several months going very slow with just flirting and hanging out. Over a week ago we had a some very good conversation. He remembered things I didn't expect him to remember about me. He gave me wonderful compliments. We kissed a few times. I told him to call me anytime. I saw him put my phone number in his phone. I didn't get his number. Why hasn't he called?

Why is the Flash much slower in his TV series than in the comics?

When a character can easily solve the problems placed before them, the story falls apart.There is a problem common to comics caused by writer ego. Writers often want to leave their stamp on a character or book. They want to add something new and they want to excite the fans. An easy way to do this is to either introduce a new power/capability to the character or to ramp up the power level of the character. The problem with this is that each time a writer does that, it makes it harder for the next writer to tell their stories.When Superman was introduced, his powers were relatively modest. He could leap 1/8th of a mile (200 meters). He could hurdle a twenty-story building (94 meters). He could lift a steel I-beam (about 225 kg) with one arm. He could run faster than an express train (160 km/hr). And, it would take an artillery shell to penetrate his skin.Over time, each of those powers grew as writer after writer wanted to astound the audience. Eventually, Superman was flying in space and dragging along chained strings of planets.Superman was elevated to a level where writers began to complain that it was too hard to put him in a pickle. It was too hard to relate to him. The Flash is little different. Some writers have irresponsibly inflated his abilities to ridiculous levels.The show developers - Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, and Geoff Johns are smart guys. They know that over time there will be creep on the Flash’s abilities. He will become more skilled. He will get faster. He will learn to do new things. That means that in order to prevent killing the show in two seasons, they have to, for lack of a better word, start slow.For a television show to work, the character needs to take about 46 minutes to solve this week’s problem. If they can solve it in an attosecond, well, the show will suck. Even at the conservative speeds that the show has the Flash moving, they’ve already put themselves into a corner in that all of their major bad guys have to be speedsters. They’ve already made it very challenging to find ways to have non-speedsters be a threat to Barry.The show and the comic are better off when Flash is slower and Superman is weaker.P.S. Just because a character did something in a comic doesn’t mean it happened. An event in a comic is only in continuity if later writers keep it in continuity. The Flash isn’t that fast.

Why is Barry Allen so slow in season 4?

There are 3 reasons why he is so slow:He is using up all the excess Speed ForceHe isn’t dealing with a Speedster but a Man who uses his intellectPlot ConvenienceThere are two things to remember for the first point.This Barry hadn’t soaked up all that Speed Force before he left.This Barry had. You see, Barry is a Speedster who like Supergirl absorbs Speedforce in his case and Solar Radiation in her case. When Barry had left he was glowing remember. That is because of all the extra Speed Force he had in him. This meant that Barry had extra Speed Force that he could utilize, and he did. However you must take into account that Barry doesn’t have a constant speed. Sometimes he is chasing a thug, and sometimes he is chasing a Samurai robot while running over Windmills. This means that Barry may use more sometimes and less other times. However more to my point. Barry is justing using up all the excess Speed Force that is in him. He is going to run out.Plot convenience and DeVoe. In all the past seasons Barry has went up against Speedsters. SPEEDSTERS. Meaning they can run at super speed, and because of this fact, Barry need to run fast for the Plot’s sake. However this year’s villain is DeVoe.The man has infinite intellect. This year we are going to see Barry use his brain to solve the key to stopping DeVoe. This means, Barry isn’t expected to run super fast but instead he needs to think super fast. This is also part of plot convenience. There was a story in the comics in which one of the Flashes says that he doesn’t run fast because he knows it isn’t required when comes to a pitty thief but say intergalactic being my require immense speed.In short Barry doesn’t run fast because, he is using up all the excess Speed Force, he isn’t dealing with a Speedster but a Man who uses his intellect, plot Convenience.Thanks,Ryan

3 years and he still hasnt said I love you?


Been with my BF for 3 1/2 years.. I am now 22years old.
He still hasn't said I love you? before it wasn't so much of a big deal.
But now that my best friend is engaged they have just gone on their third year.. by other bestfriend has been with you man for 5years and always tell each other they love each other even when times are bad.. I have told him I love him quite a few times over the years but am finding it very hard to see where our relationship is going? we have not looked into the future and made plans?
He hasn't been in the best of situation due to the lack of employment in our country. so I do think this has dimmed his confidence? I need a males perspective on what I should do? hang in there.. or see what the future holds for me??

Thanks :)

He still hasn't said I love you after 6 months?

If you are in your mid 20s, no doubt you've noticed by now that boys' and girls' minds work differently. This can be really frustrating when we can't figure out how each other thinks. But it's part of what makes us so fascinating to each other.

Anyway, one of the differences has to do with the words 'I love you'. Girls want to hear the words every so often. They have to be bold. Boys don't care so much about the words, they go by actions. If you tell a guy you love him, he'll say 'Uh. . . okay.' But you SHOW him you love him, mostly by just putting up with him. If you've been with him six whole months, continuously, well then he knows you love him.

So rather than just mouth words, he's not even sure what they mean, he tries to show you he loves you. Guys aren't good at that. You could come up with a dozen ways, but guys have to really think about it.

You might ask him 'Do you love me? It's been six months. Have you decided yet?' 8^)

Why does my Boyfriend want to take things slow?

Three months is nothing. Most relationships don't make it past six months. Give him time. We are tired of getting hurt and some of us are smart enough to want to be sure that we are not wasting our time or our feelings.

Some of you girls seem to have a habit of getting us involved with you and once we have feelings invested you suddenly decide that, "Oh, maybe we should just be friends." If that's the case, I say to just piss off.

If you want to escalate things a bit, try being a little more 'touchy' with him. It will help to give him assurance that you like him. We don't always know.

Best Wishes


Why hasn't he asked for my number yet?

I'm in college and I've recently been starting to hang out with this guy regularly after class for lunch. We get along really well, always having so much fun talking and getting to know one another. He's even asked me questions about who I may have feelings for among the people we mutually know. (Side note, I've heard from numerous people how he thinks I'm really cute) It's been about 2 weeks now, having lunch every other day and he still hasn't asked for my number when we obviously click/vibe with each other. I think he may be somewhat shy or maybe scared of getting rejected. Am I valid for thinking this way and should I just go for it and ask or hint to him myself like "hey, i don't think you have my number..."??

It's been 3 months and he hasn't said "I love you," should I be concerned?

Men (over 18) will wear out your patience if you think time has anything to do with it. Also it's their lack of insight or up-bringing if it seems they are just enjoying the friend with benefits. They keep you at bay so they can see if the action carry them further around. The time-line is depended on how mature, and taken he is with you. He sounds like he just doesn't know at this point. If you need to prod him go for it. Some men need that the whole time you know them or are with them in any form of relationship. He might be one of those......

He hasn't text me all day?

Me and the guy I "talk" to have been texting everyday for nearly two weeks now. He is usually the one to text first but sometimes I do if he doesn't, but today is different. Every morning he sends me a good morning text, but today nothing. Then I saw him at school a couple of times but only one time he said something. Now he still hasn't text me. I have no idea why he hasn't and Im kinda freaking out. I know Im overreacting but I just cant take not talking to him all day. Should I text him tonight or just wait out?