Why Is It Almost Politically Incorrect To Say Anything Negative About Mentally Ill Behavior Until

Why don't people believe mental illness is real?

I've met more than a few people who think mental illness is for attention or an excuse for medication/crimes. I think that's completely stupid personally. They seem to agree Schizophrenia is real though. Of course Schizophrenia is visible to xrays I've heard. And is probably the worst disorder, I wouldn't know but I've heard it many times. I personally have DID or MPD and Misophonia. These are two disorders MANY people consider fake. It even says on almost any page that DID is debated to be fake, and says people fake it for some reason. I certainly wish I was faking the depersonalization and derealization, amnesia, depression, self harm, panic attacks, and hallucinations. And with Misophonia people think it's just "being annoying by sound" No, (sorry for the sounding like I have no remorse, I do) Certain sounds trigger intense panic attacks, or anger me to the point where I literally want to brutally murder whoever is making the noise no mater whom it is. DO YOU THINK MENTAL ILLNESSES ARE REAL?

What disability did Forrest Gump have?

His disability would have been developmentally delayed until age 8. A child can no longer be under that category after 8 years old. His disability from 8 into adulthood would be intellectually disabled. There are three different levels to intellectual disabilities. They are mild, moderate, and severe. Forrest Gump probably fell somewhere in the mild to moderate range based on the movie. Mental retardation is a very outdated term, although it was considered politically correct in the 60s-80s and even into the 90s. In order to be classified as intellectually disabled your IQ must be below 70.

I saw the one answerer looked it up and he had an IQ of 75! That surprises me because they portrayed him as much lower than most people I know with IQ's in that range.

Why do people get so defensive with the topic of sexuality? Why do they get ANGRY when it is documented that..?

As you said, people that have been abused see EVERYTHING as a personal assault so they instantly react with a "NO NO NO NO NO! That isn't true! ALL GAYS WERE BORN THAT WAY!" I would guess that the reality of the situation may make the LGBTQ Community think that the bible-thumping nut jobs would take that information and use it as an "All or None" excuse to justify their bigotry.

You would think that the greater public at large would care more about getting sick people help than putting their hands over their ears because it isn't politically expedient to accept the large quantities of data on this subject. It is very sad that since a portion of people are, as you said, "Lab Made", it keeps a large portion of people that need the most help from even admitting that they have a problem.