Why Is It Author Seem To Try And Shoehorn In Romances In Perfectly Good Stories

Why do the movies based on books so often seem to deviate so much from the books?

One of my favorite film adaptations is L.A. Confidential -- really good film that was somewhat based on a really good book. However, the novel was 500-plus pages long, so vast amounts had to be excised out for the movie. Just filming that book would have been unworkable, except maybe as a miniseries. So choices in storytelling have to be made, and in making those choices sometimes characters have to go, or be combined, and plots have to change so that you get from Point A to Point B. I'd imagine the same process happens much anytime a book gets made into a movie, unless it's a really slim book. Another example that comes to mind is World War Z. The book was an oral history of many many different people all around the world telling individual personal stories. That would be very challenging for a movie, so they redid those vignettes and made one connective story that ended up (storytellingwise) going in a very different direction than the book.

How can fan service ruin an anime?

Fan Service can completely ruin what otherwise might’ve been a good anime. Fairy Tail, for example. I love magick and fantasy, so yes, I wanted to watch it. I did even, for a good while. But there was so much blatant, pointless, unrealistic fanservice literally all the time that it just ruined the experience for me. I don’t watch anime to see half-exposed, animated boobs. It detracts from the story and it can absolutely ruin what otherwise would’ve been a serious or dramatic situation because the fanservice gets shoved down your throat.A second example? Seikon No Qwaser.Here’s the main character. Looks kinda cool, right? It’s a fantasy anime, and what I can tell you from watching two episodes is that the supernatural premise is there were “qwasers” who could each control a certain element. No—not the elements like from avatar. Our main character controlled iron, and could bend it to his will. Mold it, shape it, liquify it, etc.His name was Alexander, but he was also called “Sasha,” which supposedly is a Russian thing, but I think they were just trying to push the femboi fanservice. My first warning sign.And it takes a steep, steeeeep downhill very quickly. Guess how qwasers get their abilities?By drinking women’s breastmilk.Yep. No joke. The main character is surrounded by women and we get full scenes of him suckling from them like a babe. Naturally we have the ditsy, huge-breasted girl, and then her more witty, smaller-breasted friend, who’s jealous of her… endowments, shall we say. We get maids and lolis and nuns in the first couple episodes.Literally every important character besides Alexander is female. Naturally, so that he has more breasts to play with. I honestly don’t feel comfortable posting most of the images from this anime because they’re so blatantly sexual. Feel free to google—at your own risk. It is extremely cringe-worthy.So, to wrap up how I feel about this anime:It is the absolute worst piece of trash anime I have ever seen, and it’s because it’s all fanservice, all the time, and it’s fanservice for the sake of fanservice. There is no good reason behind it, and it ruined the anime for me. I liked the main character, I thought the concept of the abilities was interesting. But all this terrible fanservice made it 100% unwatchable. The entire anime is basically some pre-teen’s sexual fantasy.