Why Is It Called Before Christ

Before Jesus Christ, what was the period called and what happened?

Before Jesus Christ, what was the period called and what happened?It was the age of Aries. In those days people referred to periods of time in terms of the precession of the equinoxes (perceived shifting of the stars). According to this imprecise science, Jesus was born around the beginning of the age of Pisces and we would still be in it for another 600 years or so. The next one is the age of Aquarius.

What was egypt called before christ? was is always called egypt?

The ancient Egyptians referred to themselves as" the people of Kemet the black land" or "remench en Kemet".
Another name used by the ancient Egyptians to define the country was as "Hwt-ka-ptah", which transliterates into Temple for the Ka of Ptah. Ptah was the God of the city of Menenptah or White Walls that was later renamed by the Greeks, Memphis.
In later Dynastic eras the united lands of Upper and Lower Egypt were also called"Deshret".
The word "Kemet"( kmt ) is in reference to the black loamy soil that was very high in nutrients, deposited on the flood plains each year through the annual inundation of the Nile. This allowed settlement and agriculture to develop in what was otherwise an arid country unable to support permanent settlement.
The Niles source was high in the mountains in Ethiopia and Uganda and it made its way to the Mediterranean which the ancient Egyptians called "The Great Green".
The modern name of Egypt is derived from the Greek word "Aegyptos" which developed from the Greeks inability to pronounce the ancient name of "Hwt ka Ptah".
After the Arab occupation and settlement of the country is became known as Misr a name that is still used by many Egyptians today.

If B.C. means "Before Christ" and A.D. means "After Death", what's the time period when Jesus was alive called?

It is a reasonable misunderstanding, but a misunderstanding none the less.While B.C. matches with the English “Before Christ” (I don’t think it is English origin, though)A.D. refers to Latin “anno Domini” meaning “The year of the Lord”That refers to the time of Jesus birth. Therefore, there is no gap.Conventionally, while B.C. comes AFTER the number (500 years before Christ)A.D. should come BEFORE the number (The year of our Lord 2017)Anno Domini - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is the time period called when Jesus Christ was alive??

AD, they started counting at his birth. (technically speaking he was born 3 b.c.) so infact jesus was both alive in BC as he was in AD ^^ mostly AD though

What is the period in between BC and AD called?

That area doesn't exist. Now many scholars use Before Common Era and After Common Era and mark it at the same time because they beleive that using an era that is important to one culture is bad.

How were the years dated before Christ?

Numbering years from the (supposed) year of the birth of Jesus was first adopted by Dionysius Exiguus in the Fifth Century.  It did not catch on as a dating system until it was adopted by the influential Anglo-Saxon scholar Bede in the Eighth Century.  The later Anglo-Saxon scholar Alcuin used Bede's works on the calendar and computing the date of Easter and introduced the system to the court of the Frankish king and first Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne, which meant it became the preferred dating system of Medieval Europe though it really only became dominant from the Tenth Century.Prior to this, various other systems were used.  The Romans sometimes dated years from the supposed year of the founding of Rome, allegedly in 753 BC.  This was referred to as dating Ab urbe conditia ('from the founding of the city") or AUC.  This system was adopted by some historians, though it was more common for Romans to identify years by the names of the two consuls who held office for that year, eg "in the consular year of XXX and YYY".  Other methods used referred to the "regnal year" (eg "in the sixth year of the reign of Tiberius").  The Romans also used the earlier Greek calendrical epoch of the Olympiad.  Given that the Olympics were held every four years, events could be dated to the number of the Olympiad and the year in that four year period in which the event fell.  So the reign of the first Roman king Romulus began "in the first year of the Seventh Olympiad (ie 752 BC)".The Jews used a system based on the year in which the world was said to be created.  This system was also used by some early Christian scholars, who referred to it as Anno Mundi (the year of the world") or AM and a version of it is still used by Jews to this day.  By this reckoning it is currently 5771 AM.Other peoples used other local systems - eg the "Pompeian Era" reckoning used in parts of Roman Palestine which dated years from the annexation of the area by the Roman general Pompeius Maximus in 63 BC.  Sometimes one system was used locally long after it had been abandoned elsewhere.  The old Roman AUC system was still used in Medieval Spain well into the Fourteenth Century, centuries after it had died out in the rest of Europe.

What was the time period called between BC and AD. When Jesus lived what was the time period called?

CE, or Common Era (sometimes also called the Christian Era or the Current Era), is just another (secular) term for AD (anno domini, in the year of our Lord). Similarly, BC (before Christ) is secularized as BCE (before the Commone Era). The year 1 BC/BCE was followed immediately by the year 1 AD/CE. There was no year zero. Thus, the years in which Jesus was said to have lived are the early years AD or CE, depending on your preferred nomenclature.

It is worth noting that the year 1 AD was not determined until the year 525, when the monk Dionysius Exiguus (Dennis the Short) developed this new way of numbering the years. He claimed that it had been 525 years since the incarnation of Christ. This claim has been much disputed by scholars, who place his birth anywhere from 4 BC/BCE to 6 AD/CE. Indeed, the Gospels themselves are in disagreement, as Matthew sets Jesus' birth in the reign of King Herod, who died in 4 BC/BCE, whereas Luke places the birth during the first census of Syria and Iudea, which took place in 6 AD/CE.

Jesus 3228 years before Christ?

Why does everyone always leave out Horus? Yes, you are correct, but should have included Horus, because he was the first to fit that description.

What is the time period called when Jesus was alive?

A.D. The idea that B.C. stands for "Before Christ" and A.D. stands for "After Death" is a common misconception promoted by children's Sunday School (or at least mine). While the reckoning of years did later come to pivot around Christ's life, A.D. actually stands for anno domini (Latin for "Year of our Lord"). So while the "Before Christ" expansion of B.C is technically correct as to years (years before His birth), A.D. does not start at his death-- he died between 28 - 34 A.D.See also What is the meaning of BC and AD?