Why Is It Painful To Swallow

Lump in throat and painful to swallow?

You do have a muscle that you can release that can be helpful in getting past your problem. It is the one under your chin.
Press both your thumbs up under your chin and near the front. Between them you should find the muscle that is very tight. Press your thumbs into it and hold them there.
Relax now, take a deep breath and exhale and don't tense up any part of your body.
When you feel the muscle start to release, about 30 seconds later, slowly lift your head up at the same rate of that release until your neck is fully extended. Then remove the pressure but hold your head there for one minute. I don't know if that will be your cure but it should give you some relief.

Pain when swallowing

Is there white stuff on your tonsils? It could be strep or just a viral infection. Gargle with warm salt water and have some cough drops with menthol (to numb the pain) Hope this helps!

Is it painful to swallow capsules, and can you choke?

Capsules (and large pills) are not hard to take if you follow a few simple rules. First of all, take a good drink to hydrate your mouth and throat. Then lay the capsule pretty far back on your tongue. Then take another good drink. It will go down easily. Don't be afraid.

Very painful swallowing, headache, etc?

You pains are caused by tight muscles in your neck. Once they are released the pains should be gone. There are actually two different groups that you might be interested in, one for your throat, a muscle under your chin. When that muscle gets tight it also narrows the passageway up in your throat and when it's released it opens your throat back up. The other is your neck muscles, from under your ears to the back of your head, When those muscles get tight they hurt pretty bad. Because those muscles go all the way to the top of your head they are also causing the eye pains. When the nerves for your eyes go to the back of the head to the eye center they pass by these muscles and once the muscles are tight they can press into the nerves for the eyes and that is going to cause the pains for the eyes. Once your neck muscles are released the pain should be gone. If this just started at 4 once through on these should be good, but if any pain seems to still be there just repeat the release once more. Here's how to release your neck and chin muscles:
Put your hands alongside your head so your thumbs are on the front of the muscle under your ear and your fingers are on the back of the muscle behind your head. Squeeze your thumb and fingers together and hold. Relax your body. After 45 seconds, slowly lower your head as far as you can, release the pressure but hold your neck lowered for another 30 seconds.
With your neck in the lowered position, replace your thumbs in under the ears and your fingers behind your head but right next to your skull this time. Press your fingers and thumbs together again and hold. Relax your body while waiting. When the muscles have all released, slowly lift your head until it’s level again, release the pressure but hold your head like that for another 30 seconds.
Chin Muscle:
Place your thumbs under your chin near the front and press up and hold that pressure. After 30 seconds slowly raise your head until your neck is fully extended, release the pressure but hold your head there for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling, then remain this relaxed.

Neck pain hurts that hurts when swallowing.?

Your neck muscles tightened up and that restricts everything inside your throat as well to make you have the pain while swallowing. To get rid of the pains you have to free up your neck muscles and here's how to do that:
Put your hands alongside your head so your thumbs are on the front of the muscle under your ear and your fingers are on the back of the muscle behind your neck. Squeeze your thumb and fingers together and hold. Relax your body. When your fingers and thumb touch, about two minutes, slowly lower your head as far as you can, release the pressure but hold your neck lowered for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

Why is there a sharp pain in my temple when I swallow?

That's caused by tight muscles in your neck. One muscle pulls against another until one has no give and then you get pain where it's attached to the skull. Your neck muscles go to the top of your head for it's movements to make the rest possible. Here's how to free up the muscles in your neck:
Put your hands alongside your head so your thumbs are on the front of the muscle under your ear and your fingers are on the back of the muscle behind your neck. Squeeze your thumb and fingers together and hold. Relax your body. When your fingers and thumb touch, about two minutes, slowly lower your head as far as you can, release the pressure but hold your neck lowered for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

Sore throat when swallowing, neck painful to the touch, painful to talk?

If you have eaten anything hot you could have Thermal Burn of Mouth or Tongue these include red skin, Blisters and loss of taste.

The other is Viral Pharyngitis This causes Throat pain when swallowing Swollen lymphs glands in the neck and jaw Viral Pharyngitis is is caused by a virus which usually occurs with a cold or flu Along with throat pain runny or stuffy nose, Coughing, Fever and headache. Symptoms usually get better with self care antibiotics will not treat a viral sore throat. If you work that's is probably why like if you are a teacher health care worker anything that involves in contact with many people.

The other most common one is Tonsillitis Which is found in your throat and can be seen it causes pain in the throat and jaw symptoms are difficulty swallowing, ear ache, headache, fever, bad breath, fatigue, drooling, raspy voice and mouth breathing. What you can do to prevent it is Drinking alot of water Surgery, Antibiotics for bacterial infections. I hope this helped I know alot about this so if you need more questions just ask me And some remedies are Warm water with salt in it and gargle it Strictly do not swallow! and that should relive the pain if you do want surgery and have tonsillitis you'll have to wait.

Painful swallowing, just got over bronchitis?

as the mucus begins to break down in your throat from your previous infection it will make the tissue feel very tender and soar. This is normal.

Also, you took ALL the antibiotics the doc gave you right?

As long as you are not running a fever, feeling faint, having trouble breathing or keeping food down you will be all right, however, if any of this occurs it might be time to check in with your doctor.

Why do I feel a stabbing throat pain when I swallow?

As some others have answered, this may be strep throat. What the other responders did not add is that strep throat is extremely contagious, so you want to find out very fast if that is what you have, before you give it to friends and relatives. My dad and my sister both used to get it, and I can remember that we actually boiled the silverware that each of them used for each meal to kill all of the germs that got on the fork or spoon that they put in their mouth. Please do not delay — go see a doctor NOW!

Pain in back when swallowing food or drink?

So..about an hour ago I ate a sandwich and while eating it I noticed everytime I swallowed I would get this pain in my back. So I took a drink and noticed the pain was still there but only while's been an hour and I've been taking sips of water and pain is still there..what could it be? It's on the right side not quite in the middle a little higher then that closer to my spine.