Why Is It Racist To Call Someone A Stupid Jew But Not A Stupid German Or Stupid Roma Or Something

Suppose "The Holocust" is true.why Israel doesn't Take German land instead of Palestine?

Suppose "The Holocust" is true...why Israel doesn'tTake German lands instead of attacking Palestine you know that it was Germans how killed jews,weren,t they ..and why the world is Silence against this clear CRIME ???

Was Hitler a Racist or more of an Anti-Semistic?

Hitler was racist, anti-semitic and killer. Hitler is synonymous of violence, dehorns, madness, and mainly of inhumanity. Paradoxicalally it was his ability to read and to include/understand the human condition and to the masses, the one took that it to persuade and to manipulate to, otherwise formidable, town of 80 million German to send itself to conquer to the entire world. And they almost obtain it. By each word in Mein Kampf, 125 lives were lost; by each page, 4,700; by each chapter, more than 1,200,000. Hitler, a failed painter who ended up tyrannizing to the world. If he had only had the value of facing the linen cloth in target and of persisting in his eagerness of being artist; if it had only been possible to face he himself

Is Britain soon to be called Britistan or Islamic Kingdom of Britistan?

I completely understand where you are coming from.Britain is a Christian country through it's ethos and Monarchy.These principals should be adhered to.I'm not saying throw the book at secularism but it laws and governance should be determined by its Christian ethos.Any Muslim country or other majority religion countries do so.When in Rome do as the Romans do.So should be the same of Britain.It should be the minorities that should respect the land they have chosen as their home as we should respect the way they chose to live.

Why do black people take it so offensively when someone says niggro?

Seriously! like why is it such a HUGE deal? they can call us crackers and we just kind of go along with it. and they call themselves niggro, and i mean i understand its like when u call yourself fat, its fine, but when other people say your fat, you freak out. So can someone please explain this overly judged "racist thing". and also why do black ppl freak out when u say something bad about Obama? If u sed something about bush no one would care but one (black) girl at my school threatened to PUNCH me if i didnt shut up! i mean really, i wasnt even being racist, i just said something about how he was going to screw something up because he barely knows what he's doing. she immeadiatley said OMG WHAT did u just SAY!! and this other black kid got some OBAMA SHOEEESS and i said "wooow" he was like WTF girl, u dont like my shoes!? is it cuz a black dudes on them? huh? i mean come ON a fricken president on your SHOES not even white person would do something like that. they just wanna prove that america Cant be racist anymore now that he's pres!! in my opinon anyway-- ok PLZ PLZ PLZ answer soon

Did the Nazis actually belief the racial crap or was that just for the dumb masses? Surely they must have seen real things like finances, media control, or oil as more important?

It doesn’t seem to me that the questioner is a neonazi. It looks as if he is asking if the nazis actually believed what they were saying or if it was just self-consciously for propaganda and pragmatism, along the lines of declaring allied asians “honorary” “aryans”. A similiar question could ask whether people in ages past actually believed in witches or whether they made the whole thing up purposely to steal rivals estates, persecute racial/religious/political minorities, demonize foreigners ( ei, Joan of Arc), etc.