Why Is It So Hard For Me To Spend My Money

Why is it so hard to save money?

Im a full time college student working full time at a minimum wage job and i cant save money. i did spend a bit much for christmas but i cant bounce back. i used to always have a min balance of atleast 500 in my spending account and 800 in my savings between paying out of pocket for college and christmas and bdays i cant save for the life of me.

id ont go shopping and i havent spent any money on myself in such a long time idk how i cant seem to save money!

now my spending account is like 200 and i almost overdrafted idk how. and my savings is at 40 bucks!!!!!!! were is this all going.

i do go out to eat with my bf and we split the tab sometimes but he makes so much more than me and he doesnt understand why i dont like to go out or drive everywhere.

this financial issue is causing so much unneccisary stress any professionals have any tips???

Why is it so hard for me to spend money? Yet I make six figures and have a lot of savings.

If you have nothing to spent on then don’t. However there is a few things a person ought to spend on.Good Dentist. Despite living in a country with free Dentist or not, a person needs to have good dental representation and hygiene. Your smile says a lot about you in 3 secs. If you have nice teeth then move on to number 2.Eat good healthy organic food. Organic food doesn’t have to be expensive. We live in an. World where organic whole food cost very little. Don’t try to save on food. That doesn’t mean you have to go eat organic salad which cost $15 plate.Good Quality Socks. Expensive shoes and $2 socks? Holes? Smelly feet? unmatching socks on panic monday. You can try to buy 2 dozens of awesome Pringles socks (socks brand not potatoe chips). Do the simon cowel by buying the same good quality clothing wear. This will minimise your life decisions. A person spends good 30 mins on weekend laundry sorting missing socks. Save time, buy good quality 100% cotton socks.Invest on a nice rolex. It will appreciate in value and gives you the status as well. Go for the Daytona. After 20 years you can hand it down to your kids too. It will be worth 300% more than you paid for it too.Donate your time. Many rich folks donate money. Since you feel lost about your spending ability. Maybe go help out unfortunate kids and also shelters to understand how well you live and maybe you will try to spend on the necessity things in life which makes you feel whole again.thanksDr A

Why is it so easy to spend money but not earn?

Yes , it is easier to earn money than to keep it .This is the general tendency for many people except for those few who are FRUGAL enough to be able to save and set aside a portion of what they earned . The rule from the financial experts is that you should save at least 10 % of your income . You have to save for the rainy days . Otherwise , you will find it difficult to make ends meet when you have nothing to rely on in case of emergency . It is quite easy to form the habit of regular saving if you would just practice a little self - control in your spending habits . Avoid impulse buying and buy only what you really need . To avoid being short in money , you can stop the drain of unnecessary expenses . The greatest power we have is the power to choose . Thus , it behooves you to use wisely your power of choice . You can choose to spend your money on things that will temporarily gratify your ego, caprices and whims OR you can choose to use your money to buy only your necessities and then invest or save the rest . There is a test whether you are going to be financially successful or not : " Are you able to save ?" If not , drop out because you will lose . You may think not but you will surely lose . The seed of success is not in you . Therefore , you really have to spend your money wisely and make it a habit to save regularly . And to earn more , you must know more and do more . The secret of earning more is to produce a more valuable service or product . And so , your economic security is in your own hands because you are the only one in control of yourself .

Am I spending too much money or is my husband being too hard on me?

I thought I'd also add a note for those who think I should get my own job. I would if I could but I have this thing called Chiari Malformation and it makes it really hard for me to hold a stable job because some weeks I'm fine and other weeks I get really sick and can't do much. Otherwise I would work.

Why do I have a hard time spending money when I have lots?

I have a friend whose parents gave him thousands a month. He didn’t spend it. He just kept saving it. Then one day, he said “I want a Rolex.” And he went and bought the Rolex for over $10k.Was it wrong?Two years later that friend was working in sales. He said that he’s made over 15 sales in the last year because he made with friends with people who also had nice watches.They respected him because of his Rolex. For better or for worse…Money’s a tool. Sometimes you need to keep tools in your back pocket, garage, or bank account so you can use them later.If you don’t enjoy your money, then don’t spend it for the sake of spending it.I would recommend:wait until you feel like spending it. What if you wake up and have a burning desire to move to Spain? You could easily do that.Having extra money around and not knowing what to do with it is MUCH BETTER than having no money but wanting to spend thousands.But hey, if you really want to unload some of that money, I’m happy to help! :)

Why won't my parents let me spend my own hard earned money?

I am about to turn 16 soon and by May, I will have around $1800 saved up on a debit card from working part time during the school year. I never ask my parents for anything before having this job. I get straight A's, I volunteer a lot, and I have a lot of life skills.

When I told my parents I wanted to get a $1200 laptop (for gaming, video editing, etc), they told me I don't "need" it because it has no usefulness for me. Why can't I spend my own money that I worked so hard for to buy something that I want? It doesn't make sense to me. I'm still a teenager and I really don't see the point in having money right now if I can't spend it. I told them that if I can't spend my money on my will, then I might as well quit my job and forget about my summer job. In response, they yelled at me and cussed under their own breath (well my dad did). They really piss me off right now because it feels like they're controlling my life and my own hard earned money. I'm thinking about just buying the laptop without them knowing, but I really don't know.

Why can't I spend my own money on something I want for once? I mean what else do I "need" as a 15 year old teenage boy?What do you think I should do?