Why Is It So Hard To Find Friends

Why are true friends so hard to find?

Hey, I had fake friends my whole life (mixed with good friends aswell) although I was a good person who thrived on helping others. People just flocked to me and liked me because I was always so happy and helpful, therefore I attracted bad people as well as the good. In highschool I chose to stick around with a popular croud becoming close with them all and loving them dearly. But I found out a few years down the road that they were simply leaches, they wanted me for entertainment and to use my good advice and happy energy. I found out many things they had done to me behind my back after all I had helped them conquer throughout their lives. My world was shattered but I was picked back up by the people who truly did love me. My real friends. I obviously had friends other then that clique and soon found out which of these other people were truly my friends. I cant tell you why you dont have real friends, it could be that your not giving yourself fully to others (trust issues) or it could be a situation similar to mine in innocense, but to find real friends you must lay down all social hiarchys and really find people that match with you. You never know if their trustworthy, just give yourself 100% all the time, sometimes you'll get let down and people will betray you but at least you gave it your all so you know for sure. Keep giving your all to people, trust them with things even if they hurt you because through this youll find people who admire your trust in them and will trust you as well. You will make real friends through sorting through the bad ones picking your heart back up off the floor each time until you find ones that hold your heart carefully. Nobody said life would be easy, they just said it would all be worth it in the end.

I find it so hard to make friends?

I'm not sure if your religious or not, but try going to church on Sunday and if they have a teenager sunday school class, then go! I go to church every Sunday (sometimes) Saturday, the teenagers there loves me! Of course we all go to different schools, but even this hot boy likes me that goes to my church (: So yeah, try that. And if that doesn't help/work (which I'm sure it would, because everyone is friendly at church, most of the time) then try joining some clubs at your school, oh and always dress neat(if u don't already) the better you look, the higher chance of becoming popular is close to being an option for you (:
- Abiesha

Why is it so hard for me to make friends?

This might sound sarcastic or silly but it's not. But perhaps you find it difficult to make friends BECAUSE you find it difficult to make friends. I'll tell you a story about me:For a long time I had no friends and I was all alone in this world. I connected with nobody not even family. All I had was God (but we'll leave my religious beliefs out of this because that's kind of a spicy subject). I wanted to have friends so bad but nothing I tried worked. Then I realized I was trying way too hard. I was nice to everyone, did favors for nothing in return for everyone, and in the end ended up becoming a doormat for nearly everyone around me. You see we live in a world where whoever cares the most loses.But there was a time when I hit rock bottom so hard I finally realized I couldn't go any lower and that's when it hit me. I had nothing to lose... at all! Why not be completely and utterly myself? I did and sure enough I was seen as weird by a lot of people but you know what? That caring the least thing really worked out because I remember during my last year of high school something my friend told me (that's right I said it friend). I don't know how it came up in the conversation but it did he said "Jordan, you're popular." I instantly denied it but then thought about it for a moment. A lot of people knew me and not only that I had no enemies, I was invited to my share of parties, plenty of girls liked me, and I had a reputation for being the "funny guy."If I kept trying to please everyone else and not myself I would've been nothing more than a pawn. Thing is I'm not one and neither are you! You've got a unique personality and when you decide to stop caring about the things that make you think you have a hard time making friends you'll appeal to people so much more. Don't try to act like everyone else. The world wants you to think that in order to be cool you have to dress like her or act like him or speak like them. You don't just be you because you have something unique to put on the table and maybe you won't attract everyone to you like a magnet but you'll attract every right person to you like a super-magnet. If you act and dress like celebrity A you'll attract friend meant for them not you.I hope this helped.

Why is it hard to find true friends?

~~~It sounds like your talking about people you work with,,,,everything starts out great,,,"lets be friends", because its new and refreshing,,,,but think about it,,,if you work in a specific department,,,sooner or later no matter how "good" of friends you all are,,,,there starts to be competition,,who is the better worker,,;who does the boss favor most,,,who will backstab the next person to get that promotion,,,soon resentment sets in,,,and the "great" friendship starts to dwindle away because of the "competition" so to speek, its normal human nature,,,the competive part of us. You get along great with co-workers from the other departments because you are not a threat to them,,,,,so they feel comfortable to be friends with you,,,,and Im sure in their department they have the same thing going on,,,,start out as friends,,,,,then the friendships slip away for the same reasons in your department. What I would do is still stay on friendly terms,,,be respectfull with your co-workers in your department,,,but hang out and enjoy the company of the co-workers in the other department,,,It will make your work day alot more enjoyable,,,,,,,

Why are true friends so hard to find these days?

Ya its very sad , its true, its hard to find friends that are trustworthy. In my experiences, ive had my feelings hurt alot from friends that i thought were true. When i was in High school, i had all these friends , and then half of them became really mean . Theres about 10 people in high school im still friends with and are my true friends. I have a hard time making friends with people for some reason, if i go to a party or something , or an event, i maybe make 1 friend, or sometimes my feelings get hurt right away . Im a unique individual and i treat people with respect and nice to anyone. Im never mean to somebody to make myself feel better. I knew lots of girls in my school that did that , and i thought that was lame to do something like that. Lots of girls and guys did that to me, just was evil to me for no reason at all. It sucks ***. My best friend is my fiance' i love him soo much, without him idk where would i be. My best girl friend would be my sister. And i have about 3 best girlfriends that im still in contact with.

Another example, is my mom , she had friends in highschool and th e y all left her, and then my mom hung out with guys as friends cause th ey seemed nicer. And then later found some of her best friends in college. Now my mom just has 2 main best friends. Other than that its just people she knows. Ya your social life can go through phases, and life takes you places and all kinds of different situations.

Its okay dude, youll find some true friends out there, take a class or hang out at new location and try making new friends.

Good luck dude:)

Why is it so hard to find true friends these days?

TLDR: Because trust is difficult to obtain.Because people are assholes.Hold on, let me explain. As you get older, you become picky. As a kid you don’t care. You like baseball, Johnny likes baseball, so Johnny is now a friend. As an adult a friend is a serious investment. You have a job, you have responsibilities, you come home after work pretty much dead, pondering to just shoot yourself and be done with it.At the age of about 15 you learn the true nature of people: they put themselves before anything else. It sounds like a simple idea, but it’s a bit more complicated. People will easily betray you, people will spread rumors, people will do anything if they see you as an obstacle that needs to be removed.As you (and the people) grow older, cynicism comes into play. You learn to not trust people. You learn that strangers will betray you, stomp you into the ground for a measly dollar. Hell, they’ll do it for fun.You need someone you can trust and that’s one hell of a requirement.You need someone who, regardless of consequences or potential profit, or hell, entertainment will trust you and you can trust them to not suddenly stab them in the back. People do it “for the lulz” all the time. Finding that someone is difficult. It’s one hell of a quest. Finding a true friend these days is almost impossible.That’s why people pretty much give up once they’re older.You need to invest time and money into friendship and if the other party senses something shifty is going on, they pull out immediately and without any explanation.

Why is it hard to find faithful friends?

I'm a dork when it comes to meeting a new cool friend. I'll ask about your day, how's life, compliment you, so on. Well, the last "friend" I met on myspace was a life-changer. I thought I had found my new "online best friend" only to be slapped silly. She totally screwed up my marriage and now i'm seeking marriage counseling for me and my husband. My husband is too scarred from what happened to him, so he doesn't like talking about it but other than that, we're staying happy for the sake of our only baby girl.
Now, i'm having that feeling again for a true friend, one that has same characteristics and views on life as you, but i'm so scared. From that time, I barely even talk to anyone new, and I only have my myspace now to keep in contact with my co-workers and my long time school friends. When i'm out on the street, I have my headphones on so no one will talk to me and I avoid conversations with total strangers.
What can I do to find someone that won't hurt me?

Why is it so hard to make real friends?

Like the friends you see on tv, the ones who are always there for you, will do anything for you, don't judge you, and who you can trust completely. I'm wondering if those kinds of friendships even exist in real life. I have about 2 close friends, but even they aren't always reliable, and although we get along great we have different interests, so it's hard to even make plans. And I still don't trust them enough to talk to them about my problems. I thought it would be easier to make friends in college, but I go to a commuter school, so no one really hangs around there.

It's very hard for me to trust people because just about everybody I trust ends up hurting me. Recently I made an effort to change that, and then the group of friends I had been hanging out with and who I really loved abandoned me, just stopped talking to me out of the blue. It's really discouraging.

I don't know where to even start looking for friends. I make an effort at school, but no one's interested in doing more than talking in class. If not at college, where else can you make friends, really? I talk to people at work but they're not really people I want to be friends with.

Why is finding real friends so impossible?