Why Is It Taking So Long To Impeach President Hussein Obama

How long does it take to impeach a president?

It seems like the proceedings took at least a couple of months when Clinton was impeached.

Why wasn't Barack Hussein Obama impeached for participating in unconstitutional wars???

Because they were "conflicts" and not "wars". This formal distinction of course make little sense to those of us know better. The fact is there is a precedent of presidents fighting wars unconstitutionally. Every president except Carter has done it, including Trump.

Is President Obama being impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors and if so, what are they?

No.  The House of Representative has not adopted a resolution of impeachment, nor is one being considered.  President Obama has not, as far as I'm aware, taken any actions that rise to the level of "high crimes and misdemeanors."

Can a president be impeached during wartime?

Thats what the Repugliscums want
the gulliable folks to think...

Wait until after November...
we'll find out!

Iraq war is not considered
War...Its only Bush's revenge
on the Iraqi citizens cuz that
bad man tried to kill his daddy.

Is a US president who is impeached and removed from office still referred to as "Mr. President" for life?

There is a distinction between being impeached and being thrown out of office. “Impeachment” refers to the process where Congress decides whether or not the president is allowed to stay in office, and whether the basis for a removal from power is valid. Both Andrew Johnson and most famously Bill Clinton were impeached but they were not thrown out of office, therefore they were still president after their impeachments.If a president is successfully thrown out of office through the process of impeachment, which has never happened before, then they would no longer be the president. They would no longer formally be called “Mr. President,” though I believe former presidents like George W. Bush and Barack Obama are occasionally referred to as such.For more information on the title “Mr. (or Madam) President”: Mr. President (title) - Wikipedia

The only impeached presidents are Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, right?

Apparently no one payed attention in school. Impeachment does not = being removed from office. Impeachment is the process of the president (or any civil officer of the United States) being accused of and put on trial for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors".

So yes, Clinton and Johnson were impeached, but were then acquitted and not removed from office.

Can Obama be impeached, even though he is no longer POTUS?

It seems you’ve triggered half of the American political spectrum by the phrasing of your question. Seeing that, and that it’s causing you to get some incorrect answers, let’s take the politics out of it and give you an accurate answer.“Can a President be Impeached after he has left office?”First, let’s clean up some of the misinformation you’ve gotten so far:The US Constitution, Article II, Section 4, states,"The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."Contrary to many of the other answers you are getting, this doesn’t mean removal from office is the only penalty for Impeachment. It is actually a conditional mandate.What that means is, in order to be removed from office, the President must both be Impeached AND convicted of treason, bribery, or other “high crimes and misdemeanors”.This is why Bill Clinton was not removed from office. He was Impeached, but he was not convicted.Simultaneously, it is a mandate that should both these things happen, the President should be removed from office.In that case, what are the actual penalties?On this the other answers have been mostly right, however, that small part is what makes the difference here.Article I, Section 3, states,“Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.”Thus the penalties can be:removal from office (as previously noted)criminal and civil liabilitybeing barred from holding any public office againAs to your question, “Can a President be Impeached after he has left office?”, that’s already been answered here:USA: Can a President be impeached after leaving office?

What are the main reasons Barack Obama has not been impeached?

Because "doing things the Republicans dislike" is not an impeachable offense, even if they like to shout that it is.Without some actual evidence of wrongdoing, an impeachment vote might pass (though some Republicans might even draw the line at misuse of impeachment proceedings in that way), but no Democrats would support. The trial in the Senate would fail to remove him from office, and the Republicans would have egg on their face.But let's say they actually did convince enough Democrats to cross over and vote for removal from office, and it actually succeeds. Alright, Obama gets removed from office. When the President can no longer serve his term, the Vice President assumes the office.That's not a good outcome for the Republicans. Obama is moderately center-right and tends toward being diplomatic and rather conciliatory (wayyyyy too conciliatory for my liking). Biden is, from what's been indicated so far, more centrist to slightly center-left, and more willing to have a fight (especially after a stunt like an unjustified impeachment). It would not improve their chances of passing legislation, and Biden might well veto things that Obama would grit his teeth and accept.Besides, Obama makes a great bogeyman for them to point at. Problem occurs in the world? OBAMA DID IT! Economy has a hiccup? OBAMA DID IT! Stub your toe? OBAMA DID IT!So, while you will hear all kinds of talking about impeachment, because it's a nice slab of red meat to feed the rabid anti-Obama types, the last thing the Republicans want is to actually have a vote on impeachment, let alone for it to happen and successfully remove him from office.