Why Is It That I Am Always Hungry

Why am I always hungry? (teen)?

You are growing. You need extra calories to support your growth. You are hungry because you are consuming the wrong types of calories. You should be eating lots of protein, lots of raw veggies (salad) lots of steamed veggies. You are eating raw sugar in brownies and cookies. No nutritional value at all. The same goes for chips, crackers bread, dips. Your body is a machine that has 2 choices of fuel - sugar or fat. If you give your body lots of sugar it will burn the sugar and store the fat. Not good.

Since you are in a growth stage you do need more carbs than an adult but you need complex carbs. When my step-son was in high school he was on the wrestling team. He would come home from school and eat a huge bag of chips and a 3 liter bottle of soda in nothing flat. That did nothing for him. I started making pasta salad with shrimp or ham. He ate that, felt full and had plenty of energy. I got rid of the sodas and stocked sport drinks and lots of water. B liked water with lime juice squeezed in it.

Get rid of the junk food and sweets. Eat lots of lean protein, lots of raw fresh veggies, lots of steamed veggies, and complex carbs (bread, pasta, rice, grits, oatmeal, potatoes) once a day. To curb the urge for sweets eat simple car bs like fruit. Apples, oranges, grapes, bananas, pears, pineapple. A couple of great deserts - fresh pineapple. It should be tender to the touch and very gold. That is ripe. Peel the rind, cut into 1/2" slices put on the grill or in a hot skillet. Let the bottom lightly brown. turn and drizzle with a very little bit of honey. When bottom is toasted remove from grill and enjoy. A very small scoop (1/4 cup) of vanilla ice cream on top is to die for. 1 slice only! Core a small apple and stuff the cavity with butter, dark brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla. Bake at 350 degrees until soft. Serve with 1/2 cup french vanilla ice cream. Yes you can have lovely sweets just not the fudge and cookies. Make it a little more complex and ALWAYS remember portion control.

You may want to consider consulting a nutrition specialist. Do be wary. You want a high protein low carb diet. Protein will build your muscles and help you with growth. A minimum amount of complex carbs will provide you with energy. Simple carbs from fruit will satisfy your craving for sweets.

Good luck and healthy eating.

Why am I always hungry?

Ok. So for some reason I am always hungry. I am constantly eating. I was wondering what the cause of it is. I am a 13 about to be 14 year old girl. I weigh around 108 pounds and am 5'3". Can anyone tell why I eat so much?
By the way, I'm not chubby or fat or anything. I'm skinny.
All answers are greatly appreciated:)

Im 17.. why am i ALWAYS hungry... HELP?

im a 17 year old female and im constantly hungry and can eat like a horse.
i graze throughout the day, but have a HUGE breakfast, which i still feel hungry after and a huge dinner.
Im trying to lose weight and im exercing but it just seems to cancel eachother out which frustrates the hell out of me.
yes i eat my food slow, yes i drink heaps of water, yes i have done everything people suggest to full me up, but im always hungry and never satisffied.. no i dont have worms
is this my final growth spurt... im so scared i will put on weight

Why am I always hungry?? I'm 15!?

Maybe because you are growing still also did you know that half the time your body is feeling hungry it really means that you are thirsty and so if you were to eat but drink some glasses of water or diluted juice you would not have to worry about gaining weight

For some people, it's puzzling, irritating hunger that makes them want to pick at food constantly. Others describe sharp cravings that demand immediate satisfaction. Regardless, the effect is the same: Despite increasing their physical activity (perhaps the key weight loss technique), they can't lose unwanted pounds. But a little-known fact both helps explain these food pangs - and provides a means to deal with them: Sometimes thirst masquerades as hunger. So you may think your body is asking for food when what it's actually asking for is water. Your body needs water - a lot of water, every day - more than anything else except oxygen. WE can live without food for a week or more if necessary, but not without water. If your body has just 2 percent less than it requires, you'll feel fatigued. A 10 percent shortfall can produce significant health risks. A week without water can be fatal.

Why am I always hungry at school?

becouse you hate the school

Why am I always hungry before I go to sleep?

Have a glass of warm milk before you sleep. Will curb the hunger, give you the right nutrients, will help you fall asleep better and hopefully you’ll sleep like a baby too. Just rinse your mouth or brush before you hit the bed.And it’s not going to affect your health adversely in any way.Another option is salads. High on fiber and zero calories. But I would recommend a glass of milk over salads, easier on your digestive system. And if you incorporate salads in your supper then there are chances you might not feel hungry at bed time because they are not easily digested. Try this. If it doesnt work then go for a glass of milk before going to sleep.

Why am I always hungry late at night?

A new study from Oregon Health & Science University and Harvard University found that it’s your body’s internal clock, the circadian system, that may be causing late-night cravings for sweet, starchy and salty foods. And they are not just talking about night owls, or people who try and diet throughout the day: according to the study accepted by the journal Obesity, you’ll still get hungry when your body’s internal clock is set to nighttime—no matter the actual time of day, and even if you eat a balanced diet all day long.Here’s how they know: Researchers essentially reset the internal clocks of study participants, to make sure larks and owls alike experienced the same effect. Volunteers were then sequestered for two weeks without TV, Internet, phones or visitors (we’d never make it through!) in a hotel-room-esque lab suite where the lights were so dim they could never tell what time of day it was or even what day of the week. Then the researchers varied what time each participant ate and slept, setting each volunteer’s body clock so even if he or she went to sleep at two o’clock in the afternoon, it still felt like nighttime. Participants ate the same mixture and amount of food at regular intervals while they were awake.People were hungriest at their internal body clock evening no matter what they were doing. Why this occurred exactly isn’t known, but researchers can speculate: “It is likely related to changes in the strength of connections in the appetite centers of the brain (e.g., more neurotransmitter release, more receptors, and/or strengthened synapses),” says Steven Shea, PhD, director for the Center for Research on Occupational and Environmental Toxicology at Oregon Health & Science University and the lead researcher. “The main circadian pacemaker that controls all of our daily rhythms emanates from a group of cells in the hypothalamus of the brain. Some of the parts of the brain circuits that also regulate appetite are also in the hypothalamus, so there are clear connections between the two systems.”For further reading :

I am 18 years old and I'm always hungry why is that?

Most boys continue to grow in height between the ages of 19 and 20 so it’s possible you could have another growth spurt however, your body has not yet fully developed when you reach your full height. Other parts of your body especially your muscles and your brain will continue developing. Your brain continues to develop until you are around 25 years old and for some people their brains may take until their early 30’s before their brain fully developed.It is very important to focus on drinking plenty of water and eating lots of fruits and vegetables as well as meats, fish, eggs, pulses, nuts and seeds. Humans are omnivorous and need to get nutrients from multiple food sources. Cutting out certain food groups will increase the chances of having vitamin and mineral deficiencies that are essential to your health. And of course don’t forget to include cardio and weight training exercise 3 to 5 times per week. If you can’t afford to join a gym, there are many ways to get exercise. You can do body weight exercises, walking, running etc. are all good options. You can also buy a cheap set of dumbbells and barbells and use them in the privacy of your own home or bedroom and there are plenty of tutorials online that will help you perform these exercises properly.Stay away from drugs and don’t start drinking alcoholic beverages until you’re in your early twenties. This can affect your body’s development. This is why we have age laws about consuming alcohol and tobacco. Another reason to avoid these things is because they may also affect how much you pay for health insurance and your car insurance. lets just ignore all the politics about these topics… it is a fact that People who consume alcohol or smoke tobacco especially young people could end up paying an extra 10% on their insurance every month.Doing all of this will help you optimize your growth and body development. But ultimately it is your own genes that determine how tall you will be. Even if you have tall parents, that doesn’t always mean you will be the same size.

14 years old always hungry?

I am 14 years old girl and I am always hungry ALWAYS !
I dont want to get fat.. I am doing belly dancing
and the problem is that I am eating alot and i am ALWAYS hungry ...
yestirday i had scrambled eggs, 2 costco flower tortillas and a straberry milkshake( homemade)
then I got hungry and I ate early lunch , mozzarella sandwich with letuce and tea
then I ate dinner, I ate pasta
one hour later I got hungry and I ate a tuna croissant
then 2 hours later I got hungry and I ate a straberry with chocolate but that wasn't enough so I ate some cesar salad and an Argentine empanada that y mom bought at a restaurant. one wasn't enough so I ate one and a half .

Why am I always hungry?! im 13, is it just puberty ?

ok calm down! :)
i had the same problem. I am petite, 14, 102 lbs, 5'5. I feel like i can eat anytimee anywhere. Do not worry! If you have cravings its your body's way of saying that your body needs that to grow. Even if it seems like all of a sudden you've become sort of round and curvy at one point in time, you will of a sudden grow a lot taller. Some people just grow that way. So your fine just don't try to diet or anything just go with the flow. If you feel really uncomfortable about it you can talk to your mom or your doctor. Don't stress!
Best of luck!