Why Is It That I Have A Poor Work Ethic

Why do I have such a poor work ethic?

You must learn how to let go of things in life. You can't keep doing this to yourself.

My poor work ethic

It's great that you recognize this as a problem and are looking for a solution.

Chores usually aren't fun for anyone, including your mother, so maybe you need to look at it in a different light. You could start by making a list of all the things in your life you are grateful for, and by recognizing how many of these things are made possible for you by your mother's hard work. Hopefully this will increase your desire to make your mom's life easier by helping out more.

If you are a praying person, you should pray for the willingness to help out around the house.

Procrastination does not change a thing--it merely postpones the inevitable and makes you miserable in the meantime, thinking about what has to be done. By tackling the job immediately, you get it over with and are free to do whatever you want without anything hanging over your head. Trust me, you'll feel better by getting to these things right away.

If you're not up to the entire job all at once, try this: set a timer for 15 minutes; work as hard as you can for those 15 minutes, then reward yourself with a 10 minute break. Continue until the job is done.

Finally, by improving your work ethic, you will eventually improve your LIFE. Employers are not impressed by poor school records and lazy employees. Work hard in school and at work and you will improve your life tremendously.

Good luck to you!

Do I have a poor work ethic?

Currently doing an apprenticeship I work along different company’s on different contracts . On my first contract I was on a housing building site learning all parts of carpentry . Now a year later I’m working on a school , all I’m doing is skirting and architray , not learning anything . Being left alone to just do the same boring thing everyday which is pretty much DIY work. I’m on a poor apprenticeship and I have to travel far without any petrol money .
Been told I drag my feet along all day and have a poor working ethic

Your work ethic is a function of your own self-discipline and how much you like your job.If you love your job and have low self-discipline, you're still likely to go because it is something you love.  If you dislike your job and have low self-discipline, you are less likely to go.At the end of the day, your work ethic is a personal choice.  You are the one who chooses to get up and go to work or to stay home and be a lump.  You will likely find, though, that the results of your poor work ethic are not a personal choice.  Your employers will eventually get tired of your poor work ethic and they will fire you.  When your next prospective employer calls to verify your work history, there is a chance they will be told that you had a very poor work ethic.  If so, you will not get hired.Do this too often and you will find yourself unemployable by all but the least caring of companies and you'll see how much life sucks when your greatest work achievement is getting 3 customers in a row to up-size their fries and drink.And, for the record, any employer who is even moderately observant will very quickly figure out that you're playing hooky.  Once they do, it's only a matter of time before they start building a paper-trail on you so they don't have to pay unemployment when they fire you.Wise up before it's too late and realize that you're not a unique snowflake.  Change your attitude and learn some self-discipline before it's too late.  Or, get used to hearing "No, I don't want any fries with that".

Liberals and poor work ethic?

The idea stems from welfare, which Democrats are more likely to back and Republicans are more likely to have a problem with.

Republicans assume that since they themselves are selfish and would not want to give away their money to help others, Democrats are the same. So if Democrats support it, they must be the ones getting the money, and therefore must be the ones without a job and just want free money.

However, it is Liberal states like New York, Massechussetts, and New Hampshire that pay the bulk of taxes, so that Republican states like South Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi can get the VAST bulk of the welfare assistance.

Do I have a poor work ethic or bad boss?

I had the day off yesterday and i got a call from work
The first thing the boss asked is what time i can get there
I told him "no can do" I have friends showing up for dinner

My wife and I bought Seafood as well as alcohol and I
started my day off with the intention of HAVING the day off.
My boss said he was really short last night on second and figured
i could use the hours, I outright refused and he said with my attitude i may wanna
think about the future and asked if my day off was more important than being employed.

basically I know the plant and my job real well,
and its going to be tough to replace me

i show up everyday on time and give them 110%
50 hrs a week for only 13/hr+shift differential
what makes him think I owe them more than that

Working with co worker/poor work ethic?

This co worker and I work together as a go to person. We both were on a rotation. When it was her week she is always behind on her end and when it was my week I always ended up cleaning her stuffs along with my stuffs. This is a on going problem for a long time so I address it to my manager many times about her poor work ethic and it still not being solved. I on the other hand was a very good worker and I take my job seriously.One day I went above my manager for advice because I thought that if my manager couldn't do anything about it maybe I should ask someone for their advice. Probably that person that I ask for advice forward my email to my manager and everything chance. Ever since that I felt like my manager treat be badly and favored the other co worker. What I didn't understand is that why the co worker with the poor work ethic get all the attention and the one that take her job seriously get to be the bad guy? I felt like I being taken advantage.

Does poor work ethic piss you off too?

It is hard for minimum wage workers who have to hold multiple jobs just to provide for their families. A lot of companies hire people on false premises, promising them more hours, a raise after 90 days, and levels of training that will continue to give them more raises, which in the end never occur. If people were paid what they were worth, and their boss spent 5 minutes a month to praise them on something, then I think we would have happier workers, hence better work ethics.