Why Is It That Only Privileged White Conservatives Try To Tell The Rest Of Us That The Name

Construct a definition of the terms "white privilege" and "white supremacy."?

White supremacy is the idea that whites are a superior race and should always be in positions of power over non-whites.

White Privilege is a phenomenon in some societies where whites tend to be trusted more than non-whites. This is a subtle thing, but is backed up by data and can be tested.

For example police perceiving whites as less of a threat and so using force less often than in similar situations with non-whites.

Or police giving a "warning" for a white driver where a non-white driver would be cited.

Or a bystander siding with a white person in an argument when both participants have equally good arguments.

Or a white person having an easier time escaping a false accusation of shoplifting than a non-white person.

Or a person with a white-sounding name being more likely to be offered a job or a place in a university than a person with an identical resume and a non-white sounding name.

The nature of white privilege is that it's very difficult for the white person to see that it's happening, as it is human nature not to question things that benefit us.

Why do conservatives cling to the outdated American Constitution?

The left sees the Constitution as an evil document that was written by white men for white men and you know what they think of white men. The left sees it as written for people who believe in God above government and the dignity of the common man rather than the collective welfare. The left sees people as having evolved from apes who are now destroying the planet, especially the white man. They see the white men as greedy, bigoted, racist, and ignorant because they believe people should have the freedom to control their own destiny, but the left sees them as keeping the non whites and females poor while they are the wealthy land owners.

They see the idea of expecting people to lead responsible, moral lives as returning them to slavery. Freedom to them is "anything goes" and they don't want anyone around making them feel bullied out of their narcissism or expecting them to earn a living. Funny thing is they will have to earn a living anyway but they just won't realize much from their efforts above the bare necessities. This is what happens when the future is devoid of hope and the disenfranchised form a mob. Human dignity becomes an entirely different matter.

Conservatives want to retain the dignity of man to choose their own destiny rather than be controlled by the nanny state.

I am a white person who does not believe in white privilege, am I racist?

Let’s look at the police because this is obvious and clear cut case of white privilege. When you interact with the police you expect them to behave respectfully towards you if you behave respectfully towards them. This is the way it should be for everyone.What should not be happening is if you are lying in the road with your hands up because you are trying to calm an autistic kid you get shot. As a white person you won’t. As a black person … it depends on the cop and the day. The chance is low but it is there and is something you have to take account of.The point behind white privilege isn’t that it’s wrong to be almost certain that when you’ve done nothing wrong you won’t be shot by the police - that’s the way things are supposed to work. The point is that for a lot of people in America having done nothing wrong won’t always protect you from being killed by the police. You having it when they don’t is a privilege.This leads to three options:If you think not being shot by the police arbitrarily is a right everyone should have you should join or at least support the campaigns. (Everyone knows that no one has enough time to support all good causes).If you think that the police don’t kill people when they are lying down with their hands up or shoot pre-teens with toy guns with no attempt to check … anything then you aren’t paying attention. (I could have picked plenty of other incidents there).If you think that black people should be shot by the cops when they have done nothing wrong then you are racist.And why you feel you are hated? Because while you claim that there’s no such thing as white privilege you are getting in the way of getting this sort of crap fixed.

Why are white women such vile, parasitic, treacherous whores these days?

They've united with the rest of the world in blaming White Men for every problem to occur in the history of humanity.

They moan about "White Male Privilege" when they're the most privileged group in the world.

White women will deserve it when they're being raped and circumcised by their black and brown saviours. If White Men are destined for hell, we ought to drag the White whores with us. They deserve to burn for their betrayel.

Are some conservatives using "Obama voter" as a euphemism for the N-word?

It's not too surprising, when conservatives can't find anything substantial that they actually believe in, (like the societal domination implied authority of "white privilege") they settle for the lowest common denominator which usually includes character assassination, race card annihilation and lame ignorant stereotypes.