Why Is It That The Most Uneducated And Ignorant People Watch Fox News Like The Sheep They Are

Why do highly educated people support the Democratic party?

A number of answers have suggested that the Democratic Party is inherently more appealing to highly educated people, and suggest that this is because of belief systems inherent from education. This may or may not be true, but I find it a bit nebulous to measure. It also falls into a common fallacy about political affiliation. We tend to think of people as choosing political parties. While this is true, political parties also choose people.The purpose of political parties is to win elections. To win elections, they need the support not of individuals so much as large groups of people. People do not tend to change party affiliation often, and a lot of their choice of parties is determined by the communities which they are a part of. Geography is one of the biggest predictors of party affiliation, for example. Urbanized areas tend to be heavily Democrat leaning, while suburban and exurban areas often lean more Republican, while rural areas vary for geographic region. The Democratic Party largely abandoned the Southern states some time ago, and they retreated to coastal, urbanized states, to great success I might add. These areas have a a higher level of educational attainment in general, so this means the Democratic Party does as well.However, when you look at Republican leaning states, this relationship does not always hold. For example, in South Carolina, my home state, 24% of Democrats have a bachelors degree, and 16% have an advanced degree. However, for Republicans, it is 30% holding a bachelors degree and 20% with an advanced degree. Clearly plenty of educated people in South Carolina are Republicans.If I had to oversimplify the two major parties’ current core demographic, I would say that Democrats are the party of urban interests, while Republicans more the interests of the suburban and exurban voters. Obviously a more thorough description would also factor race, income, sex, education, and others factors. But these are all interrelated factors. Geography does tie a lot of these together, as seen by this mapSource: Wikimedia Commons, File:2016 Nationwide US presidential county map shaded by vote share.svg - Wikipedia

Why are so many people incapable of independent thinking?

It seems in our society, there's a sizable population who only thinks how the media, politicians, teachers, etc tell them to think. When attempting to have a conversation or arguement with these people, it's obvious they are just regurgitating propaganda (Usually PC) which has been programmed in to their brain; and not all of these people are young in fact the older ones can be the worst.. Does anyone else see this or am I just warped?

Is the Foxnews spreading hate, fear and violence by spreading disinformation?Is this similar to RTLM in Rwanda?

Yes, Fox is biased. They, for a multitude of reasons chose the partisan route, as did MSNBC. One reason is primacy in news, they are the highest rated news broadcaster. But the way FNC is biased is alot more subtle than you are implying. I'd have a look at the documentary Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism for a really good look at the subliminal impartiality of Fox.

However, I think alot of people who watch Fox don't really take it seriously, at least when the opinion shows come on. I for one watch Fox but am very aware when they put in their biases. Their "straight" news programs are not very biased but they'll occasionally throw in opinion to skew a story. Just count how many times you hear "some would say", which is equivalent to saying "my opinion is". When watching MSNBC its very clear when the opinion shows are on, but not as clear with Fox.

Now the problem comes when a great deal of people in this country take the words of the opinion shows and biases of the "straight" news stories to heart. Fox displays a very clear narrative that alot of people in this country identify with. The same goes with MSNBC, they are both partisan news organizations. But no one does partisanship like Fox. There is a very clear imbalance between MSNBC and Fox in terms of insertion of opinion into news and subliminal bias.

Oh, and to the commenter above me, "MSNBC is just as biased for the left wing and has radical hosts like Maddow, Olbermann, and Schultz." I don't think it's fair to compare Maddow, Olbermann (maybe Schultz) to Glenn Beck and call them radical. They are partisan like O'reilly and Hannity are partisan. Beck takes opinion show to a whole new level. His show particularly gets people very riled up about government intervention and libertarian values, but does so in my opinion in an irresponsible way, by playing more to people's fears than coercion with rational argument.

Now to the guy below me, he's a perfect example of how fear and prejudice are perpetuated by partisanship. There's no need for personal attacks in politics. What every happened to rational discourse? The founders would look at us in shame.

Why is the world so biased?

Yeah. Cos of the existence of rednecks americans who were arrogant their whole lives. They were blinded n they do not realize that. They felt that to withdraw their stupid troops means to waste the war effort and they want the troops to be worthy being in a desert, the worhtiest effort is to get killed and do some honour rather than whining everyday that war sucks and they wanna go hom. (which in fact what the soldiers are doing now)

The war was planned all along to destory saddams regime. Sold him some chemical weapons, then get him hanged and take over the oil. Its hidden political gains and a win win situation, while those blinded americans believed that going there for war was to save the people from hardships and to give them freedom. In actual fact, they were better off and happier before the troops arrived. Just like bombing japan, killing the innocents, in order to save the world. It was also meant as a test-run for never-before-seen A-bomb, in other words, to show off their military power and to gain some extra cash for rebuilding japan during the aftermath. If there was no political/financial gains, why on earth would someone chronically play the role of an angel to save the world by being a friendly innocous tooth-fairy? And the citizens were continuously mind-fuked without them knowing it, believing in those fairy tales CNN broadcasts. Thats the price to pay for eating too much Burgers. It kills your brains cells and made you take the media at face-value, because your sense of deliberating and self-control would be destroyed by the stupid freedom-fries they consumed.