Why Is It That We Remember The Bad Stuff In Our Lives More Then The Good Stuff

Why do we remember the bad moments in our lives more than the good ones?

We remember bad times better than the good because our emotions influence how we process memories.Negative emotions generally involve more thinking, and the information is processed more thoroughly than positive ones.Our memory network works in this way so as to enhance your chances of survival if you encounter a similar negative event.Example: Think of a past event like a wedding or a presentation you gave etc, while you recall you will observe that you remember a negative comment given by someone distinctly. You will also remember the happy moments but the emotions of the negative comment will subconsciously stick to your mind for a long time which in future occasions will help you to deal with it in a better way.

After the funeral, why do we remember mostly the good things of the deceased?

Few reasons which I can think of are -1. Absence makes you realize the importance of anyone/anything which you do not appreciate while they are living or close to you.2. When you are emotional about any person, there is no space (or less weightage) for the negative qualities of that person but you only miss them.

Why do we remember the sad/unhappy moments in our lives more than the happy ones?

Sameep Bagadia has made a very good point by saying "moments where emotions were high."If you are trying to change it, here is how.I did notice that about myself but it years to change it. I will share my experience with you and see if that helps.I used to remember the sad moments and always felt sorry for myself. I felt I was focusing on the negativity. Always complaining and I attracted more of it. I always found faults.I started focusing on the positive. Started believing that everything that is happening to me is the best for me. It is in my best interest. Everything good is going to come out of it.And it all became moments and then eventually all of it is just happy moments.:)

Why do most people remember the bad things you do to them more than the good things you do to them?

Actually it is due to psychological issues. It is known as Negativity bias.The Negativity bias (also known as the negativity effect) refers to the notion that, even when of equal intensity, things of a more negative nature (e.g. unpleasant thoughts, emotions, or social interactions; harmful/traumatic events) have a greater effect on one’s psychological state and processes than do neutral or positive things. In other words, something very positive will generally have less of an impact on a person’s behavior and cognition than something equally emotional but negative. The negativity bias has been investigated within many different domains, including the formation of impressions and general evaluations; attention, learning, and memory; and decision-making and risk considerations.Now, let me give you an example;Suppose there are two guys Rohan and Ankit. Now, observe the conversation-Rohan: Hey, man you are just brilliant at academics.Ankit: Thanks , you are also good (even if he isn't he will say it).Rohan : Your height is so good, even your hairstyle is perfect.Ankit:(blushes) Thanks dude. Ya, everyone compliments me about it. Rohan: But, dude your nose  ??Ankit: What ? What happened to my nose ? Its perfect. Isn't it ?Rohan: No man, your nose is bit tilted. All your features are good. I mean your height and all, but your nose is not good. It is too big. It doesn't looking well.Now, guess the first thing Ankit will do after reaching home??Yeah, he will reach to the mirror and observe his nose and keep observing it. He will ask his mum, his dad  and everyone about it.  So, you see Rohan had appreciated Ankit's intelligence, height and hairstyle too. But ,What does Ankit remembers?  Only his big tilted NOSE. Its not that Ankit is any exception here. Ankit is representing 99% of us. We all tend to do this. We focus more on negative and less on positive. That's the very reason we forget the good and remember the bad. Thanks A2A ! :)

How come we tend to only remember the bad things people did to us but at the same time tend to only remember the good things we have done for others?

Human nature but you have noticed so you can grow, Yeah!!!!!The reason is each of us revolve around our own lives. When I have done something harmful to myself or others I provide an excuse for my action, placing the problem outside of myself which is not helpful to growth, but many times accurate.When I see others acting harmful in some way I feel no need to justify their action so I judge it poorly.Knowing this I can cut slack for others more and truly evaluate my own actions without excuses.Hope this helped!

Will I remember my Earth life in heaven?

what it means when the Bible says the bad memories will be cleansed is that they will be forgiven. im not sure if we will remember our earth life but you will not be some perfect marble statue. you will be happy all the time. no pain sadness jealousy nothing bad.

Why do bad things hurt and affect me more than an equally good thing?

It’s sad to say that our negative emotions make more of an impact, but they just do. I think it’s the injustice. I think that I have felt that I’m a good person and that I deserve to receive good things. But if something bad happens, I tend to think about it frequently for a long time. I’ll think how sad it is that I had to suffer this hurt when I never did anything to warrant this! You know the expression “licking one’s wounds.” The wounds last a long time—longer than the effects of kisses and embraces. We’re human and vulnerable. I will say, though, that I have always forgiven others quickly outwardly. I don’t like to carry on with disagreements. But I carry the wounds in my heart.But there’s one exception in my life. I remember the good things that happen with the children I care for when I do volunteer work much more easily than I remember the bad things. I believe that this is because they are not family members and so I hold them to a lower standard. They can’t hurt me like family members or close friends can. And when they are loving and kind with me, I don’t expect it and I’m bowled over by the feeling of love.

We won't remember anything on earth in heaven?

Many people are saying when we die we won't have our brains in heaven and won't remember anything from earth I am 14 and really scared I love my life. I mean seeing amazing stuff on earth and won't remember anything in heaven. It's not fair I am a Christian and I want to remember the good stuff on earth in heaven. I am super scared I don't know why I was born if I won't remember. Anything in heaven