Why Is It When Republicans Don

Why is it that republicans today don't mention how they deviate from the old republican platform or how many members of KKK now are repub?

White supremacist groups clearly supported Trump. They have supported republicans since the 1060's. The Democratic party did not start the KKK, White conservatives from the south did.

The KKK was not started by the Democrratic party.

The KKK was formally and officially welcomed into the Republican Party in 1948. Anybody claiming that Republicans are not sapported by the KKK is lying…

“The Democratic Party, in the first half of the 20th century, was home to two broad, competing constituencies: southern whites with abhorrent views on race, and white progressives and African Americans in the north, who sought to advance the cause of civil rights. The party struggled with this conflict for years, before ultimately siding with an inclusive, liberal agenda.

“The result was a dramatic shift in both parties. After “Dixiecrats” began their exodus in 1948, and in the wake of LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act in 1964, the Republican Party welcomed segregationists who no longer felt comfortable in the Democratic Party. Indeed, in 1964, Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater boasted of his opposition to the Civil Rights Act, and made it part of his platform.

“It was right around this time when figures like Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond made the transition – leaving the progressive, diverse, tolerant Democratic Party for the conservative GOP.

“In the years that followed, Democrats embraced their role as the party of inclusion, while Republicans became the party of the “Southern Strategy,” opposition to affirmative action, campaigns based on race-baiting, vote-caging, discriminatory voter-ID laws, and politicians like Helms, Thurmond, and others.”

Why don't Republicans care about our environment?

Republicans are big believers in the market. Governmental regulation is to be avoided at all costs, and the more regulation eats into the bottom line the more likely it will be decried as being too "burdensome" to industry.

Market forces, however, do not favor kindness to the environment in American-style capitalism, which is focused narrowly on short-term profits over long-term viability.

We all want a nice, clean environment, but the truth is we all secretly hope the other guy is going to be the one paying for it. Given a choice between a shiny new SUV and the latest electric car, Americans choose the SUV. And we will continue to do so until the electric car is at least as good and as cheap. Americans aren't getting fatter by the year because we don't know that Twinkies aren't as good for us as celery sticks, but because we want the damn Twinkies and decide we'll pay the price later, if at all.

Environmental regulations are like your Mom's rules-- you know they are there for your own good, but you would probably not follow them if you didn't have to. Republicans by and large think we'll do fine without all the rules. People are nice and do the right thing usually, right? Then again, Democrats aren't exactly charging to battle waving a Green banner these days either are they? They've copped to the fact that most people really want the Twinkie, and they don't like being told they can't have it or have to pay more to get it. While individual Dems may be green, the party as a whole is rather apathetic over the issues unless they can find one like drilling in ANWR that is guaranteed to get good press.

All that being said, there are certainly extremists within the environmental movement who do not seem to be able to come to grips with the fact that we cannot exist on this planet without making some environmental impacts. These folks are as damaging to the cause of environmentalism as anything occupying a chair in the Capitol. The image of environmentalists as whacked out tree-hugging eco-terrorists who want everyone to subsist on tofu and rainwater doesn't help real environmental issues gain much traction in our esteemed legislature.

Why don't Democrats defend Democrats the way Republicans defend Republicans?

If a Republican is accused of something or says something inappropriate, other Republicans will come out of the woodwork to defend them from attack.

But when a Democrat is accused of such things, the first people to turn on them often seems to be other Democrats. In fact it's sometimes Democrats leading the assault to start with, even in situations where the attack is unwarranted and only hurts themselves.

To cite something very recent, Beto O'Rouke had joked that he was "born for this" while talking about running for President, and a liberal group took offense and attacked him on white privilege.

Why is it that Republicans do not believe in science?

Science is the same whether someone “believes” in it or not. The percentage of Democrats that support climate change, evolution, the moon landing, etc is greater than the number of Republicans. Conversely, the percentage of Republicans that believe in Creationism, a flat earth, and a I-don't-care what-Trump-does-because-God-decides -Armageddon-mentality is greater than among Democrats.As a working scientist (PhD in Chemistry), I can tell you that all my fellow scientists are Democrats. I don't know one that is a Republican.Also, I see that Democrats deal far more with FACTS (Clinton and Obama presided over prosperous times while Bush policies drove us into recession). Meanwhile Republicans deal far more with supporting demogogues and BELIEFS (e.g. “sure we need yet another tax cut for the wealthy even though trickle-down economics have been proven dozens of times. THIS TIME it will work, I swear!”)

Why do so many people hate Republicans?

1) People like safety and security for themselves at the expense of others. E.g. Labor Unions make it hard for unproductive workers getting fired, hence deny opportunities to more deserving, younger workers. Left wingers hate smart/talented H1B workers because they compete with them, but love illegal immigrants who they "use" to "clean their toilets" (The View show) and maintain their backyards2) People like to work less and vacation more. They want to work 9-5 and still be able to afford large houses with backyards and SUVsThe above two are the MAIN reasons why left wingers hate republicans3) People have short term memory. Much of the prosperity of America is due to the hard work and productivity of workers and entrepreneurs. The reason why other countries (e.g. China) accumulate US dollars is because they believe in the superiority of US productivity and ability to remain a world leader4) People are ungrateful. The prosperity that America enjoys today is due to the strength of US dollars. Unless goods were made abroad at lower prices, most people in America would not have been able to afford what they can afford today5) People like to think Republicans are anti-science. While most liberals I know are liberal arts majors who have no idea about the implications and applications of science6) Republicans do not deny science. They just understand the importance of "opportunity cost". There are more important things in the world to worry about right now than climate change7) Left wingers lack reason. The oppose, just for the sake of opposing. They are deniers of the real problems  - illegal immigration, Islamic terrorism and supporters of petty causesFinally, I do not oppose the idea of Obamacare since it disassociates health insurance with jobs. However, it should be operated in an inefficient manner

Why don't Republicans have superdelegates?

They do. They just don't call them that.The GOP sends three additional delegates from the state's national party. These aren't as influential as Democratic superdelegates, because like ordinary delegates they are bound to vote as their state voted. But they are quite powerful regardless, because unlike ordinary delegates, they know where the levers of power are kept and can exert outsized influence if they must. In both parties, there's an understandable dread of too much democracy, because it can escalate into mob rule. But each party approaches their flywheel processes differently. Democratic convention rules are more lax, permitting more overall input, but they put a lid on things by having superdelegates. Republican rules are more restrictive, so they can afford to keep their superdelegates in check for at least one ballot.

Why don't Pro Life Republicans Adopt More Children?

Its not only "pro life republicans" that are adopting. ITs all people who are driven to adopt or can't have children.

The reason why its not more common is because it is THOUSANDS of dollars to adopt. And the process for adoption is LONG and tedious!
I strongly feel adoption needs to be quicker, and less expensive. However, I also feel, adoption or not, people should be screened before they are allowed to be parents. There are alot of people who have given up on an adoption due to the long grueling process.
As to the foriegn aspect... If you would look at the circumstances at the Foriegn orphanages vs the american ones.. the children in foriegn orphanages are more likely to be abused, underfed, and treated like "workers" and animals.
Frankly, the children in foriegn orphanages are more urgent cases than here. Children in african orphanages are more likely to die from starvation than children in american ones.

Think twice before you put all pro life republicans in the same boat.. I am not opposed to birth control.. matter of fact.. I think many people should be mandated to take it.