Why Is My Anorexia Weight Gain Rapid And Others Aren

Recovering anorexic and gaining weight?

I'm not anorexic, nor have I ever been one, but my sister is anorexic and she is really trying to recover. I heard that if someone ends up in the hospital and such, they might be forced to take in a huge amount of calories or food before they are released from the hospital which seems like a stupid idea. Yeah sure, it'll help the person get back to a healthy state where they aren't lingering on the edge of life and death, but they'll still hate themselves and want to lose weight again.

I did some research and learned that if you like don't each, try to starve yourself and such, and then you start eating again, you'll gain weight pretty quickly (which is why anorexic people exercise a ton too, I believe). My sister has lost quite a lot of weight due to her anorexia, but it's not like we can just force her to start eating again.

How do people do it? If you're just gonna gain weight, then, won't you eventually just fall back into old habits? Your metabolism has severely slowed down, won't you have to watch your food, in fear that you'll gain a lot of weight?

For some, such as those who have yet to hit rock bottom with their anorexia, is it possible to "rebuild" or "fix" your metabolism?

How long does it take an anorexic to lose weight?

Please don't tell me about the health risks and consequences of anorexia because I already know. I'm curious as to how much weight a beginning anorexic could lose during their first week, second week, third week, and so on. Also, when would they notice the weight loss?

How come anorexic people can lose weight by starving, but normal people can't?

Because anorexic people have probably been starving themselves longer and they eat even less than you. Normal people usually go on a fad diet then resume their normal crappy eating habits and gain it back. If you want to look good and feel good why not try going on a NORMAL diet? You will probably see results quicker and you will feel better, look better and be healthier. Crash dieting doesn't work and you will end up looking like a thinner, flabbier version of what you are now. Eventually you will lose weight but it won't be in the places you want.

The exercise part of your routine sounds great. Maybe you would get better results if you focused on eating healthier foods rather than severely restricting calories. Anorexics lose weight eventually but they pay the price. Healthy people lose weight all the time, it just requires more thought and effort than starving yourself. If you are going to work out, you need to be eating right. Why starve and make yourself miserable when you can eat normally and make better progress the healthy way?

If you want to look like an unhealthy stick figure, keep on doing what you are doing. It will probably work eventually but you could be risking your health. If you lose weight the right way and educate yourself you will be healthier and look better. The choice is yours! Not all of us have the genes of a supermodel but anyone can be healthy and get in better shape. It honestly sounds like you are doing some good healthy things...So why not start there and put more focus on eating right? The information is out there. You just have to look. Best of luck!

Im 15 5'4 and 121 pounds. im scared of gaining weight and my friends think im anorexic but i dont believe i will ever be. Are they right?

You're not at an anorexic weight -- yet. Your current weight is quite a healthy one, but if you've experienced rapid weight loss and are now obsessed with losing more, with everything you put into your mouth, you could be in the process of developing an eating disorder.

Water does not make you gain weight, it's just that weighing yourself right after you eat or drink anything is going to make you SEEM heavier, until your body has processed and eliminated food. If you are constantly weighing yourself, yes, you have a problem. Weigh yourself only ONCE a day, in the morning after you get up, and after peeing and defecating. Do NOT do it more often. Do NOT weigh yourself right after you eat or drink something.

It does sound as though you are developing real issues with food. I think you should ask your parents to take you to a therapist.

How can I tell if I have anorexia?

I can’t tell you if you have anorexia, but I will share with you my past behavior, which developed into a condition that almost killed me, which was in fact anorexia. Perhaps you can relate - this is in chronological order, as the condition worsened:I added more fruits and vegetables to my dietI removed excess bread from my dietI removed fried foods from my dietI overindulged in fruits, vegetables and some fishI only consumed low carb fake food, in addition to fruits and vegetablesI avoided most things, other than fruits and vegetablesI avoided most things other than fruitI avoided food in favor of alcoholI avoided social functions centered around foodI avoided eating in front of peopleI ate only fake, low calorie food, stayed indoors, became a recluse, rejected my family and friends and became both physically and mentally sickMy heart shrunk, my husband was told to prepare to lose meUntil:I recoveredI eat anything I want, in front of anyone around, at any time I pleaseIf you can relate to the content listed within the first block of bullet-points, please consider that many remain gripped within the confines of an eating disorder and don’t make it to the second phase, because they wait too long. I encourage you to find a treatment team or therapist who specialize in eating disorders, today.

Do all recovering anorexics develop a fast metabolism when they start to eat again?

The truth is- At first you WILL gain weight, when you start eating like normal people do, because , yes you do have a slow metabolism. But after some time, your metabolism will even out and you will start losing again because it will get used to what you are eating, and unless you're eating 3000 cals a day, you'll lose.
Ecxersise always helps to stay healthy , no matter what your metabolic rate is :) It's basically the greatest, greatest thing you can do :) Just not too much ...
Your age is also important. If you're still under 22 or so , your metabolism is very "elastic" and it wont be permanantly slower than it would be without the previous anorexia.

One more thing. I don't know if it's true, but I've heard that soemtimes, anorexics can lose a loooooot of weight when they first start eating because their stomachs aren't used to digesting food , and it takes more calories to digest the food than it has itself. That has nothing to do with metabolism though.

Why are anorexics so skinny if starving doesn't make you skinny?

To properly answer this question, we need to take a look at how the body functions...

When we feed ourselves, we're giving our body nutrients to build muscles, bone, tissue, produce energy needed to run our organs, etc. Eating the wrong foods or too much of the good ones can cause fat/weight gain.

When your body is starved, you aren't building muscle and your body isn't getting energy. Your muscles all start to die because nothing is keeping them up. You aren't getting energy, so your metabolism slows down greatly. Fat, however, doesn't go away. But on some people who aren't considered obese, you can become bone-skinny. Fat tissues are still inside of you; that's all. Your muscles have totally been destroyed.

Since fat never goes away unless you exercise and work it off [even so, it never completely goes away], when you do decide to get some sense and eat again, after being anorexic, your body isn't used to eating anymore and your metabolism is real slow. Since your metabolism is slow, it's best to eat a little at a time increasing your calorie intake little by little daily. This way your body doesn't go into binging shock and you don't gain weight rapidly. Since your metabolism isn't up to speed, your body wouldn't digest food as fast as it normally would, so it gets stored as excess fat.

That's why people say starving yourself doesn't make you skinny-- because it slows down your metabolism that when you do eat it doesn't get digested as muscle and energy, but stored as fat. And by starving yourself, fat never goes away, muscle does. So you're making your bones weaker and ultimately hurting yourself.

If starvation mode is real, then how do anorexics become so thin?

Michelle - that doesnt make much sense at all? If your muscles were "completely destroyed", you would not be alive or able to move. Muscles are NECESSARY for the human body to move and function. And as long as you are USING those muscles, by walking/moving regularly, they remain. Sure they may start to diminish after a while, but that is ONLY after the majority of your fat has been used up for energy. People don't start losing muscle first when they lose weight, they lose FAT first. FAT is the main energy source. FAT is the most readily available. Muscle is the last resort.