Why Is My Body Really Itchy Most Of The Time

Why does my entire body itch from head to toe?

Like everyone else going literally insane from this retarded condition I've read about ten of these posts and still no straight answers I'm 23 years old and I'd say in the last six months I've had these random itching attacks about four times and it usually lasts about a week or so at a time I haven't changed what I eat I'm not on any diets havent changed detergents or any soaps or anything and I mean I literally itch from the tips of my toes to my eyelids every surface of skin on my body itches so if anyone has any ideas any help would be awesome thanks!

Why do my balls itch?

Balls. Do you mean scrotum or testicles?If you are past puberty, it may be your hormones are telling you to find a girlfriend.If you do mean the skin surrounding the testicles, and if you wash with soap, it could be that you are allergic to the soap (or some perfume in it). If you use a liquid detergent, one of those combined skin & hair shampoo formulations, it could again be allergy, or it could be that you are drying out the skin too much, Constant washing can remove the natural oils in the skin, and remove the pro-biosis your skin normally has, leaving it susceptible to infection & cracking.The skin could turn very red, develop deep fissures, followed by various nasty infections green or yellow, and eventualy black (gangrenous), at which point they would drop off. This condition may be fatal.Then again, if you wear underpants, it could be due to the material of the pants. Wool, and sack-cloth, are particularly itchy for some people. Now, if you don't wash the underpants regularly, you can set up a fungal infection. That would itch. Or if you do get your underpants washed, again you may be allergic to the laundry soap or conditioners (or perfume therein).You may have eaten something to which you are allergic.You may have contracted an itching disease like measles.Or you may have brushed them against poison ivy.Or you may be playing host to some mites, Pthirus Pubis (Crabs), or Sarcoptes Scabiei (scabies). These are distant relatives of the horseshoe crab, but smaller. And highly infectious. Or Cimex Lectularius, the bedbug.Or, maybe you have exposed your balls to mosquitos. If you're really unlucky, you could have been bitten by a spider.Also, please avoid getting Cantharis (Spanish Fly) anywhere near your balls. It sets up a profound itch which I'm told can be maddening.Whatever the reason, if you find it a nuisance, perhaps you should consult a good homeopath and get a permanent cure without risking further problems from so-called 'conventional' treatments. Be warned, that some of the creams 'doctors' suggest for the control of itch, can in themselves set up a very itchy inflammatory reaction, and do permanent damage to the skin, (In homeopathic theory, these creams and ointments are 'suppressive'; using them can drive a disease further in to your system, rather than encouraging the susceptibility to disease to leave in an orderly fashion.)Good luck.If scratching, please wash your hands.Edit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ants. I forgot to mention the ants.W.

Why do I sometimes feel itching in my whole body?

I'll try to answer this question.a few alarming terms may be used,so please don't worry.these are just the conditions which can cause itching,doesn't mean that you have those.1.Itching all over the body can be due to deposition of bile products in the skin.this may be due to obstruction to the bile outflow because of obstruction to any of the ducts that open into the small bowels.​​​The bile builds up in the ducts,flows back into the liver,damages the liver cells,may lead to cirrhosis.the excess bile is spilled into the blood,gets deposited in the skin and causes itching.this injury to the liver cells may also be due to alcohol.2. It may be due to any allergies you might have to any medicines you've used,food you've had,even to dust or Certain plants like poison ivy.3.Certain insect bites may also cause itching(scabies and Body lice)4.many skin conditions like Psoriasis,eczema etc.Xeroderma,literally meaning dry skin,can be due to cold weather,Vitamin A or D deficiencies and by repeated bathing in hot showers in contrary to the previous user's answer.5.Infections like herpes6.If it's more when exposed to Sun light,it may be photodermatitis7.Abnormal Thyroid and parathyroid hormone levels in the blood8.Any kidney pathology may result in accumulation of urea and creatinine in the blood and may cause itching.this is usually the most common internal systemic cause of itching.There may be many other causes for your problem.I'd suggest you to visit a dermatologist if you have not consulted already.diagnosing something,especially skin conditions is not easy without first examining in person.hope this helps :)

Why does my body itch so much?

Itching can be caused by dry skin, bed bugs, allergies to name a few. Have you used a new kind of laundry detergent on your sheets? Maybe it is that.

Has anybody else in the house had any sx. Try washing your linens and vacuuming in your room in case it is bedbugs.

Over the counter (OTC) Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) can help with reducing the itching and helping you sleep. There is also OTC cortisone cream to apply to areas where you have bumps. Both of these will help you with the symptoms.

If it continues, I would go and see a doctor. Sometimes it can be a skin condition like scabies, which is easily treated with something you apply and then shower off. The doctor can also prescribe a stronger cortisone to help with the itching. Praying you have better sleeping nights ahead.

Do your legs ever get REALLY itchy when you take off your jeans?

This happens to me when I wear "tighter" jeans too. (I never thought about how it doesn't happen otherwise ... maybe the tightness brings it on?) I do have dry skin so I applied extra lotion to the backs of my thighs. It helped a little, but didn't fix the problem. I did more "experiments" (if that's what you want to call them) and realized that it is always worse the day of or day after I shave. I haven't tried waxing yet, but if I use Veet (I'm sure any lotion hair remover would work too) on my thighs and make sure to apply lotion the problem goes away. I don't know if its the case for you, but for myself, I have decided it is caused by a combination of dry skin and freshly shaved hair starting to grow back. Good luck. I hope that works for you, but even if it doesn't it's worth a try. I know how annoying it can be. :)


Why does my body itch after taking my bath?

Because you're doing everything wrong. Don't worry and it's not personal —everyone does.First, soap. It is alkaline and rips out too much of your skin moisture along with the daily bodily juices and dirt and all. Use instead a low pH soap substitute. “Perfume-free” and “natural” and “"added anything “ is still soap.Second your water is too hot. I'm not saying you must have cold showers only less hot. You'll get used to it. “But I love how i feel while under a hot shiwer”. And suffer for it.When washing your crockery do you use warm or hot water? Hot. Why? because it gets the oils out. OhThird, rehydrate. Apply a thin oil layer within two minutes of coming out of your shower (and patting dry not rubbing). People with really troublesome dry skin can make up a mix of Vaseline with say ten percent liquid paraffin.You probably sleep too hot like most of us. Waking in the night if you discover your skin is swesting that proves it. That breaks down the skin as you would guess.And we shampoo too frequently too. I'm not advocating extreme “"trust the rain” but certainly not daily. your scalp might be quite happy with a non-shampoo water rinse most of the time.

Why does my body itch more when I haven't showered in a while?

Critical t0 the health of our skin, which is a critical organ against infection, fluid loss, etc., is the oil secreted by the aptly named oil glands. This is an antibacterial substance related to lanolin that keeps the skin flexible and crack free and repels water as do the oily secretions of any mammal.This is critical because if it is washed away and this bare skin is exposed to dry air, then the skin will dry out, get scaly and crack. These cracks can lead to infections which can be dangerous or lethal, again, in any mammal.  We see that ourselves when we shower too often or use soap that is too 'harsh' or strong, that dissolves away all the oils.Consequently, as this oil builds up, it will trap small particles, grit, fibers, debris, etc which can lead to itching. Oddly enough, if the oil is washed away with too much water and/or soap exposure, one of the symptoms aside from scaling and cracking, is itching.This indicates that the middle way, as Buddhists say, is always the right way.Realize that any comments that appear on Quora from me are not intended to treat any disease, and are not given as medical advice or reference.For any issues related to physical and mental well being you must consult a physician or other health care professional face to face in your area. Taking advice from any internet source is very risky and should never be done without proper consultation from your personal doctor or caregiver.

Why does my body itch all over when i get hot or angry?

It sounds like your body is reacting to the stress by releasing histamine. Histamine is what the body releases during an allergic reaction, but stress can also bring it out. You may want to try an over the counter antihistamine such as benedryl. You could also try relaxation techniques when you get stressed. As far as hot and cold, try to avoid extreme changes in temperature. Easier said than done, I know. But try keeping your house a bit cooler during the winter so it does not "shock" your system so much when you come from outside. As far as summer heat, avoid being outside during peak sun hours...mainly the afternoon. I hope this helps. You may want to talk to your doctor as well, but I am sure he/she will tell you the same thing.