Why Is My Cat Always Hungry

Why is my 4 month old cat always hungry?

I have a cat that seems to be always hungry. I feed him good quality cat food (I specifically chose this cat food because it is a healthier brand with good quality ingredients).

He is 3 and a 1/2 pounds and I feed him 1/2 cup a day. On the package it even states that he should eat 1/4 - 1/2 a cup for a 4 - 8 pound cat. So I'm feeding him double what he should be eating... and he is CONSTANTLY hungry... he refuses to drink water, he will only drink milk. I try to make sure he always has milk, but even then he constantly meows demanding more food (and will run to his bowl every few minutes to inspect for more food). I don't feed him more then the 1/2 cup.

He use to have worms, as of a few weeks ago, back then he ate 1/4 - 1/3 a cup a day and was happy with that. I had him de-wormed and I check his leavings regularly and he has no more worms. Since he lost his worms he's demanded food up to the point I feed him the 1/2 cup. Why is he so freaking hungry now that he lost his worms?

Why Is My Cat Always Hungry??

Your cat could just like food. Or, spayed cats eat a lot, as after their surgery they're appetite changes (They like eating more food).

Also, sometimes cats are like humans. If he doesn't have enough to play with, or another kitten or person to play with all the time, why not eat?

Also, if you got your cat from a shelter, depending on where they got your cat from, it could explain it. If cats were taken in to a shelter off the streets, or from a family that abused it and didn't feed it enough, it will eat food no matter how it feels. When it sees food, they will eat it because they're still competitive about it. They need to eat it before someone else does.

It's perfectly alright to only feed your cat a certain amount and let him or her meow until it's time to eat again. They will not starve, and will get over it. But yes, fat kitties are adorable.

And, for the bad possibility... worms. They'll eat your kitties nutrients and your kitty will want more. Take your cat to a vet and they can find out and then help you get rid of it.

Good luck!!!! Hopefully you just have a fat kitty.

Why is my cat always hungry?

Just like people our pets may actually be "starving" from lack of nutritious food. Most inexpensive foods are 2/3 corn a known allergen for cats and dogs. Feeding grains to a cat simply goes against its natural diet which is wholesome meat.

So look for premium cat foods which you will not find in a supermarket or large chain store like Pet Smart or PetCo. The quality foods have at least the first two ingredients (read the labels) from a meat source. Chicken, chicken meal etc. Never by-products (that's entrails, heads, feet and even feathers). That all counts as protein according to AAFCO "standards" and it is very substandard as far as nutrition goes.

Cats whose diet is 2/3 corn will end up overweight and undernourished.

Simply choosing a food without corn will mean your cat will stop GAINING and that is a plus right there. The weight will come off gradually and she will be more satisfied by her food. So you don't have to limit the quantity, just improve the quality.

My Bengal cat is always hungry?

We just got a 2 year-old bengal about 3 weeks ago. The previous owners told us to feed her a 1/4 cup of Max Cat twice a day. We have been feeding her exactly that (both at 7am and 7pm). She's not very big (maybe 8 pounds). The problem is that she is CONSTANTLY crying for food. We give her about 15 pieces throughout the day because she is hungry. After her meal at 7pm, she is still meowing for more food. She has already become a bit fatter since she arrived, probably because of the pieces of food that we give her throughout the day. She also jumps on the table and eats whatever food is there (she seems to know what is and what is not harmful to her- she avoids chocolate and goes for the fish lol) until we come down and see her eating, at which point we take her off the table. We are at a loss for what to do, as we don't want to starve her, but we don't want her to become fat either. We are also getting tired of the relentless meowing (especially at night). Should we feed her until she is full? Does she have an over-eating issue? Should we just feed her more? Change foods? Give her wet food (we only feed her dry food now).
Any suggestions would be appreciated! :)

Also, we don't have a vet yet, so we couldn't ask a veteranarian.

My cat acts like she is always hungry.......... HELP.....!?

How old is your cat? Cats of middle age or older are very prone to hyperthyroidism, which accelerates their metabolism and makes them very hungry. The other issue may be dry food. If you are feeding your cat dry food, it is inadequate nutrition that makes the cat feel like it is starving. So it wants to eat and eat and eat to compensate. You should consider feeding a quality meat canned (or raw) food with no gravy, and without added grains, fruits or vegetables. Cats as carnivores require protein for satiety, and dry foods require too much carbohydrates for manufacture to contain enough protein, even the newer non-grain ones. Potatoes are little better than grains, as they are not a protein source.

Why are zombies always hungry?

Science fiction behind zombies goes that a zombie has no higher brain function. So they have the urge to eat.Since sataiation (the phenomenon of being sated) or better known as being full is a higher brain function it's somewhat obvious that even if a zombie has a stomach full of brains and meat it will still be hungry.

My cat is 12 pounds. She always acts hungry, but she has a nice little belly. Do I need to feed her more?

No, you do not need to feed her more. Cats will always try to get more food. I think it’s an instinct from days when they were not pets. They never knew when their next meal would be, so they would take every chance to eat they could get. Now, when most cats have easy access to food night and day, they still want to make sure they’ll be fed. They do that by standing near their dish - sometimes before it’s empty - following you around, begging for anything you have, and crying as if they’re dying of starvation. I think your cat is fine, but check with your vet if you’re unsure. He or she can tell you what your cat’s ideal weight should be, based on their size and bone structure. My cat is small boned and weighs 6.5 pounds to 7 pounds. I can feel her ribs beneath a thin layer of skin and fat and she has a “waist”. That is to say, when I look at her from above or from the side, her body tucks in between her ribs and hips. Personally, I think she’s a bit thin (and so does she, from the begging she does for treats), but her vet says she’s at a normal weight for her size and bone structure. I give her about 1/2 a cup of dry food and 1/2 a small can of wet food a day, spaced over three meals, and also give her treats now and then (because I think she’s thin, lol).Here is a chart I found showing various cat body shapes relative to their weight. My Millie is in the ideal category, despite what she tries to tell me.

My 9month old cat is always hungry!! Suggestions?!?

Hi All,
It seems lately that my 9 month old tabby is ALWAYS hungry! About a month ago (maybe even a bit longer) I switched her from Science Diet Kitten Food to Science Diet Indoor Cat food. My vet told me to feed her 2, 1/4 cups a in the morning/one at night. I've even tried given her smaller portions so I could feed her more often. But nope,she just eats it all within 2 hours and then is begging me for more food in 3 hours. For the last two days I was just ignoring her begging but I just found her trying to rip open her food bag. UGH. I felt terrible, she's never done that before, and I figured she must be really really hungry :( So I fed her a little bit.

Is this normal in a cats "teenage" years??? She's obviously growing so is it normal for them to eat more? I don't know, maybe she just has a fast metabolism, but I just don't know how how much I should feed my baby!! Has anyone else experienced this with their growing kitties?! Thanks for the help!

Why are cats always hungry, though they could survive without food and drinking for a month, maybe more?

Cats are very good little manipulators. They will convince you that they are starving. I am looking after an abandoned cat who is becoming quite overweight lately for this reason. One of my neighbors was also giving her food despite knowing I was feeding her, because she said it “broke her heart” when the cat would come to her crying and I wasn’t home from work yet. I am almost positive someone is still feeding her. Until now she never had a consistent food source, and has been in the habit of going around the neighborhood begging whenever her ostensible owners neglected to feed her.Many cats, like most other animals, are opportunistic feeders. Their instinct is to eat when there is food available whether they are hungry or not, because there’s no telling when they might find food again. When they find a food source they will milk it for all it’s worth. Once they discover that they are able to get food or treats whenever they want by begging, nothing will stop them. If it worked once, they will try again 20 times before they give up, and maybe not even then.This is not to be taken as justification for letting a cat go hungry. Many others have already stated that cats can’t live for so long without food and water, so there’s no need to repeat it.