Why Is My Ear Doing This

Doing it in the ear???

Sounds like a joking reference to the show "Family guy".

Why does my dog smell my ears?

Are you possibly developing an ear infection?I ask because I’ve often seen my dogs investigate each other’s ears and find out later that the dog with the interesting ear was developing and infection. My dogs also do this with our cat; then get very irritated with me when I intervene by trying to see into the ear!Anytime a dog sniffs any part of your body, or the body of another dog or cat, check it out. Infections are a common problem that dogs can detect, another is cancer.For people that feel that assuming that dogs can detect illness in other animals is silly, think about how dogs — or wolves — survive in the wild. Faced with a herd of animals, it is important to select the least healthy of them. So it is vital to be able to detect infections or deeper health problems in order to know which animal is the most vulnerable.Your dog is trying to tell you something is wrong — act on it!

Why do my ears hurt diving even 6 feet?

Diving to any depth requires you to equalize your body air spaces with the surrounding pressure. A dive to six feet is enough of an atmospheric pressure change to cause pain or discomfort if you don't equalize. Most body air spaces equalize without doing anything special. The ears, however, are different. We have to force air into our ears through a small tube, called the eustacian tube, in order to equalize the pressure.There are several ways to equalize the ears while going under water. One of the easiest ways, or at least the easiest to teach, is to plug your nose and attempt to blow through it gently. The air that would have been exhaled out of the nose gets diverted to the eustacian tube, and into the ears.Another way is to try to swallow. Still another is to wiggle your jaw from side to side. When the ears become equalized, it will sound like a yawn or a “pop” in your ears. The discomfort should then go away.You need to try to equalize before you feel discomfort, and do it gently, not forcefully. When returning to the surface, you shouldn't have to do anything special. Your ears should equalize on their own.If no technique seems to work, there may be a blockage in your eustacian tube. This can be caused by mucus, such as from a cold, or other things. You may decide to see a doctor if you can't ever seem to equalize. If that was the case, you'd also be very uncomfortable driving in the mountains, or flying on a plane. When your ears “pop” while driving in the mountains, it's because they have equalized with the surrounding pressure. It's a sign your ears are normal.It's very unlikely anything is wrong with you physiologically. You just need to learn how to equalize. And, as with anything, it gets easier as you do it more often.

Why are my ears turning my earrings black?

I have first and second hole piercing on each ear and a cartilage . my first piercings are completly fine but my second holes and my cartilage are turning my earrings black. i only wear sterling silver, surgical steel or the like. i have all my piercings over 5 years now. i am not allergic to anything so why wouls this be happening?

Why do my ears feel blocked after napping?

Every time I take a short nap in the middle of the day, my ears feel as if there is water in them or they are clogged in some way; however, this only occurs when I nap. When I wake up from a nights sleep they feel fine. I'm not really sure how to explain this... but when I flex or strain my ears -as if I were about to yawn- they usually make a sound that sounds like wind is blowing in them, or like some kind of static, (can anyone else do this with their ears?) but when they are clogged after my nap it sounds like water is making its way deeper into my ear canal when straining my ear, and the passageway feels clogged. Can someone please tell me what the issue is with my strange ears?

Why does my cockatiel bite my ears?

Cockateils are very social birds, and they like lots of attention. You are getting him out, and then ignoring him as he sits on your shoulder. He is showing you that he wants attention! A human child will often do the similar things to get attention if he feels you are ignoring him.
Try playing with your bird! Peek-a-boo with a paper napkin is sometimes a favorite game. Also try rolling a ball or pencil to him on a table. Try training him to play dead( my Quaker Loves that ). He needs attention to be happy, so help him out ! :-)

Why do my ears pop when I chew?

When the eardrum moves back to its place, creates a sound, that sound is known as pop.While chewing mouth remains in motion and that motion helps to regularize the pressure between the two ears, which moves the eardrum back to its position and creating pop sound.Hope this will help you.