Why Is My Friend Being Nicer Towards Me

Why is my friend mean and rude to me one moment and nice to me another? Why is she being nice to me after I started distancing myself?

Hey,hopefully you are in best of health.This is something that i have personally experienced.Sometimes people dont value us cause we are always available but when we distance ourselves then they get to know our worth.Secondly,sometimes people own us so much that they think we will not mind if they are not available for a moment or if they are being rude to us like they are sometimes to their siblings.Thirdly,when we are too nice for people we experience these things.Being nice is directly proportional to expecting the same attitude.The world is not so good.So,●Be nice to others but not to those who dont care.●Never do bad to someone because these things return back to you.●Always let others know your worth.●Dont be available for others all the time.●If she is being rude at a moment and nice at the other,then you need to observe that how was her attitude when you needed her and how when she needed you.Hopefully this will help you.Stay happy❤

How can I be nice to a friend who isn't nice to me?

Unless you are paid on hourly basis as a psychologist, you have no obligation towards that person.If anything, that person will drag you into depression.Happiness is not a state of mind induced by others but a choice that a person makes: you cannot make that decision for your friend.If a person approaches you for help, you can decide then.Until that time, this friend of your needs time and space to work things out.

Why are my ex narc’s friends still nice to me when he has a new supply?

I’ve seen this many times.As it happens, most people that knows and are friends of the narc for a long enough time, they know what the narc do, and they are conscious that he, many times, is an abuser.The line between supporting the narcissist as a non neurotypical person with a mental condition, and enabling the narc to abuse its partners is, at the very least, quite thin.In people with some awareness of this, this provokes a feeling of guilty, because, well, if they are enabling him, they got part of the blame.Many people, generally good people, but people who don’t want or can’t face the narcissist, will try to solve this being extra nice and supportive with the victim in ways that don’t antagonize the narc.All in all, I think this is very toxic, because it keeps an equilibrium where the narc is free to roam and abuse more victims. But it happens in almost each instance.

My friends are mean to me?

u need to tell them how u feel and when they say mean things it hurts and if they keep doing it ur going to have to stay strong and say and say exactly this " u are super mean and u aren't good and our friendship is in a damn ditch u little sh**s and i dont need u ur the biggest Sh** i've ever seen u fatties and i hope thiss puts u into depression and trust me ur lost without me so try and well bye-bye and dont worry ill make better friends then u a**holes ever were" and by the way make sure u quote tht in my school EVERYONE wants to be my friend and im not mean about it and so what i do tho is i kick a$s and thts what u ned to do and ull have to many friends and u wont know what to do with all of them GOOD LUCK

How come my friend will be nice to me one day and then the next day, treat me like crap like I'm not there?

This happens to me all the time. Your “friend” is probably mad at you.The first thing you should to do is take a minute to think about the things you could have possibly done to make him/her upset. If something comes to mind, great! We’ll get back to that. But if you can’t think of anything, then if you did something, it’s probably not that big of a deal. Your friend is most likely being petty and immature. So wait a couple days, maybe two or three, then try to approach your friend. If they roll their eyes or walk away, try again the next day, if they keep ignoring you, then at this point, if you still don’t know what you did (again, probably wasn’t that bad) then your friend’s actions overcome what you did, they are no longer worth your time.If this friend was really close to you, you might want to try a little harder, just remember to be mature and don’t stoop to his/her level. You might want to ask another person that is close to you and your friend to get some answers. Ask your other friend to talk to your ex-friend and ask why they are mad at you, then the person you sent to get answers will tell you what he/she said. Then try to apologize even if what you did was not even that bad. You must be the bigger person in this situation.If you do know what you did, try as hard as you can to talk to your friend and apologize, first, state what you did, then add sentences to offend yourself, for example, “What I did was stupid and I wasn't using my brain.” Then say you are sorry and that you’ll never do it again. If they don’t accept your apology, then that’s on them, there is nothing else you can do but to just move on with your life. If they apologize to you for being immature, accept it, don’t reply with anything snarky, be apologetic.If you reunite with your friend in the end, always have your eyes and ears out in case this happens again.If they start to talk behind your back, verbally or physically bully you, say rude or inappropriate things online that was directed towards you, or do anything abusive or mean to you, speak with a trusted adult, and they will help you resolve the situation.

Why is my friend so mean to me but nice to everyone else?

Basically I have a friend/aquatintancethat I hang around with around school, but for some reason she is mean and sarcastic me and she constantly makes sarcastic comments and is always trying to put me down.

I hate it because she is only like this to me and to everyone else she is so kind. It feels like my presence bothers her. If she has a friend over she is really sweet to her and next minute if she sees me, she'll start being sarcastic and throwing insults at me. She will patronise me and try to correct everything I say and everything I do, she finds fault with. The other day she said I was stupid and had no brain in front of another person.

- when I make a mistake she will say 'well done pgenius' using sarcasm
- sometimes she will randomly hit me in the arm during class
- the other day i walked into class and I made a remark about how horrible the weather is and she goes 'really? I didn't know that' sarcastically
- if I make a suggestion and she follows it, and she gets into trouble, she will announce 'Alice made me do it!' To the entire class
- she even admitted to me that she was being patronising and said 'sorry, I shouldn't patronise you so much'

Why is she so mean to me, but nice to everyone else?

Why is my friends boyfriend mean to me?

he is either covering up for a crush on you or is jealous of the relationship you have with his girl-men are weird-- he also sounds very immature- your not hurting your friend if they break up- eventually he will no doubt start being mean to her as well----

Why is she being nice all of a sudden?

maybe she liiiikeeess you. i think she does, complimenting you liek that....

do u like her?? ask her out if u do