Why Is My Friend Tuberclousis Not Being Cured Still Help Asap

My friend has tuberculosis; her doctor prescribed some costly medical treatments for her. I taught her about the benefits of essential oils and meditation and now she’s turning the treatments down. Why isn’t she getting better?

That would be because she is turning down the FDA approved medications. Tuberculosis is a serious bacterial infection in the lungs. Given it is a bacterial infection, her doctor probably prescribed a course of antibiotics. The exact medications prescribed I don't know, but the typical ones are Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, or Ethambutol or some combination.These are powerful antibiotics, and can be expensive, but they are nonetheless the approved medications accepted in the medical community for the treatment of TB, which is I repeat, a very serious illness.Essential oils… they smell good. Aromatherapy (somehow curing sickness with smells) is “alternative medicine,” not real medicine. Unlike the medications I listed above, essential oils have no medical basis and have never been found to be effective by any peer review journal (this is the way science works… if it can be peer reviewed and published you may have something, otherwise you don’t).Meditation while calming and may be able to help somewhat if stress is a component of some feeling of “unwellness”, is also not an acceptable treatment for a bacterial infection. A bacterial infection means your friend has another tiny organism living in her body using her cells to make more of itself and sustain itself. Antibiotics kill bacteria (not viruses or fungi… quick side note). If this were a cold, there would be other treatments to take to help symptoms, for fungal infections there’s anti-fungal medications. For bacteria, there’s antibiotics.Tell your friend her best bet is to stick to the prescribed treatment. She can even get a second opinion from another doctor if she so chooses, but no MD or DO (real doctor) is going to recommend giving up actual antibiotics for essential oils and meditation, especially in a case of TB.Just my $0.02, but also seemingly backed by science.

My friend is coughing up blood a sign of lung cancer ?

Hi there...

That is serious and she should be taken to a doctor ASAP.. I am no Doctor but I would not say it is cancer. It could possibly be TB? I have researched and came up with the below:

Blood clot in the lung
Breathing blood into the lungs (pulmonary aspiration)
Bronchoscopy with biopsy
Cystic fibrosis
Inflammation of the blood vessels in the lung (vasculitis)
Injury to the arteries of the lungs
Irritation of the throat from violent coughing (small amounts of blood)
Pneumonia or other lung infections
Pulmonary edema
Systemic lupus erythematosus

So you can see that it is a serious matter... make sure she goes to a Doctor.. I do not want to scare you and what she has can be cured and she will be as right as rain in no time. You are a good friend!!!!!

What is the best way to get out of a "no end in sight" conversation?

Start coughing.This is going to require every acting skill you have (and some you don’t).You’ve got to make them believe it.Not just a polite “Oh, I guess I swallowed wrong” cough.I mean, “JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH, MY LUNG IS TRYING TO FORCE ITS WAY OUT OF MY CHEST THROUGH MY ESOPHAGUS AND IF I DON’T LEAVE THE ROOM RIGHT NOW I AM GOING TO PROJECTILE VOMIT IT ONTO YOUR FACE” coughing. “WHAT’S THAT, YOU SAY? TUBERCULOSIS HAS A CURE NOW???”(If you’re really good, you’ll even be able to force a tear or two out.)Reasons why this works:You have an excuse not to contribute to the conversation. After all, who can talk when their lung is trying to leave its body?No one will want to keep talking to you anyway. Ensure this by making at least one or two of your coughs so violent that you double over. No one in their right mind is going to expect you to continue carrying on a conversation.Once you’ve successfully convinced them that you’re in danger of dying unless you get to the nearest restroom/water supply, convey your apology the best way you can and step away.For more tips on how to avoid awkward conversations, buy my book: The Friendly Introvert’s Guide to Navigating Social Situations.(Just kidding. I haven’t written it yet.)

What reasons could there be for blood coming from the mouth and nose? My friend is suffering from this, he is 25-years-old.

In otherwise healthy people having a nose bleed could cause that, but very sick people having diseases that negatively influences one's blood coagulation could in theory cause that also.People having blood coagulation problems could bleed from the nose (and often from the nose to the mouth) also, nothing to do with "heat".Better see a real doc.There is a place in the nose septum where blood vessels form a network, the locus Kiesselbachi, many otherwise healthy people will bleed easily from that, if so an ENT doc can coagulate this place. A nose bleeding if the blood is coming from behind can cause people to spit out blood too.

Why do some people hate Bangalore?

Bangalore is a lovely place. People do love Bangalore but almost everything has its own pros and cons. I am listing few cons here:-Bangalore is a huge city. Its still growing. People who have migrated from villages find commuting from one place to another place too much time consuming & stressful. Just imagine people go by walk from one place to another place & finish their work with out spending a single rupee for their commute. Traffic is something that even people born and brought up in Bangalore hate. Sometimes Traffic jams take hours to get cleared up. I remember the epic Silk board traffic jam & BTM traffic jams. You feel as if like you want to jump out of the Bus & start flying to reach your destination, Impossible though :)Pollution  - Some parts of Bangalore are dirty & not well maintained. You don't feel like staying there even for few minutes.People density - People are pouring into Bangalore from all parts of India, as it is IT Silicon valley of India. So Bangalore is densely populated. I don't know what to term this psychological feeling that i have always sensed. Even some of my friends have told me that they too feel the same. Every time we are in a place which is too much crowded we feel some what insecure, a sense of being lost, Every time i am outside, most of the times I end up finishing my work ASAP & i head towards my home.Cost of Living in Bangalore is the highest in whole India. People really struggle here to buy a home or even rent a house within their budget.In Bangalore you will easily find people who are frequently visiting pubs , drinking alcohol every day, smoking cigars every other hour, wearing latest trendy western outfits, owning extravagant cars, riding bike as if their bike is a rocket. They are all running somewhere, not sure if they know their destination. What bothers me the most is people pledging their Health, money, time & Life just for the sake of being tick marked as modern. There is a difference between free living and independent living.

CONFUSED & SCARED to death, can this positive HSV2 test be true?!???

First, let me say how sorry I am for your diagnosis. I remember when I was first diagnosed with genital herpes. I was frightened and angry and confused and ashamed - and sure that no one (other than my current BF) would ever love me. Now, it's 10+ years later, I've had several lovers, all of whom knew about my herpes and none of them rejected me or caught herpes. I get perhaps 1 outbreak per year, and I just never think about it - except when I'm answering questions on Y!A.

Could you be HSV2+? Yes. It sounds like you are. Many people with HSV2 have it for years without knowing because their symptoms are so mild. Unless your BF has been tested specifically for HSV2, then you don't know if he has it. You need to test for each disease specifically. A test for "mental defect" or TB won't tell you anything about herpes. Sorry.

You may not have caught it from him. You may have had it for years, having caught it from a previous lover. In fact, you need to start being careful so that you don't give it to him.

The good news - it is not fatal. It doesn't lead to cancer (or any other bad diseases). It can be well controlled, and with antiviral meds, and no sex during outbreaks, your chance of spreading it is less than 1% per year. Heck, without antivirals, but with no sex during outbreaks the chances are still only 2% per year.

And all the antiviral drugs work pretty much the same - even though some (like Zovirax) are priced much cheaper than others (like Valtrex).

I know how difficult this diagnosis is. Emotionally, its really really rough. I'd suggest that you learn as much as you can about herpes - I found that the more I learned, the more I discovered that the disease really isn't that bad. I'd also suggest that you let your BF and close, non-judgemental friends give you the emotional support you need.

I've put the link to my fave website below. They also have a toll-free number you can call to speak with a person (although its often busy due to limited funding.) You can also email me with more questions if you like.

It does get better. It truly does.