Why Is My Personality

Why did my personality change?

Oh honey :( I honestly can feel your pain, I can't blame you for getting so sad. This might be an effect of weed, just stop smoking. Besides do everything La Quisha said, in addition to exercising and talking about your problems to someone, if you want. You can also read stuff from or or . It really helped me. Sweetheart just do what you think is right, and always remember that I'm here for you you can email me anytimeee, even though I don't know you keep in mind that I love youuu darlingg xx

Dry personality?

A dry sense of humor or a dry personality are good qualities, I think. It means you sometimes can't tell if they are trying to be funny, sarcastic, or sincere. I think maybe the word "dry" is used cause they don't laugh out loud and spit on you in the process. HA!! It seems like most people I have known who were "dry" are very intelligent and witty.

Why is my personality so plain?!!/!?!?

Thats why.... because your trying to hard be someone your not. People like people who are real. Everyone stands out in their own way. You don't have to stand out to everyone but only to those you want to stand out to. Get involved in something you enjoy and pursue it greatly, have drive, and you will see everything fall into place.

Why is my personality so all over the place?

Being scatterbrained is nothing to be ashamed of; part of what makes individuals so unique is that we have distinct quirks that significantly separate one person from the next, the fact of the matter is, we aren’t meant to conform to one way of thinking or one way of perception.Part of what makes personalities so colorful is how we all have opinions forumuated from vastly different experiences and how we deal with these said experiences.We also process so much information daily and go through so many emotional changes in such a short span of time, there is no way our personalities, especially your personality can maintain a constant.

Why am I changing my personality?

Are you loosing sleep? Sleep deprivation, hunger and cold can all cause these things. I have also experienced this when depressed/anxious and it could be due to pressure, constantly trying to control your feelings/behaviour and stay on top rather than relaxing means you burn out and loose control at random. You may also have emotional triggers, simple thought pathways which somehow link to an extremely powerful memory or emotion. You need to be honest about these and find a way to deal with the root issue, not bury it. In the meantime, feel around inside and when you find a trigger gently stepback and observe, learn to manage the reaction and accept it.

My personality sucks. How do I fix it?

I have a very low self-esteem and ZERO self confidence and it causes me to be shy, which makes me seem standoffish. I don't mean to be this way. I'm a nice person but people see how I'm not talking and when I'm talking to people, I'm so shy that I speak in a monotone voice. It makes me sound mean and people have told me that I'm mean, when I'm the nicest person I know. I heard myself on a video once, and I sounded so rude and and annoyed, no wonder people tell me I sound PO'd all the time. I never quite knew what they were talking about until that incident.

So overall, my personality plain sucks. I can't make new friends, I'm incredible shy, I'm boring, I can get annoying when I DO talk, my voice is monotone when I speak to others who aren't close to me, I come off as rude and extremely standoffish, I have no self-esteem. I hate this so much.

Give me some GOOD, effective tips on correcting my terrible personality. I can't make friends, and tbh, I wouldn't want to be friends with me either, with how rude I come off. But the thing is, I'm NOT rude, it's just the first impression people get. :\

Why has my personality changed?

Either you're ISFJ or you're going through a difficult time in your life and have switched to your shadow functions of the brain.If you took the mbti test, your shadow type is the one opposite to your type (for me as an INTJ it would be ESFP). What happens is that in times of stress, you may find that you acted extremely out of character. The brain is quite complicated, and this is common. It doesn't last forever, and the reason it happens is that the usual brain preferences (Ni-Te, for example) isn't working in your environment, so the brain tries to adapt for you. Once you've gotten over this difficult period of your life, your natural tendencies should return to normal.

My personality is very weak. I would like to be another person, but people don't hear my voice. How can I change my books, videos, and everything that helps me?

Deep inside you is the person you want to be. You don't need books video's or internet guru's to tell you how to become that person. You know him Ebrahim. You have always been that person.Only life has given you ballast that makes it heavy for you to live. You do not need to change, you need to lose this ballast. You are like a camel that is packed with everything it can carry and barely can walk. You can only see it's feet and head and tale, and only therefore you can see it is a camel. Otherwise, you would not even recognise the animal. How do you think that camel feels? Weak! But the camel is not weak, it is strong like it always was, it just needs to lose it's load. So do you.So do you. You need to lose your load. There are several ways to do this. If you are a religious person, thank god for the power to change. Live good, pray a often. It might also be wise to meditate, spend a lot of time with yourself, looking for the man inside you that you really are. Picture him. What is he like? How does he look? What would he do? How does he speak? How does he dress? And if you meditate on him often, you will get to know this man better, and remember him, remember yourself. And then you are ready, to slowly become this man again, day by day. Every day a little more. Throw down the load of your life bit by bit, and become the man of your memory piece by piece. Use your own power, inside your head. You have carried so much weight for such a long time!. You are not weak, you are incredibly strong!

Why does my personality ALWAYS change?

lol I love how people like to assume EVERYTHING is a disorder. Like the previous comment below, if your harming someone or yourself then its a problem if not you have nothing to worry about. What your doing is adapting, you adapt your personality to the different type of people you meet.It mainly happens when your young and "trying to find yourself" you still havn't fitted into a personality you would like to portray to everyone so you have different personalities for different occasions. Its not neccesarily a bad thing, infact when trying to find job its extremely beneficial.

Friends that copy your personality

Kind of a weird question but I don't know how to call it..

What does it mean when a friend or friends copy your personality? For example, I have alot of quarks about me when I interact with people that only I do, or did lol, like when something I don't like happens I say something like No,no but in kind of a mocking way, and i've noticed some friends saying the same thing, in the same way.

What exactly is the cause of that and what does it mean