Why Is My Puppy So Grippy

What is the evolutionary logic behind why dogs have serrated lips?

I asked myself this same question (hence why I arrived at this post). I agree with the other answers that it seems there doesn’t seem to be any sources on the subject. My theory comes from watching my dog Alice chewing a bone today where I wondered if the serrated edges act as a grip to keep the lip away from the teeth when they are chewing. If you have a dog hopefully you know what I mean - when they chew the bone from the side of their mouth and their cheek is sort of puffed out.Edit: Photo of Alice….. when you put a bone in the mouth and pull back as the dog does when chewing then the serrated edges automatically grip the bone and pull the lip/cheek back to a safe position:So, in this case the evolutionary logic would be to enable the dog’s mouth to work to it’s full capacity - using the molars to break bones from various angles (and thereby accessing more calories that would convey a survival advantage) while preventing the dog from damaging other mouth parts (an obvious survival disadvantage).EDIT: This has driven me mad and I have attempted looking in to it further. It seems to be something that is present in most carnivores. So the survival advantage that the serrated lip gives must surely be something to do with meat eating. There are herbivores with canines e.g. geladas that do not have serrated lips so as a crude interpretation this would suggest that the serrated lips are not solely a result of the morphology of the teeth but diet also. However, there are carnivores that do not have them either e.g. hyenas so this complicates the issue. I am really sorry to OP as it seems it is impossible to find a source of info to cite so just trying to give my best guess!

What can i do so my dog doesnt slip on the wood floor!?

We have a 10 year old pomerianian that we adopted and we have a wood floor that he has to cross in order to get around the house. The wood floor is very slick and he slips all the time on the wood floor, we ordered him booties but he trips over the booties too.. Is there someting else we can do so he doesnt slip, he has hurt himself several times, and we just feel horrible, we have area rugs out but he doesnt use them very well because they are spaced out and we cant fit another rug in where he needs one.. What can we do to make the floor less slick or what can i do for my dog so he stops slipping

Is Pedigree dog food good or bad for your dog?

If a dog foodstays inside the dogdoes not cause the dog to eat grass all the timedoes not cause elevated blood valuesis affordableis climate-friendlydoes not contain obscure ingredients like fantasy fish names or “algae”does not contain superfoods that cause botanists to have laughing fitsTHEN IT IS GREAT DOG FOOD!If Pedigree works fine for your dog, so be it. (Dear fellow quora users, a dog food does not have to contain 80 percent Wagyu beef….)Hills and Royal Canine are best if your dog needs a veterinary diet. (My 16-year-old labrador bitch would already be dead without strict “low fat”- diet. Rest of that dog is quite healthy but we could use a new pancreas… The 10-year-old has lymphocytic IBD and has to be fed a vegetarian diet. He gets severe diarrhoea from any kind of meat but is fine with his Hills/RC diet.)Please do not feed large amounts of meat. Dogs aren´t wolves and do not need this. Dogs ARE meant to be fed with corn, that is what most of them got the last 2000 years. A lot of meat does them more harm than good. (With the exception of working Greenlandic sled dogs, but I guess you do not live in Greenland and your dog isn´t an extremely wolf-like breed living outdoors in arctic winter.)Also, we do not want the human species to die out within the next 200 years due to extreme global warming, so any dog food with lots of meat is out of question. (Sorry, no Japanese beef for Fifi.)I also want to inform you that the non-scientific term “algae” applies to about 10.000 aquatic, autotrophic, pro- or eukaryotic organisms that are as closely related as myself and Ziggy The Cute Spider. If you feed your dog “algae”, you do not know what you feed (Photoautotrophic bacteria? Rhodophycea? Plants?), where it comes from (Fukushima?) and how it was harvested. (But of course we can always declare that dolphin, turtle, sea lion or drowned bird as “OceanWolfWilderness Premium Dog Food with tuna and algae” and print a wolf on the can. After all, shit happens.)I am certain your dog can do without chia seeds, sunflower tubers, powdered Aloe vera-leaves, Ginkgo fruits and … such. I haven´t yet seen a European wolf hunt for chia seeds and doubt very much our ancestors wanted Captain Cook to find new superfoods for dogs in Tahiti. (“SouthernSeaWolf with wild boar and bread fruits, wheat-free”… How does that sound? I think I might start to produce FROZEN RAW PREMIUM DOG FOOD. Some fellow quora users will pay me a fortune…)

Can a ferret use a wheel?

Have you ever seen a ferret?? They aren't built to run on a wheel. Their spines are so long you can do serious damage by letting them run on one. If you want, they might have fun with a little wheel that's small enough for maybe a hamster or mouse and hook it to the cage. I'm sure they'd love to mess around on it. Make sure it's smooth, though, like this:

What can i wear instead of riding boots?

Wear something that is not going to slide through the stirrup and has a little bit of heal. So boots with a grip on the bottom of the boot. Try small hiking boots. Also call your teacher and see if she has any you can borrow tonight. My riding teacher always has some. And a shoe that you can still put your heal down. Make sure the shoe is easy to take out of the stirrup so it won't get cought.

Hope this helps!!!!!!!!

Can snakes slither backwards? How do they move so smoothly?

I dont believe they can, because of the way their scales underneath are pointed, but they they can turn around very quickly. I have never seen my 2 pets slither backwards.
They move so smoothly because of their underneath scales, just work like muscles and in coordination,they are incredible.