Why Is My Right Arm Having A Jittery Feeling That Is Keeping Me From Sleeping

Why does my body feel like it's vibrating after lying down for bed?

Thank you for the question! I’m really interested in the answer!I know this feeling so very well! - but have no idea why it is like that.

Uncomfortable feeling in chest after drinking soda?

This morning I had a coffee and oatmeal for breakfast, by lunch time I was very hungry so I decided to get fast food which I only do on occasion. Along with my chicken sandwich I had a few sips of soda, immediately after I started getting a jittery sick feeling. This has happened to me before when I buy a canned soda, I would take a few sips and it would hit me right away. I started feeling jittery, and weak to a point where I did not want to get up or move around because my arms and legs feel exhausted, or heavy. My chest has this tight uncomfortable feeling, not painful just very uncomfortable.

Any suggestions as to what may be the issue? I looked it up and got a few mixed answers such as low blood sugar/blood pressure...I know the common thought would be a sugar rush, or caffeine but I consume more caffeine in my morning coffee than I did with 3 sips of soda...and I don't feel like I've had enough to effect me that much.

Here are a few side notes:
There are many times I can drink soda without feeling this
This has happened to me at least 3-5 times randomly when drinking a few sips of soda.
Fast food has never made me feel like this before, but it could have added towards the sick stomach feeling.

Let me know what you think, thank you!

Why do I feel weak and shaky after waking up?

Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons why this would be the case; ranging from hypoglycemia/hyperglycemia to horomonal imbalance to inadequate protein intake to simply physical fatigue.My best recommendation would be to have your doctor order a complete blood work-up done to evaluate your body's nutrient/horomonal bath and cholesterol as well as blood glucose levels.You may consider a once-a-day vitamin supplement such as Centrum Complete(for your gender) and, as stated by others, eat a healthy snack before bed(avoiding anything too acidic or anything too loaded with simple sugars; such as a chunk of your favorite cheese for the complex sugars and a small piece of summer sausage for the protein(or other ready protein+complex sugar combo if you are vegetarian).If your body doesn't have the proper nutrients to repair the cellular damage of the previous day, it will begin to break itself down to repair that cellular damage. This is an unfortunate catch-22 because the process of breaking down your own tissues to recover the necessary nutrients requires much more energy than breaking down foods through your digestive tract, and results in a nutrient imbalance that leaves you feeling weaker and even less alert. This is also a potentially serious health issue because the acids and enzymes that are released into your blood stream to effect this nutrient recovery are necessarily destructive in nature. They destroy healthy tissue and render it into it's component enzymes, proteins, sugars, and horomones. This can begin to effect your vital organs as well as your regular muscle tissue, leaving you subject to illness, vertigo, fatigue, confusion, organ failure, and on extreme cases, death by nutritional starvation.Keep in mind that the human body id very finely tunex and requires a delicately balanced combination of vitamins, proteins, horomones, amino acids, and sugars(simple and complex) to function at peak performance. Ifyou deny your body this balance, it will ssek to balance the scales on it's own, often with detrimental results.

Why do I wake up shaking?

I’m not a doctor of any kind but this doesn’t sound normal to me. I have witnessed others twitching while falling asleep but not shaking upon waking. Perhaps a visit to the doctor is in order asap to have your nervous system checked or whatever the doctor recommends. Good luck and keep us posted!#1 Celebrity Numerologist Michelle Arbeau

How do I know I'm feeling anxious?

Okay, sometimes when I'm in bed, just reading my Bible or something, and I just think about school coming in 10 days, my heart will start beating fast and my hands will get sweaty and I'll rememeber friends, teachers, lockers..everything. And sometimes it scares me how my heart beats. Sometimes I'll wake up and my heart will beat fast and I'll feel energized.
How can I calm myself down and not think about it until the night before (when everyone is excited)?

Why does meth make people shake?

If what you're asking is how does meth affect you mentally, physically, and emotionally, here you go:
Methamphetamine is a stimulant drug. Like all stimulants, it causes rapid heart beat, increased metabolic rate, increased body temperature, and suppressed appetite. It causes the user to stay wide awake without sleep for a very long period of time (addicts will often stay up for weeks without sleep while on drugs). Users will lose a lot of weight due to the loss of appetite while on meth. Mentally, it causes the user to feel confident, invincible, and powerful... the user will often feel very capable of doing things as well. Meth users are known to be very meticulous and focus on little things... like they'll stay up and clean for hours on end. The reason for shaking is the fact that it's a stimulant... stimulants of any kind will cause shaking because it speeds up the body and can cause the user to become jittery. This causes the shaking (particularly in the hands) and stuttering (the song "My Generation" by The Who is based on that... take a listen if you haven't heard it). The nausea/vomiting isn't always an effect of meth, but it's more likely to happen if a person takes too much of it. See, if a person takes too much of it, the drug penetrates the blood brain barrier in a certain part of the brain called the area postrema which will cause the user to vomit because the body sees it as poison. The most common method of using meth is smoking it, which is where "meth mouth" comes from... it causes the teeth to rot, gums to rot or gingivitis to occur... plus meth also causes dry mouth so that also contributes to meth mouth. Meth users will often have very bad hygiene as well, and added to the likelihood of sweating due to raised body temperature, the user will often have bad body odor and bad breath (again, meth mouth). The "tweaked out" effect comes from the user becoming anxious, paranoid, or overworked, which often leads to the user freaking out or getting angry easily.
I think that's about it on meth, sorry for the lengthy reply but that's the basic answer to your question (plus some extra information that you might find useful). Hope this helps :)