Why Is My Sister So Annoying

Why is my sister so annoying?

Ah yes, the annoying younger sister. I have two, they are twins and they are six years younger than me ( I am 18). That part about her only doing things to get you mad may be true. Sometimes younger siblings just enjoy making their older sister mad. The best way to deal with it is to just ignore her when she is being dumb. Than again, she may just be trying to get your attention because she wants to hang out with you. I know that my sisters love to hang out with me when I let them. You could always try inviting her to go somewhere with you, or try talking with her. Though it may seem like she is just being a brat to annoy you, your sister may not know how to communicate with you. So, plan something fun, have a movie night or give eachother makeovers. Spending time with your younger sister may be your best solution.

Why is my sister so weird and annoying?

Gee, she sounds a bit like me! I only have a couple good friends, 1 best buddy, and all other people are acquaintances. Too many people in one place annoy me. Many jokes many people find funny aren't to me, and vice versa. I have an adults sense of humor, which may be strange to other teens my age. I have the highest IQ in my school! I don't like too much attention, and I like her shorts rule! I love Star Trek and other "nerdy" shows! And humans are weird. Just look around.
I like little kids and don't like to spend my time thinking about romance. Einstein and Spock rock, but I'm not so sure on Willy Wonka. I like to be along or in the company of a good friend. I correct peoples spelling and grammar because it is so bad. And the Matrix is not lame.
Gelflings link included below in sources.
I talk to my self, not a lot, but sometimes. I have so many thoughts some nights I can't sleep, but I can be really sarcastic. And if you really watch and listen, you can talk to the whole world, including animals. You don't know what she learns. I learn lots from my pets.

She see's the world differently than you. A girl like her makes life simpler and easier to live by being the way she is. She's not weird but different. There is nothing wrong with her, but you may be able to "fix" the problem by trying to see into her world. Encourage, not force, her to see your world a bit more. Who knows, your sister may like Einstein so much because she gets him and may be the next big genius!

Why are little sisters so annoying?

Because you are moving on with your life, doing things which won't include her, and even if you do include her in some things now she knows it will be less and less. So she is trying to interject herself into your life whenever you show signs of straying away from her or leaving her out.

Why is my mom and sister so annoying?

My mom annoying bitter self just walks around with a attitude which isn't cute at all slamming doors and stuff, TOO OLD! My older sister which is 18 comes over EVERYDAY and she annoys me, my other sister is with her friends all the time and at the moment. But anyways. My older sister FINALLY has a job at roosters and probably will quit after she gets her first check cause that's what she's known for. Her and my mom talks about everything and everybody, and they wonder why I never come out my room cause of THEM! Anyways my sister has an attitude cause my sister was going out with her friends last night and she couldn't find her sweater which my sister took (she takes everything of ours and leave it at her house or leave it at a friends house) and my mom over heard my sister talking about my other sister always taking our things I guess and told her so she just dumped all of our things out on my sister floor and I overheard her talking about us saying "wow, I'm glad mom told me that, they don't have to worry about me taking their stuff anymore" which I really don't care, that is annoying and immature. Soon as I'm off to college my mom and sister will be cut off from my life. I hate them!

My little sister is so annoying?!?

Hi don't worry about it, this happens to me alot to. Just sit down with your mum when she's in a good kinda mood and tell her straight what's happening and how it's upsetting you. Your sister is still really young so wait and she might grow out of it.

What should I do if my older sister is annoying?

Did you ever consider she is paying it forward for what she tolerated as the older child?  I am the eldest child and only daughter and I was a single child for over 9 years before my first brother was born - I had the sole concentration of both parents for 9 YEARS!  I was very relieved to finally have a sibling and effectively escaping the concentrated eagle eyes of my parents some of the time.  However, being the eldest, it fell to me to help reinforce the level of parenting I had received and seemingly, my two much younger brothers were being denied...My mother vowed she would quit with three because each one got more able to "drive her crazy" so I was elected to fill in as "second" mother and I took the role seriously.  I was more strict than she and more vigilant and drove my brothers crazy with being on top of every action they did.  Maybe your sister is simply filling a void she accepts is not being handled and in her need to do well, she is over-doing it.Give her a little leeway and step back before you threaten, scream or take action.  Annoying is synonymous with sibling.  Accept your fate and inwardly smile.  Unless your sister is doing you physical or severe mental harm, it actually comes from a place of love and concern (in 99% of cases) and she just may not realize how annoying she is.  Try to talk to her in a non-threatening tone and, if need be, take the higher moral ground and be more mature than she.  If that goes awry, you should be able to talk to your parents about your feelings and again - be mature, don't whine or scream at them but rather talk quietly and honestly and try to make your point calmly and openly.  It might not work but what have you lost if you try?  Humans are born to annoy unless helped to curb the instinct so try diplomacy before declaring war or "freezing" them out.

My sister is so freaking annoying!?

ur parents must have observed that!
ur sister needs special treatment, she either must be ignored at all or must receive so much care.

u should inform ur parents about her, she could need a doctor.

OMG my sister is so freaking annoying.?

Depends how old she is and what she is saying. but i would personally not let her notice that she annoys you that shows to her that she is winning. if she was my sister i would pull a few pranks on her to get her to stop.

How can I deal with my annoying younger sister?

I told my daughter once she yelled or wined the discussion was over and I was not going to change my mind. And if at possible I would ignore her or move on to something else. Above all stay calm. Her future husband doesn’t want a woman that yells at him.She is testing the waters to see what works. So be sure to reward her when she try's something close to the method you want her to use. Even if it a bit of extra effort.She says”I want Ice cream now” You say if you ask nicely I will say yes otherwise it is No. She asks nicely and you get Ice Cream and you talk about catch-up no more flys with honey instead of vinager.Warning she may became very good at logical arguments. That is a story for another time. However, I do believe that is why my daughter just got prmotedyto manager.

Why is my little sister so annoying at times? I am the one that cleans after her even if I'm hurt. Also, my Mom always sides with her.

Since you are much older than your younger sister, you are thought of as a more mature person.Be more understanding towards her. Since she is still young, she may not have the capacity to be responsible for her own belongings. But within time and discipline she can learn the necessary skills in life.Be a guide to your younger sister. Teach her how to be more self-sufficient. And most importantly, show how much you care about her, love her unconditionally even she messes up and respect her for who she is.