Why Is Obama Concerned About His Muslim Brotherhood Brother Getting Ousted From Power

Why is Obama funding Al-Qaeda rebels in Syria & not the secular rebels in Egypt against the Muslim Brotherhood?

I know if a person thinks Obama is a Crypto-Muslim makes people think your a nut, but why is he defending hardline Islamist governments in the middle east. Thats a legitimate question. Is it because his African daddy was a Muslim?

Why do people hate the education system in america?

the education system in america has become a numbers game. the school gets paid per student ( american resident or illegal none resident ). they give you a substandard education and they really could care less if you get an education as long as your butts in a seat they get paid (your a number). kids used to learn latin in grade school and be able to quote entire plays from memory. the school system has dumbed down the eduction you receive over the last 50 years to the point most college kids can't write or spell correctly and most employers are bewildered with the job applicants they get. if your wondering what happened one political party took over the school system and introduced the education department in the early 1970's with jimmy carter. the democrat party is responsible for our schools decline. feel free to ask questions like who does the teachers unions vote for republicans or democrats and why do they all vote that way? hum-mm? that's something obama should correct if he really wants change but i would bet any amount of money with you the education department will expand under his term instead of being removed like it should be. like i said there was a school system before carter made an education department and the department made the school worse not better.

What do i do to deal with being ousted in work group?

I work in the I.T. field and have three other direct co-workers (one being my boss).
I have tried hard to fit in with them and joke along with them and just try to be non-Confrontational, however it has gotten to be where all jokes point back to me, and i am made to look incompetent and a bad worker, without any proof or justification.
One of the three co-workers is religious and seems to think he knows me and says i am miserable and that i why i complain about their behavior.
My Boss does not let me do much of anything hence why i am writing this now while i could be working, and even with my I.T. experience i do little things that require not a whole lot brain power.
the last of the three is a 30ish year old male who has kids and is bitter and extremely rough around the edges who likes to throw me under the bus constantly.

i am the youngest of them and i have no kids whereas they all do and 2 of the 3 are married.

I technically have little in common, but try to keep neutral since it is work and not social time, however they have ousted me out the group and do not really talk to me or include me in things, and direct jokes toward me that are insulting and demeaning to my character.

Obviously the solution is find a job elsewhere, but that is not so feasible right now, and i cant always run from these scenarios.

So i ask how to reassert myself, without being a butt-kisser??