Why Is Obama Paid To Destroy The U.s.a. And It

Has Obama's legacy already been destroyed?

The legacy of Obama?The legacy of paying off banksters but not mortgage holders? That legacy won’t actually be changed by Trump, because he won’t do any better, but he’s not wanting to do different.The legacy of killing foreign civilians, and at least one American citizen, by drone? That legacy won’t actually be changed by Trump, because he won’t do any better, but he’s not wanting to do different.That legacy of sucking up to Israel and screwing Palestine? That legacy will be worsened somewhat by Trump by being more blatantly and openly pro-Israel. The embassy move shows that.The legacy of being a capitalist, just with a twist the GOP loved in Massachusetts, on health care? That legacy will be changed by Trump, out of a mix of spite and idiocy. Wingnuts will stop loving it when they realize that, as bad as O-care was in some ways, Trump is making it worse, and worse than pre O-care.The legacy of being haltingly decent to most Americans, while behind the curve on LGBT rights and dismissing Black Lives Matter? That legacy will be definitely worsened by Trump because he’s a racist.The legacy of free trade deals that were worse rather than better for many Americans? That legacy is already being changed by Trump, sadly not for the better but in a way that’s a mix of clueless and kleptocratic.The legacy of increasing Bush’s spying on American citizens and American media, and pursuing multiple legal cases against whistleblowers? That legacy could be made worse yet by Trump.The legacy of letting other people claim for him that he couldn’t act differently because Americans couldn’t handle an angry black man when he was actually deliberately detached? Trump can’t touch that.A few things Obama got generally right. The Iran deal is one of them. Calling off some of his brass hats from sticking troops in, or otherwise escalating in, Syria, is another. Wingnuts hate the former.The legacy that Obama is turd-polishing at this very moment about how he was “The One,” but perhaps come too early for too many Americans? That will never disappear.

How did Obumble run up the deficit so fast and destroy America?

(WASHINGTON, DC) – President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats today surpassed the eight-year federal deficit total of the Bush Administration in just a little more than one month after taking control of all three branches of the federal government.
“Anybody who voted against Republicans over being mad at the deficit will want a redo when they see this,” says House Republican Conference Secretary John Carter (R-TX31). “Voting Democrat to straighten out the federal deficit is the same as hiring Foster Brooks to inventory the liquor store.”

“We are now on a course straight for national bankruptcy and a catastrophic devaluation of the U.S. dollar unless we can stop this,” says Carter. “We must convince the Administration to listen to alternative economic advice and turn the wheel immediately to avert disaster. This kind of red ink will keep us in recession, if not depression, for the next twenty years if we let it stand.”

The Obama Administration Budget released today contains a total $2.867 trillion in red ink, just 38 days after Obama’s inauguration on January 20.

In contrast, the Bush Administration ran up a $2.7519 trillion deficit over an 8-year period that included 7 years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan; the economic downturn after 9-11; the addition of a prescription drug benefit to Medicare; a massive increase in federal education spending under No Child Left Behind; and the current recession and 2008 Wall Street bailout.

Bush Surplus/Deficit Fiscal Years 2001-2008 (billions of dollars)
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Statistics
2001 128.2
2002 -157.8
2003 -377.6
2004 -412.7
2005 -318.3
2006 -248.2
2007 -160.7
2008 -454.8
TARP -750.0
Total -2751.9

Obama Budget Deficit FY 2009/10*
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Statistics
2010 -1750
2011 -1117
Total -2867

*The Obama deficit total does NOT include the impact of the $787 billion Stimulus package approved by House Democrats in February. It also excludes any effect of an Obama contingency request for an additional $750 billion to use for bank rescue. If the contingency amount is included the total deficit for FY 2009/10 is $3.617 trillion

Is Ron Paul a communist who is trying to destroy America?

@Bingo: How? We have to secure access to our ressources. We somehow have to solve crises by conquering new markets. Our corporations have to stay competitive internationally. How do you expect us to do that without wars? If working people have to pay for all that, so be it. It's all in the name of profit, which is the only thing that counts.

Do you think Obama's legacy will be completely destroyed by Trump?

Yes.The very bitter irony, which Dems are too stupid to get, is that it’s Obama’s own fault because he abused the mechanisms of power available to him. Some constitutional scholar.Had he properly developed Health Care and Immigration Reform legislation, worked honestly with Congress on reforming entitlements and tort reform to pay for these things, and not been such an arrogant fellow, he might have left a legacy worthy of praise. Probably compromises, but standing and functional.Virtually everyone agrees (and still agrees) that these things needed reforming.History will remember Obama as the first black president. Guess what? No one cares that he was (and I imagine remains) black. They care that he wasted 8 years of our time with his stupid ideology.

Why are the Koch brothers trying to destroy social security and America?

They think they should own everything and everyone one. They have NO conscience at all.

Social Security is the single biggest pile of money in the world; they can't BEAR that they don't get to just grab it.

Listen to what Republican politicians and talking heads have been saying: ONLY rich people and people who get most of their income from investment deserve to have decent lives. Anyone who WORKS, and doesn't have huge investment income are insane for thinking they deserve to have a place to live, food, clothes, health care, and education for their kids; they are MOOCHERS for thinking they should be paid a living wage.

This is what Romney's 47% speech said; it's what O'Reilly said about why he lost the election; it's what they've all been saying, one way or another.

They think that people who paid into Social Security for 45 years are WRONG to think they are entitled to that money today.

If you found that movie interesting, have you seen "The United States of Alec"? (I haven't seen the complete movies of either, but have gotten the jist. Watch Bill Moyers show on PBS every week.)

So, the question is, how do we STOP them (ad the Waltons, who own Walmart -- who are subsidized by the food stamp program, since they pay so little their employees qualify for food stamps, while they rake in tens of billions)?

Dems have to vote in the mid-term elections, and especially in the census-year elections. We can't let Republicans -- the employees of the Koch brothers -- continue to destroy the country with their preventing the federal government from doing any good, and their control of state governments.

We need to stop the progression of "Only Republicans should be allowed to vote" laws; and the "Right to work for starvation wages" laws; and the "right to murder anyone darker than you are" laws.

Vote in EVERY election; vote every Republican out of office at every level of government.

Should we just sit back as mega Corporations destroy America?

Many giant profitable U.S. corporations are increasingly abandoning America while draining it

General Electric, for example, has paid no federal income taxes for a decade while becoming a net job exporter and fighting its hard-pressed workers who want collective bargaining through unions like the United Electrical Workers Union (UE). GE’s boss, Jeffrey Immelt, makes about $12,400 an hour on an 8-hour day, plus benefits and perks, presiding over this global corporate empire.

Other than profiteering from selling Washington very expensive weapons of mass destruction, many multinational firms have little sense of true national security.Did you know that about 80 percent of the ingredients in medicines Americans take now come from China and India where visits by FDA inspectors are infrequent and inadequate?

The lucrative U.S. drug industry – coddled with tax credits, free transfer of almost-ready-to-market drugs developed with U.S. taxpayer dollars via the National Institutes of Health – charges Americans the highest prices for drugs in the world and still wants more profits. Drug companies no longer produce many necessary medicines like penicillin in the U.S., preferring to pay slave wages abroad to import drugs back into the U.S.

Giant U.S. companies are strip-mining America in numerous ways, starting with the corporate tax base. By shifting more of their profits abroad to “tax-haven” countries (like the Cayman Islands) through transfer pricing and other gimmicks, and by lobbying many other tax escapes through Congress, they can report record profits in the U.S. with diminishing tax payments. Yet they are benefitting from the public services, special privileges, and protection by our armed forces because they are U.S. corporations...