Why Is Our Culture Attracted To Dark Things

Why do i like dark things?

I love dark things, dark colors, dark clothing, dark decor. I like dark and creepy but Beautiful things as such. I have a strange fascination with dark things. Most people i ask about my interests think they are weird as all. I like the way skulls look, nearly all people i ask about them thing they are scary and ugly, but i see them as Beautiful. Dark and creepy music as you would say, i find soothing relaxing, beautiful. An average person these days would call me Gothic, but i find it rather insulting. The goths that i hear of nowadays are mean, rebellious, hateful, hated, prideful.
Though i am not like that at all, i have characteristics of manners and kindness, helping, nice. Not to say in a boastful manner. Im just your average person who just likes dark things, just as another would like bright things. I see dark things as Happy. Is it abnormal? Am i mental? What would you call me?

Why am I attracted to the dark side of life?

I don't think that's particularly dark, your thoughts are only being influenced in comparison to what you were like before. Speaking as an atheist, an avid reader of EAP, and a person who enjoys horror films as well, I don't consider myself to be "dark" or morbid - those are just the kind of things I'm fascinated by. You only become a dark/morbid person if you take the fascination to such a level as incorporating it into your personal life, for example, finding something someone said offensive and imagining brutal deaths in your mind.

Why is lighter skin favored in some cultures over darker?

1. Pale skin was originally associated with the aristocracy. Only the poor went out in the sun and burned in manual labor. This view affected both Asian and Western cultures.

2. Vestiges of European imperialism - light skinned people ran the governments and applied their prejudice to the locals. Opportunity for advancement was contingent on race.

3. media and advertising in Western countries - Movies by and about light skin groups pushed a standard of beauty that favored light skin, trim bodies and delicate features.

Keep in mind the times are changing. More pale skinned women than ever want tanned, or bronzed skin and go to unhealthy lengths to do it. There is still quite a bit of light skin mania in places like India, but it is quickly fading.

Why am i attracted to the dark? (evil things)?

Dear Friend,

When I first Saw your problem, I could not help myself but smiling.........:)
Though it may seem awkward to you......but dear, you never need to worry about anything.
Its perfectly normal.

No need of any counseling, No need of any cure. Its just that you are judging yourself so brutally....
The Dark side of life is also an aspect of life.......the life is like a coin that have two brighter and another Dark ..... Look at the image of "Yin - Yang".......Thats the true nature of life....

Its only that you are honest enough to admit the presence of Darkness inside you.....and you are also bold enough to express it honestly in front of the world....
But Remember you can never expect others to understand the WHY and WHAT and HOW of your actions......:)
They Will simply Judge you which is never required......and you too, don't judge yourself........

Listen all these things are only for you and you alone. These are your personal things, in your personal world. And its simply never needed to share these things with others...........You can only share your things with God.....and he will guide you....
See God never Judges you for anything.....if God has created life then he has also created Death....if God has created Beautiful things....then He only has created Ugly ones too.........So whatever is there in the World is created by God....
Then who are you to judge things as GOOD and EVIL and Right and Wrong.......

Just secure your private World more carefully and Do Never Judge YOURSELF......
Believe me .....GOD LOVES YOU........
I know...:)

Its Yin and Yang.......Bright and Dark aspect of Life......You will be Balanced only when your Both aspects are in Balance.......if only Dark will Perish you, then for sure only Bright will do the Same.......

Take Care....... :)

What's up with the Light Skin/Dark skin thing?

It's just a form of discrimination within an ethnic group. So sad that everyone is not the same, but wouldn't it be a really boring world. Whites have the same thing, Pail skinned men are not considered as masculine and healthy. Pail women are considered sickly looking. Tanned or darker skin is seen as more attractive even if it is from a tanning bed. African Americans have a too dark or light hang up, and Whites have a too light or dark hang up too. Just like all discrimination it is even within each ethnic group. We are a culture that just see the out side of people and rarely stop to look inside to see the real person. It is much easier that way, no brain power necessary and the judgments can be made by the group who wants to prove their perfection.. I like to see how dark or light a person is inside (meaning good or bad). I couldn't care less what they look like outside. Society has cultivated these attitudes to get people to go along with the group.

Whites want to be darker and African Americans want to be lighter, as a rule, that way eventually we can all look the same. We should look to see what each individual is on the inside, rather then judging people in such superficial terms. Besides none of us are really pure so to speak, we are usually a blind of many races, religions, beliefs, and heritages.

I probably should not have gotten into this discussion, but I think it is important that people realize it happen to everyone in one way or another. It's also important for people to realize not all people are seeing things with blinders on their eyes and minds.

Are Filipino features attractive or not?

First things first.....

The Philippines has the most beautiful women in the world.

My fiance' is dark, and I find it extremely attractive. Not "Exotic". Not "Different". Her dark skin is beautiful. I have made very few demands of her, but I did tell her she better not even think of trying to lighten her skin.

To worry so much about how dark your skin is, is to say that is what matters most. That is just plain stupid.

I love my fiance'......not her skin tone. The guys who like women from the Philippines, are more likely to be attracted to their cultural standards, than to the tone of their skin.

You give an American woman everything you have to give, and it is never enough. A woman (at least a good one) from the Phils will love a poor man as much as a rich one. They are happy with what you give them, instead of being worried about what you could not give them.

When I say they are beautiful, I mean that **they** are beautiful, not their looks. They way they love their man. The way they are so devoted to family. The way they work so hard for the sake of their loved ones. That is more important to a real man, than what tone a woman's skin is.

Are people with dark eyes and dark hair considered more attractive than blonde people in Nordic countries?

The beauty is subjective;I am from Iran;I don’t want to disappoint people with light eyes, but in fact, light color is considered exotic and not always more beautiful. However, it depends on the color too. Maybe, the opposite is true in nordic countries, and they appreciate people with light eyes because most people are light eyed and dark eyes are considered exotic.For example, in the older generations in Iran, if a pregnant woman stares at something that she desires, they say please take and eat it otherwise your child may get green eyes! It means that they didn’t consider green eyes better. However, today it is more fashionable because of media.Sometimes some people say some green eyed people look likes cats! For example, the eye of this beautiful lady is not considered necessarily more beautiful. However, these days they could be more fashionable. They are weird at first glance, but people who used to darker eyes may gradually lose their interests. Don’t get me wrong, I think any natural color is beautiful, I just say there is not always a privilege for a specific color by all people.A little warmer colors like hazel and dark green or dark blue, and less outstanding eyes could be considered more warm:The dark eyes specially on white skin could be warm, natural and beautiful too:Specially too black eyes is considered beautiful, and it’s not much common even in Iran. The shape of eyes, the face and many other things also play role in beauty;For the last example, consider these Persian kids with different eye color; which do you like more?Umm…. It seems we need all of this spectrum of colors.

Why is fair skin considered more beautiful than dark in most cultures?

There are two reasons in my opinion:In many cultures, especially those in the middle east, India, and Far East Asian cultures, having darker skin was associated with being apart of a lower class, as those people spent more time in the sun working. Those of wealthier classes could afford to stay inside more and thus avoided the sunlight, allowing them to retain a fairer complexion. Thus, lighter skin becomes synonymous with wealth and success in these cultures. To this day, Asian women seek for ways to lighten their skin.I can’t find any studies to support this theory - perhaps no one has done them yet - but it may boil down to simple color psychology. That is, that certain colors evoke subconscious responses when seen. This site shows some of the basic perceptions certain colors evoke, both negative and positive. For example, black, while it can represent efficiency and sophistication, can also represent oppression, menace, and coldness. Brown can represent warmth, earthiness and reliability, but can also represent a lack of sophistication. For “white” skin tones, which are really more pinkish/orange/reddish, the negative connotations seem to center around immaturity and weakness, which may leave a less threatening impression.It may also be a perception of dirty vs clean, where things that are lighter tend to be free of dirt or debris, whereas dirtier things take on a darker color. It could be that the subconscious mind perceives this. For example, white teeth are seen as healthier teeth, as opposed to darker colored teeth.On a whole, it is important to remember that the color of one’s skin is really due to melanin, and that we ought to judge by character.

Why is Dark chocolate considered ugly.?

People can be so immature and ignorant, don't let people define you because of the color of your skin, you were made that shade because it is beautiful to GOD and he likes variety, your skin color is probably beautiful. You do not need people to tell you that your skin is beautiful and that it doesn't matter what shade you are because it is something that you need to believe deep down within, their are people in this world who are of all colors which is a beautiful thing, Trust, everyone gets teased for something no one is perfect!! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and who ever is teasing you probably has 110 things wrong with them. Your Family, Friends, and Future boyfriend should like/love you for YOU!! and your beautiful personality, looks come and go, but the true beauty is within, and is everlasting!!

P.S your Probably just as beautiful on the outside as the inside!! We are our own worst critics and what you see is not necessarily what someone else sees, they may think that you are the most beautiful person they have ever seen!!