Why Is She Treating Me Differently Now

Why does she treat me so differently?

I have a female friend that I go out with sometimes. Anyways, I notice that she treats me way different from other guys. I see other guys hug her, take pictures with her and what not. But she is kind of stand offish to me. She never wants to take pictures with me, doesn't want me close to her, never hugs me, etc... today we went to an art walk together and went drinking later, she got really upset because I hit her. I playfully hit her arm and she yelled at me to stop hitting her and saying that I should NEVER EVER use physical abuse on a woman, and don't even look like I'm going to hit. What's her problem? Should I stop hanging out with her???

Why would she treat me differently?

i think she has feeling for you and she feels shy around you and that is why she act that way. by ignoring the guy a shy girl likes, she try to remain normal coz inside she is feeling very hesitant and conscious. her gestures clearly tells me that she likes you and is hesitant and shy around you. she is not ignoring you.

i am shy too so i know she is not ignoring you, fiona didn't understand her. she is very shy around you which means she has feelings for you and that is for sure. being shy she would never let anyone know, you will have to take initiative. you will have to make the first move and you will have to do this till she opens up to you.

My friend treats me different when with other people?

She isn't a real friend. you deserve better

Why would my crush treat me differently? His friends told me that he’s really sweet, social, and outgoing, but he doesn’t act that way with me when I tried to talk to him. Does he hate me?

There are a lot of reasons that someone would act differently around other people. I think it's important to know how he acts around you and what's different from his usual behavior. For example, out of the people I hang out with regularly, I typically act differently with different people, even though they are all my friends.You also have to think about if there is anyone around you that he might not particularly like. If you hang out with someone that they don't like, they probably associate them with you.Another thing to think about is if you're friends with him. It doesn't matter who you are or how nice you might be, if he doesn't know you, he will always treat you differently then he treats his friends. (You should also consider the logistics of having a crush on someone you don't really know too well)But maybe that's not you. You know him well enough, and more importantly, he knows you. You don't hang out with people he hates, and he really acts drastically different then normal. So now the question is how different does he act? Maybe he's acting harsher, or less friendly then usual. Or maybe he's suddenly more closed up and not as outgoing when he's around you.If that's the case, I really don't know what to tell you because the only person who knows why he seems to treat you differently is him. I think your best bet would be to find out the reason straight from the source AKA ask him why. If you can find a way to approach him without being awkward (I'm asking a lot here I know) then maybe you can ask him why he seems to treat you differently. He might not even realize he's doing it, but, if he does hate you, he's really the only one who could tell you.Hope that this helped.

Why does he treat me differently then his other friends?

He's simply not as comfortable around you yet. He doesn't know what his boundaries are. He may like you, which will make him even more hesitant to do something "wrong". There's also the possibility that he may not like you as much as he likes his other friend. They probably have more history and more "inside jokes" with eachother. They probably have a lot more to talk about. He doesn't yet know what to talk about with you. He's just waiting for the friendship to develop.

If he does like you, perhaps he's just not able to say what it is that he's really thinking. Making him seem more quiet to you.

Does my friend treat me differently from her other friends?

Yes, relationships are different, as well as the level of bonding or how close we are to certain people. If she's closer to other people, and not with you, that's fine. It's not a right or wrong thing. It's whatever naturally comes for HER. And just becuase she may have known you the longest, does not mean she should be expected to be close to you.

If you want the bond to be closer, then maybe you need to chase after it a bit, becuase she's obviously comfortable where she is right now right you. Maybe you can invite her out to do stuff together. Or ask her if you can tag along in whatever friend gathers she sets up.

I think avoiding her would be punishing her for something she can't help. As long as she's treating you right, that's all that matters.

My friend treats me differently, than her other friends...?

heII no. you should sit her down and tell her everything heart to heart and if things dont change than leave her