Why Is Stupid Yahoo Bugging Me With Its Stupid New Yahoo Answers Features

What would you think if a Yahoo/Answers user kept spamming you with emails like the following?

Here is just one of his spamming emails to me:

From: Napoleon

Subject: stupid idiot

Message: When I said about the Nukes I was talking about Japan stupid retard.
You think just Just because the US has a strong military its the strongest? LOL stupid people like you are crazy to belive that.Learn your histroy and search up "The Fall Of The Roman Emiper"
I hate america
1. Came late i both WW1 and WW2 with minniamal causitiels and take all the credit
2. Killed over half a million CHILDREN
3. They bomb iraq into the think about they are just as bad as those iraq terriosts but they can get away with it because there the lan of the "free"

And the only reason 9/11 happen was because the USA keeped on bombing people in the middle east.Millions upon million died many people but No it was it was okay for the USA since thier the best.And when they attack the USA they consired cowards? yeah the USA is the real cowards here
USA sucks and you know it and many people in the world know it.

My sister catch attitudes to much for stupid reasons and when i try to talk to her she just tunes me out?

sorry, don't understand what you are trying to ask.

Why do stupid people keep bothering me?

You don't have to like everybody! You should do what you feel happy about, and let others do what they like. But don't ever behave like it is expected by others. By this I mean if they expect you to behave like a freak, don't do that. Just be yourself! there are to many people living by the rule of the crowds!

Are all Gemini Females perverts and stupid?

Good God, must I get technical with you Gemini protectors, why are you protecting a Gemini female, she surely will not protect or stick up for any of you. But I do understand that "Kittie lady" Nope I take that back. After-All Taurus women are compulsive, just as ditsy, perverted, and idiotic as Gemini women can be. The next time you Gemini women plan on having sex, moaning loudly, knowing others CAN hear you. when your partner disrespectfully tells you to SHUT the F UP, LISTEN, now cheers, Gem.

Dumb question, bear with me, are humans from earth?

Or where we made elsewhere and deposited here? I'm sorry its probally a dumb thing to ask and I will be told to quit watching sci fi channel, which I don't, but somewhere this just popped into my mind that we were manufactured to do something and then were left here. Sorry, I'm totally sober just having trouble sleeping with this on my mind. I don't call myself a christian but do attend church and pray daily so this kinda goes against religion to wonder if we were not supposed to be here as our dna is too different from other forms of life we were not spliced with? again I apologize I just keep hearing 12 made us in my sleep and its bothering me.

I feel like I'm very slow, dumb, stupid ...?

Recently, for the past 2/3 weeks I have been feeling like Im actually mentally sick! My self esteem suddenly dropped and I feel like I'm getting slower and stupider by the minute! I feel like I can't think properly and get confused easily. I feel stressed all the time, and worried! I am getting mad and moody! This is getting on my nerves and I cry every time thinking I'm getting stupider and more insane! This might sound weird ... I feel like I'm talking nonsense! Please PLEASE help me I don't know what's wrong with me