Why Is The American Government Forcing American Companies To Cease Operations In Russia

Which American companies have offices or operations in Moscow, Russia?

There are many American companies in Russia. Please check members of The U.S.-Russia Chamber of Commerce

What if countries imposed sanctions on USA as they did with Russia?

The global economy and US economy would slide into a serious depression. The US has the largest shareholding of the World Bank, so all of the poor countries with US loans would be in an awkward position where they either keep doing business with the US, or default on their loans. Two of the largest tech companies, Apple and Microsoft, would likely withdraw to entirely US markets. US computer companies would find it difficult to operate, if not impossible to operate, overseas. The tech markets of the US would likely be unaffected, but the rest of the world would slide backwards. The US could retaliate by using its Food power since the US is the largest food exporter on earth. Millions of people around the world, from in developed nations like Japan, to developing nations like Venezuela, rely on US food, as I have explained in other answers.  At the time the US imposed sanctions on Russia, the US was radically increasing its oil production, which made the sanctions on Russia have less of an impact on the global economy. It would be very difficult for the same thing to be competitive with food. The US government subsidizes many US crops with hundreds of billions of dollars. This keeps American crops very competitive on the global market; so competitive that it is often less profitable for developing nations to grow their own crops.Sanctions on Russia had less of an impact on the world than sanctions on the US would have. Russia's economy is about the size of France's and California's economies in terms of nominal GDP.

Are Mexico and America allies, enemies or indifferent?

I Never see America and mexico having close ties, or going to war together. Mexico never support what America does. And when 9/11 happened mexico Is just quiet when things happen to america. Even though a lot of mexicain live here. Mexico and America, the countries and government itself, have no Relationship with each other. Why Is it like that. America is close allies with it's other neighbor Canada. but why is mexico isolated? Who actually are mexico's allies

Why doesn't the US just leave Russia and Crimea alone?

Sending warships to the Black Sea

The United States -- and its military alliance, NATO -- did indeed have ships in the Black Sea near Georgia in August 2008, but the story behind their presence is more nuanced than an unmistakable show of force against Russian aggression.

There was little question that the United States backed the Georgian position in the conflict. The United States had been a staunch supporter of Georgia and its military ever since Georgia became independent, and Bush, speaking from the Beijing Olympics, said, ''Georgia is a sovereign nation, and its territorial integrity must be respected. We have urged an immediate halt to the violence and a stand-down by all troops. We call for the end of the Russian bombings.''

However, the military actions taken by the United States to back up these words were more cautious. For instance, the administration sent the guided missile destroyer McFaul to the Georgian port of Batumi, but it was loaded with humanitarian aid, according to a report in the Aug. 28, 2008, New York Times:

In essence, the United States was walking a tightrope between showing military defiance and offering a more humanitarian face. The Times called this balance "delicate."