Why Is The Corner Of My Lips Itching

Itchy Weird things corner of my lips?

okay so yesterday i felt this weird itchy in the corner of my lip i didnt pay much attention to it, now to day both corners of my lip are itchy/burning but mostly itchy.. i can kinda see scab's i guess but there very very little can barely see them.. im thinking this a cold sore? because idk what else it can be?

just for some information, haven't shared cups anything with anyone, haven't kissed a random person only my gf of a year yesterday but thats about it.. unless she somehow had it because she drank from someone cup and transfer it to me.. idk.. im just guessing.

but yea what do you think it can be? is this a form of herpes?

The corners of my mouth itch?

the corner of my mouth has been itching since yesterday night, i looked in the mirror and there is nothing there, is it just chapped lips or what?? I'm 13 btw if that has anything to do with anything and i have a cold at the moment. PLZZ HELP!!

Red, itchy area in Corners of Mouth?

I am 18 years old, and never made any form of physical contact with ANYONE in my entire life. It should not be anywhere near herpes or anything like that. I am guessing it is a bacterial infection or fungal infection. There is red skin in the corners of my mouth, and it used to crust and crack. But since I started adding anti-fungal creams and antibiotic cream, it no longer cracks but the redness is still there. And now it is starting to itch for some reason, which was not the case before. It is more than just "chapped lips" because this should not be happening. I CANNOT AFFORD to see a doctor, so come up with something more creative than stating the obvious please.

What I am using

Antibacterial cream: Top Care Triple Antibiotic Ointment

Anti-fungal cream: Clotrimazole

Itchy, burning lips! (almost constantly)?

For years I've gotten dry, burning, itchy lips (no bumps), around my lips and itchy corners of my mouth. I'm not sure what brings it on but it seems to always happen before it rains or when the whether fluctuates in the slightest. I live in Houston and it's pretty mild-hot and damp about 10 months out of the year. No extreme cold, usually, sans a few weeks total out of the year (I consider 40-60 degrees extreme cold). Weather change also brings on itchy, dry patches on my face. Usually my cheeks and chin area. Remember this is NOT necessarily just in dry cold weather.

Right now they're kind of splotchy; it sort of looks like a really messy lipstick job. I have an uncontrollable urge to lick them, but I try not to. After this stage they will chap really bad. After that they'll heal and look normal for a couple of days and then the whole cycle will start over again. It's never ending.

I use a betamethasone cream that temporarily soothes (sometimes) and I use Softlips. Sometimes I'll even break open a vitamin E capsule and put it on my lips.

Foods such as salad dressings, tomato products and citrus fruits seem to irritate my lips the most. Really, so many things irritate my lips. Even the mildest of lotions if they accidentally come in contact. Even if a peice of my hair brushes near my lips I feel like scratching them off sometimes.

Does anyone have this same problem?

I've done a lot of Googling, but haven't found anything that quite matched my problem. Remember I don't have any bumps or rashes. Just what I described above.

Thanks in advance.

Why are the corners of my mouth so dry?

i sometimes get that too.. especailly in the cold winter months. and yes this is because of the change in weather. Just make sure you keep hydrated. Drink loaaaddddsss of water to make sure that vulnerable parts of ur body such as the lips, mouth, hands, and legs dont get dry chapped skin. Also sometimes excessive heating in your house can cause the environment to become dry and causes dry skin. so make sure u have a humidifier. and continue applying the chap-sticks but make sure u only use one, and its a natural type. not one that makes ur lips look pretty and smells good, but one that actually works. oh and licking ur lips and covering them in saliva alot can also cause them to be dry.. when they become dry... just wash them with warm water and apply the chapstick.. one that i really like it burt bees lip balm.. u can get it from walmart..

wow that was a really long answer.. but i hope i helped :D
mind answering my question too? thank you!

Is it normal for kiwis to make your lips itch a bit?

You'd better care and stop eating them as this is a syptom of an alergy to them. It may be a minor reaction now, but if you keep eating them, the reactions could get more and more severe.
Don't take that chance. Just don't eat them.