Why Is The Sun Out Today When Will Winter Arrive

Why do some people hate the sun and love rainy and dark weather?

I can answer the question exactly. I hate the sun, like rainy weather and absolutely love cold weather (extra points for fog!).The easiest explanation for this is that if the weather is rainy/cold you can probably do something about it. Raining outside? Take an umbrella or wear a raincoat! Cold? Wear a sweater! Freezing? Wear another 2 and a coat!But what do I do when it's hot? Take off all my clothes? Can't do that without being charged with public indecency (or worse). Maximum I can do is wear a skirt or shorts (and probably get harassed because of my clothing choices too). Plus, roaming outside in the sun makes you so devoid of energy in even 5-10 mins, you feel like you could collapse any moment. And add to that sunburns and tanning, both of which keep happening and aren't very much fun. Plus sweat. Which is disgusting. Can't even talk on your phone without making that sweaty! This summer I had to stay in campus and was covered with heat rash. It was very painful at times.Compared to this, rains and winters are a breeze. When it's raining outside, you can just have a hot cup of coffee with some snacks (Indians would know how it is to have pakodas on a rainy day) and enjoy the view outside. Or become a kid again and make paper boats for the puddles. Jump in the puddles! I love winters because its foggy outside and no one can see what stupidity you're up to! And I like accessorizing with scarves and coats. And children get that rosy pink colour on their cheeks which makes them more adorable. And you can snuggle up with loved ones in a warm blanket. And school timings are delayed because of the weather. Who wouldn't like winters?[With that said, I will add that my experience is biased because I live in Northern India and we experience the worst of summers (45-49°C) and relatively mild winters (lowest around 0-1°C). Also because most of us do not have centralized air conditioning at home or wherever we go. And if I had to face the elements of the weather in the winters without coats I probably wouldn't love it that much]

Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter? and reasons why?

Winter is cold and the days are short. The noon sun is low in the sky and shines far into my dining room. We get a good snowfall once or twice each winter.

Spring, ahh, spring! As I'm typing this, I have every single window in my house open and all the fans on. Spring is my favorite season. The days are much longer than they were back in December. Today where I live, the sun got up to 48 degrees in the sky at noon, compared to only 28 degrees on the winter solstice. Shadows are getting shorter. The weather has been perfect for the past few days. It's warm, humid, and windy. The grass is greening up, the silver maples have flowered, and the birds are singing loudly in the morning. My forsythia is just about ready to bloom (though last year it bloomed in February). I love spring because everything is coming back to life. I'm always out biking or jogging during the spring. My favorite time during spring is in late April and early May, when everything is fresh and green. I like relaxing on the hammock under my lilac bush. And I love when Daylight Saving Time arrives.

Summer: Summer is great, but it seems to last for a while. In June, the sun rises at 5:30 and sets at 8:30, and the noon (or 1 pm DST) sun is nearly directly overhead at 75 degrees. I love the short shadows of telephone poles. Summer is hot and humid where I live, but I don't mind it. It's so hot that there is no chill when you get out of the pool when it's windy. On days when I have nothing to do, I like to lay under my mimosa tree.

Why doesn't our planet Earth have two summers and two winters in a year?

Actually, the sun is at a focus of the ellipse not at the center, so there is only one closest and one farthest point.

But that has nothing to do with summers and winters! In fact, the summer in the northern hemisphere is when the earth is farthest from the sun! The tilt of the earth's axis is what makes the seasons. As we go around the sun, the northern hemisphere is sometimes pointed in the general direction of the sun (giving summer then) and at other times it is pointed away from the sun (giving winter then). When the northern hemisphere is having summer (because it is pointed toward the sun), the southern hemisphere is having winter (because it is pointed away).

Why do the White Walkers come only during the winter? Does it mean that White Walkers can't reach King's Landing, if it doesn't snow there?

There is a strong connection between the Walkers and colder weather. We're still not sure about what causes what. Is it the reappearance of the Walkers that causes the Winters to lengthen, or do they reappear because of the longer Winters?During the Long Night, an entire generation supposedly lived and died without seeing the sun as Westeros had been completely blanketed by snow and darkness.Winter is simply the time when they're the strongest and it would be foolhardy to attack an entire continent when you're not your strongest.

How are sun rises/sets early in some parts and late in others?

The Sun's rising or setting timings are dependent on the apparent position of Sun, obviously. On March 21, Sun is exactly shining over the Earth's equator, known as the day of Vernal Equinox. On this day, the night and day are exactly equal in both northern and southern hemispheres. Note - Direct rays on the EquatorAfter March 21 till June 20 or 22, the Sun moves towards the northern latitudes. So, Sun will rise early in north, and late in South, since it faces the north and is away from the south, causing Summer in north, winter in south. Summer Solstice - 22 June (for northern hemisphere)Note: India is tilted towards the Sun, while south is away. Continuous day in Arctic, night in Antarctic. Direct rays till the Tropic of Cancer (23.5 degree N) Then, till September 23, Sun again shifts south, descending from higher northern latitudes and back to the equator, which causes the Autumnal Equinox. On 23 September, the day and night are equal again. Then Till December 22, Sun descends towards the southern latitudes, away from the north, causing summer in south, winter in north, and associated change in timings. December 22 (Winter Solstice for north).  Hence, the days are short and nights longer in the north, as here, Sun rises late sets early.Note: India tilted away from Sun's direct rays, while Malaysia getting almost direct sun's rays. Continuous night in Arctic and day in Antarctic. Direct rays till Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 degrees S).After 22 December Sun again rises north, and causes vernal Equinox on 21 March, and brings Spring in north, autumn in south - the cycle repeats. The timings also change with respect to the latitudinal position. There is 6 months of day and 6 months of night in the polar regions, while day and nights are nearly equal along the equator. The revolution of Earth is responsible for the changes in seasons, which is related to the different apparent positions of Sun. It all seems confusing. Take your time to think and visualize. Watch videos related to change of seasons, and Sun's positions in a year.

Depressed during the winter?

Me too.

I haev Seasonal Affective Disorder, but mine is mild, and I treat it by taking Vitamin D3 (available without a prescription in the Vitamin section at the pharmacy). Vitamin D is produced in teh skin by exposure to sunlight, and in teh eitner your skin produced less Vitamin D.

SOME people have a more serious case, and need to purchase a Special Sun Spectrum L:amp.

Why are days in the summer longer?

​ it might help to explain from the other answers, that what you are seeing in one part of the world is balanced elsewhere. The world turns 360 degrees in 24 hours. That means the sun appears to move at 15 degrees of arc every hour ( one degree in 4 minutes.) At times of the year called the equinox,( aprill 22nd and september 22 ) there are equal times of daylight and darkness. ​As the earth tilts on its axis, your summer means that the earth has tilted towards the sun and the days of sunshine length increase to a maximum ( if you are in northern hemisphere) on June 22nd, after that the days start getting shorter. it depends how far you are from the equator as to how long the day may be. Northern hemisphere it is daylight all day at the North pole in summer. ​BUT, consider that, because the earth has tilted, the Southern hemisphere is turned away from the sun, their days are shorter. After June22 the earth begins to tilt back, and be December 22nd it is totally opposite and in the Northern hemishphere the hours of daylight are the shortest, but there is still 24 hours in a day.If you want days of equal daylight and darkness you need to move to near the equator!!​

Why do we see different constellations at night in summer from those in winter?

The earth orbits the sun once per year. The sun or daylight side of the earth is always pointing inward toward the sun. The night side of the earth is therefore always pointing outward - away from the sun. As the earth swings around the sun, this outward side is oriented in a full 360 degree sweep as the year goes by. In the summer, the outer or night side of the earth is pointed roughly toward the center of our galaxy, which we see as the constellation Sagittarius scattered across the face of the Milky Way. In the winter, we are oriented to look outward at night away from the galactic center, so we see Orion within our arm of the galaxy spiral and Perseus in the next arm outward. In spring, we see out of the galactic plane toward Leo and Virgo, in fall we see out of the galactic plane in the other direction toward Pegasus.