Why Is The West And Africa Selling Land Left Right And Centre To China

The Chinese Investment in Africa, good or bad?

Well, as a Chinese I think that it is good thing.

As you have said, China is making Africa stronger by investing there. In fact, do you know that the African Union's conference center in Ethiopia was donated by the PRC?

China is not exploiting the Africans, we are just doing business with them and that makes a big difference. We are helping them to be strong. We are sending in millions of dollars to help them to build schools, roads, airports, hydro-electric dams, railroads and etc.

I know many westerners are 'accusing' Chinese as 'the new colonist'. I only have one question for them:

When was the last time you seen Chinese businessman using shackles on Africans? When was the last time you have seen Chinese companies forcing Africans to buy our produce? When was the last time China sended the PLA to interfere the domestic affairs of an Africans nation?

If not , then why compared Chinese peaceful investment to Euro-colonialism? You cannot compare apples to steak.

It is time for you to pull the wool off that has been covering your eyes.

BTW, this is a great question. Thanks for asking it.

Imperialism of Africa and India?

Oh, boy. This is NOT a little question... :]
Anyways, there were various reasons for European colonization. Many European countries said they were merely industrializing those places for the benefit of the natives. Many times, they said they wanted to convert the natives to Christianity. However, it is clear that industrialization benefited the Europeans far more. Colonization provided wealth and natural resources that were conveniently very helpful to European industrialization.

As for the effects--oh, boy again. This is going to be very general...

Many seemingly beneficial things were built such as railroads and hospitals. However, the building and industrialization definitely tried to Western-ize everything. Many times it succeeded. In Africa especially, colonized places picked up the European languages. For example, countries like Cote d'Ivoire (the Ivory Coast) speak a lot of French.

Why did Japan invade China?

Politcal zeal and dreams of setting up an Asia co prosperity sphere of influence like the British empire.  Let's be straight, China was falling apart at the seams by the turn of the century. Corrupt and nepotistic dynasty replaced by a revolution that started good but was usurped by warlords and corruption which essentially ruined most of the dream of a modern republic which Dr Sun Yat Sen envisioned.  Japan, fresh after industrialization and modernization and adopting the western ways due to the progressive Meiji Restoration, ( and let's be honest, China was not being a good role model at the time, being exploited left right and center by every western power) and a successful war against a western power (Russia) gave the military leaders the confidence that they could take it one step further and build an empire.  Romans did it, the British, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch did it. Why not Japan?Anyway I suppose that was the thinking.  The twisted irony is that they leaders believed that they were actually helping China given its internal corruption and civil instability. Remember that Japan and the Kuomintang (what ended up being the Taiwanese government) were actually allied against fighting the communism at one point.  Another lesser known fact: 10% of the Japanese army was Taiwanese and Korean. Why? Well to understand deeper than just textbook descriptions you need to understand the Japanese culture. At the risk of grossly generalizing, Japanese people obey rules, obey a code of honor, and strive to live harmoniously within the community.  These tenants reinforce each other to make for a large population of people that act as one which "don't want to rock the boat" or be seen as an activist or a troublemaker.  So when your leaders tell you that they are going to help "free China from themselves" nobody will think to ask why and generally just go along with it. That has changed a lot since after losing the war; they have had a national shift in self perception and thinking.  It's this extreme 180 degree shift that has made Japan such a leader in innovation, self expression and fringe culture that you know today.

Can India defeat China in a full-fledged war?

I am Chinese. And I think if there is a war between India and China, India will definitely win. There are three reasons for that, in my opinion:Access to weaponry & military tech. China can use only the weapons that it developed and built on its own, whereas India can buy any weapon they want from USA and Russia. As we all know, the military tech of US and USSR/Russia is far more advanced than that of China. How can we win the war if our sword is just trash in comparison to that of our opponents.Fundamental population demographic problem of China. All people say that there will be enormous trouble if war starts between China and India, because both have seemingly endless number of people capable of participating in the war. However, since the one child policy lasted for decades in China, most of the Chinese soldiers are the only child of their parents. If you are a parent, will you risk losing your only child for some meaningless war? It is highly likely that the parents would dissuade their child from participating in the war. Thus, I think Chinese war effort will implode from the inside even before there's a significant offense from the Indian side.The advantage of the social and political system of India. India is a democratic country whereas China is not. I think Indian soldiers would act much more bravely since they know they are fighting for themselves. The Chinese soldiers, on the other hand, would be fighting just to satisfy the whims of their government.I really wish there is no war between our countries. Asia is a place full of hope and potential at this time. Don’t we all remember the result of Europe’s wars in the last century?The glorious civilization of EU got severely ruined due to the wars. That’s why USA and USSR could dominate the world for half a century.I have lived in peace in all past years. I have never been to India, so I wouldn't even know what this alleged enemy looks like if we were to start a war. There are so many good things in the world to experience and think about, why should I think about starting a war against an undefeatable country?