Why Is There A Minimum Amount Of Calories U Can Eat But They Tell You To Burn More Calories Then

If 1200 calories per day is the minimum amount of calories needed to survive, then how come I (female, 65 inches, 95 lbs) have been living on under 1000 for months, and yet I feel very healthy?

1200 calories is not the minimum amount of calories to survive. Your recommended caloric intake depends on gender, height, age, metabolism, activity level, etc.Here is a decent calculator based on gender, age, height, weight, and activity level: How Many Calories Should You EatIt should be noted that there are many formulas to determine caloric requirements, and no general consensus. This is because metabolism is highly individualistic. What you eat, when you eat, genetics, types of exercise, and many other factors all play into it. Here is a website that discusses two formulas, but it should be noted that there are several additional formulas that are not discussed and which yield similar but slightly different results: Calories, Weight and Height According to Age | Livestrong.comOn your personal situation, according to BMI you are underweight. Though, BMI is no longer considered to be definitive, it provides a good starting place. Generally a female of your height/weight should be eating closer to 1300–1500 calories a day, depending on your age. Talk to your doctor to determine if you are at a healthy weight, or if you should adjust your intake/activity levels. Remember, there is much more to health than just weight. The quality of the food, how much muscle a person has, amount of sleep, and much more all contribute to overall health.

What is the bare minimum amount of calories you need?

I mean, I know the human body could probably get along for awhile on, say, 300 calories, but in the interest of not being anorexic, what amount of calories would an essentially sedentary person need to not die? This person (i.e., me) is a seventeen year old female. If age and gender factor into this at all.

What's the least amount of calories I can eat without starving myself?

You cant just cut down your calories and expect to lose weight quickly. Are you also exercising? If not, that's your problem. Exercise burns those calories, gets your metabolism up, and tightens and tones your body. Also, if you are the type that starves themselves all day and finally has one meal a day, that is contributing to you not losing weight. Only eating once a day, slows down your metabolism. Eating small, low calorie snacks throughout the day is a PROVEN method in boosting your metabolism because you constantly have it revved up by doing so. I am also like you, it is very hard for me to lose weight, but with what I just told you it IS possible. I lost 20lbs and kept it off easily doing it the right way, diet and exercise. Its hard work, its frustrating, but the results pay off trust me.

Does walking burn more calories than running?

It is said that running burns more calories than walking BT let's just see it this way what would you prefer running or walking which you would do and feel good and be consistent with it. Another point when you are walking or running don't do it with an intent of loosing calories but with a positive intention of building muscle mass and a good health. What ever be the exercise you are doing enjoy doing it. Exercise not to loose weight but because you love your body and the temple you live in . eat healthy foods green veggies and fruits . love urself . if you know Sandeep maheshwari he mentioned that you can loose weight without exercise simple trick what ever food you are eating see that you are taking lively foods and when you eat chew the foods 32 times, now when we see it practically when you start chewing or even when you have an idea of chewing 32 times you will get bored or u find your jaws are in pain so lets make it half chew your food at least 16 times every bite you take chew it 16 or more if you can so that when it enters into your stomach it is already broken down n ur stomach does not have to take much time in digesting it but when you do not chew properly it takes much time to break down the food in your stomach so digestion process slows down plus when you are not doing enough work you are not giving a reason for your body to burn the fat that is stored so just try it and see how it works for you. Love urself be gentle and some who feel they want to loose weight fast they can go for juicing . peace and light to u . good day.​

If i have to eat 1,442 calories a day how many calories do i have to burn to lose 1-2 pounds a week?

A pound of fat is equivelent to roughly 3,200 calories. 3-4 pounds a week is a lot to ask. I'm not telling you it's unsafe. I'm saying it may be more than is possible.

Since you are seeing your DR regularly you should ask his/her advice. Beyond that, a good exersize regimine, combined with your controlled diet will help you knock off the pounds as quickly as possible. Oh and drink water! Helps keep the body running right and burning that many more calories.

Minimal calories per day?

Just a quick question. Almost everything I read says you should consume no less than 1200 calories per day while losing weight.......Does this still hold true if you are burning an extra 500 per day with exercise (say on a treadmill) not counting strength training....or does that take you to a minimal of 1700?

I've been doing good and my body is responding well. At first I was extremely fatigued but I'm feeling a lot more energy now that I've dropped 35 lbs..... I just dont want to counteract my good intentions with eating too little.

I'm a 6 foot male...currently at 225lbs.....I know the calories are low but like I said my body is feeling pretty good....while sometimes I'm pretty hungry, my energy level is rising day after day at 1200-1400 calories.

Is it healthy to eat 350 calories a day?

If youre eating a good amount of fruits and veggies, you will be fine. Sure, it is not technically "healthy", but if you feel fine, then go for it. Thats about what I eat and I am maintaining my weight.

Burn more calories than you consume?? Thats a lot in one day..maybe I just dont understand?

thats because the work out machines are not enough to burn off what you consume or eat and you can burn off the calories you eat by eating less calories ..

.the trick to looseing weight and helping with getting healthy and in shape at least for me is by caculating my height and weight and then decideing what my calorie in take for me should be for the day after that i cut my calorie intake in half ...i still get the nutirents and energy i need by keeping my meals light and healthy .....

then when i do my workout and exercise routine i include everything in the workout which is usually pretty physical and intense for a couple hours daily and i usually work out six to seven days a week and if i begin to feel sore or burnt out take a day to recoperrate off inbetween ..

it takes alot of disipline and hard work but gives me the results and apperence i am looking for and works well for me ......