Why Is There So Much Anti-semitism In Socialist Countries

Why is there so much anti-semitism among socialist politicial parties in Latin America?

I suspect it’s present in most Socialist parties in the world.The radical socialism as one sees in Venezuela is a good example. From the get-go Chavez targeted the Jewish community.Jews are often in the sphere of commerce. Seizing their assets or attacking the commercial system allows the masses to feel that they are getting richer, perhaps. It enhances the position of dictators, allowing them to seem powerful, and present themselves as “for the people.”Usually, Jews are seen as rich and powerful, and part of the system of free enterprise that Socialists dislike. Another factor is that most Latin American countries have had periods of democratic government interrupted by Socialist regimes. It differs from the situation in the English speaking countries, where democracy is more firmly rooted.This can extend to other aspects of commerce, such as oil, or mineral resources. the state seizes these important companies, and Socialists make it seem like the average person is enriched by these actions. The “villains” there may not be Jewish, but nonetheless their wealth and power makes them targets.Attacking the free commercial system leads to impoverishment of the county as a whole. Venezuelans now are desperate for basic food and medications. The government maintains tight control of legal sales of food. Maduro has tightend the reigns even more importing Cuban communists to shore up his government.Any dissent is not tolerated.As for the “softer” kind of anti-Semitism, a good example of Jeremy Corbin. Or the way anti-Semitism can permeate the left here.Often, too, academics are strong supporters of the socialist parties in Latin America, and for left in the US. In today’s world, the locus of anti-Semitism is on the left…with some exceptions. Socialist policies agree with their ivoty tower approach to the world.Anti-Semitism is handy, available, and time-tested tool to make Socialists feel like they have the magic formula to remedy all the world’s ills.

Do any socialist counties allow free speech?


I found this an interesting, if very basic, perspective that doesn't defend or attack, but makes a reasonable conclusion about freedoms and socialism...

"This association of restrictions with socialism and freedom with capitalism, is no matter of chance. Capitalism is, with all its faults, a pluralist system. Power within it is dispersed and various, and it is this pluralism which is the necessary though not sufficient condition for freedom's existence and continuance. Socialism, on the other hand, is a highly centralized system, with political and economic power concentrated in very few hands."

Why was the Soviet Union so anti-semitic?

Before Stalin came to power, the Soviet Union was simply anti-Judaist, because religion was seen as outdated, however the state condemned antisemitism. It is known that Stalin was not very tolerant to Jews, and even threatened ethnic Jewish opponents inside the party with “pogroms”, and when he became Secretary General, there was a joke that he led all the Jews away from Politburo (Party leadership) like Moses led them out of the desert. After Israel became independent, Stalin hoped it to become a socialist country, but this did not happen, and since then all the Jews in the Soviet Union were considered potential capitalist agents.Soviet police disrupting a Jewish religious service in Mykolaiv, Southern Ukraine, in the 1960sSource:

Why was there a death penalty for anti-semitism in the Soviet Union?

According to Wikipedia:” The Council of People's Commissars adopted a 1918 decree condemning all antisemitism and calling on the workers and peasants to combat it. Information campaigns against antisemitism were conducted in the Red Army and in the workplaces, and a provision forbidding the incitement of propaganda against any ethnicity became part of Soviet law, with Stalin stating that:  “National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism.’  “Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism. In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty” Citations: Pinkus, Benjamin (1990). The Jews of the Soviet Union: The History of a National Minority. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 85. ISBN 978-0-521-38926-6.  Stalin, Joseph (12 January 1931). "Anti-Semitism: Reply to an Inquiry of the Jewish News Agency in the United States". Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1954. Retrieved 15 October 2016.At the same time, Christians were being slaughtered by the millions (almost 13 million in the Soviet Union. Many, many more millions of Christians (and non-Christians) were slaughtered by Communists elsewhere, and the American media were silent, just as they are silent about the slaughter of Christians in Muslim countries today. See Martyred in the USSR, Militant Atheism in the Former Soviet Union and Media Ignores Ongoing Genocide of Christians in The Middle East

National socialism,fascism without antisemitism what do you think?

Fascism and National Socialism were created by Hindus who hate everything white and Judeo-Christian. Just look at their symbol. The idea that they are Christians and "white supremacists" is completely ridiculous and was started by the Islamists to turn Jews and Christians against each other. The masses of German people who supported the Nazis were being deceived. But its leaders were Hindus. The ideas that they were right-wing and anti-socialist is also bs. The Nazis were socialists, that why they were called national SOCIALISTS. They were all about big government controlling the economy so they could take all the wealth of the Jews and spread it among those less worthy, just like Obama and his Marxist supporters want to do today.

How strong is the antisemitism in Sweden?

Anti-semitism used to be very strong in Sweden … before 1945. Check out this article about the ‘Jewish doctors’ affair at Uppsala University in 1939:Skeletons at the tea tableDuring the war, elements within Säpo (the security police) were also very pro-Nazi and helped the pro-Nazi parties draw up lists of Swedes who were to be rounded up and sent off to concentration camps, if the Germans took over. There were also problems for refugees from Norway being handed back to the Gestapo (and some of these Norwegians ended up in concentration camps). This was mostly due to individual police officers in border areas (especially in the region around Värmland).On 8th May, 1945, however, the pro-Nazis in Sweden (mostly concentrated in the south) took down their portraits of Adolf Hitler and became pro-Americans. One unfortunate result of this was that Sweden never underwent de-nazification.During the period up to the mid-1980s, the Swedish right continued their pre-war anti-semitism … but found that no-one was particularly interested. Then they switched tactics and substituted ‘Muslim’ for ‘Jew’. Their actions were the same: claims that ‘Muslims were destroying civilisation’, anti-Muslim graffiti, vandalism and destruction of property, assaults on Muslims, desecration of mosques with pigs’ heads … and, ultimately, arson against mosques and murder. In other words, the self-same actions nazis used against Jews in the 1930s.Nowadays anti-semitism still bubbles up to the surface among Sweden Democrats. One of their founding members was an ex-member of the Waffen SS, so it isn’t surprising. There’s also work to be done among some of the Muslim communities to combat anti-semitism, which is part of the general effort to divert Muslims away from extremism.The overwhelming majority of Swedes, though, don’t know anything about Judaism, apart from what they have to learn at school during the Religion lessons. It isn’t like the 1930s when people all over Europe said things like, “He looks Jewish”. No-one knows what ‘Jewish’ looks like any more. I doubt whether many people here would even realise that a Jewish person dressed in what, say, New Yorkers would understand are traditional Jewish clothes was actually Jewish.Criticism of the actions and policies of the Israeli government isn’t anti-semitism, by the way, no matter what right-wing Israelis say.

Why is there so much anti-Semitism still existing in Eastern Europe?

I know about Poland, but the answer may apply, at least partially, to other countries in Eastern Europe too.First, the data to address the “so-much” part of the question. The CBOS poll from January 2015: ( shows:Poles disliked most:Roma (Gypsies)- 58% of Poles dislike them,Russians 50%,Romanians 43% (commonly mistaken for Roma),Palestinians 36%.Turks 36%,Jews, Ukrainians 32%.The full data for Jews is: 32% feel antipathy, 30% are neutral (indifferent), 10% are undecided, and 28% feel sympathy. So, in an average group of 3 Poles, there will be one who dislikes Jews, one who likes Jews, and one who does not care, or could be swayed either way.CBOS has been doing these polls since 1993, and the interesting thing is the trend: in 1993 only 15% of Poles liked Jews, and 51% disliked them. Almost every year, more Poles like Jews and fewer Poles dislike Jews.…………….Now the “why”.I don’t live in Poland anymore, but when I visit, or talk with other Poles, or read comments or articles on Polish-language websites, I see/hear the following reasons given for not liking Jews:During WW2 Jews were more loyal to, or liked more, Russians and Germans than Poles.Communism was brought after WW2 by Jews, and many people in top government positions and in the oppression system of early communist Poland were Jews.During the transformation from communism to capitalism starting in 1989 the power in Poland was held by crypto-Jews, and they made sure that the communists would not be prosecuted for their crimes. Also, they sold national assets cheaply or even gave them away for free to foreign, often Jewish or German companies.Jews hate Poles and are ungrateful for saving large numbers of them from the Germans. The recurring “Polish death camp” controversy shows that Jews are trying to shift the responsibility for Holocaust from Germans (with whom they are best buddies, because Germans keep giving them money) to Poles.That Jews control the world media and economy.The validity and relevance of each of these points can be discussed at length using facts, logic, and empathy. That’s not the point of this question, though.…..Finally, if you live there, or anywhere really, and hear anti-Jewish, or anti-Polish, or anti-somebody comments, why not ask those people directly “why”, maybe you can help them change their minds?

In a socialist country does the government own everything?

No. Socialism is the transitional phase between Capitalism and Communism (all three are economic terms, not political).

The official definition of Socialism is: The transitional stage between capitalism and communism, and where everyone is paid according to their ability (a doctor earns more than a street-sweeper).
The official definition of Communism is: The ownership by the majority of the means of production (factories), distribution (road, rail, air transport) and exchange (shops etc). It is also where everyone is paid according to their needs (a doctor and a street-sweeper earn the same).

Initially factories, shops, transportation systems are owned by individuals (capitalism), then over many years during the socialism stage, the government slowly acquires control of the factories and transportation systems until they, and shops, are all controlled by the government. After even more time hopefully the economy becomes communistic.

As for control of the news --- That depends upon the government and their political mindset. In most socialist countries the majority of the news is owned or controlled by the government. The same happens in many capitalist countries -- examples:
a) Nazi Germany -- the government controlled the newspapers and radio stations and the few that were owned by individuals were usually owned by Nazis or their sympathisers. Other newspapers were banned.
b) Singapore -- currently the TV stations are owned by the government as are most of the radio stations. The newspapers are owned by big business but are heavily censored and many of the foreign newspapers and magazines that enter Singapore are censored.
c) Malaysia -- Similar to Singapore.
d) Indonesia -- The government owns numerous TV stations and radio stations and heavily control all other media through censorship.

Why is the media in the US so pro-socialism, knowing how socialist countries have historically treated the media and free speech?

Those abuses occurred AFTER their ancestors left the countries that became socialist. It makes a big difference. Russian Jews are often very anti-communist. They know what happened to Jewish people in Russia during the Great Purge in the 1930’s, when Stalin murdered many if not most of the Jewish people who had spearheaded socialism in Russia. But many Jewish people in the US, who are a sizeable part of the journalistic community, especially the most central parts like the big 3 TV networks and the big metropolitan newspapers, are the grandchildren or further descendants of socialist immigrants who fled anti-Semitic Czarist oppression in the old Russian Empire before the communist takeover. Socialism got mixed up with their religion under the notion of “tikkun olam.” Their belief also was that the political and physical threat to them came from the right. Under Czarist Russia, it really did. But the Czar and his family have been dead for about 100 years now. The threat to Jews in Europe is now from Islamists and their left-wing white European “anti-colonialist” would-be “allies” and their hierarchy of “intersectional” grievance and hatred. Maybe it’s time to come up to speed with current events.