Why Is There So Much Pain In My Lower Back

Why am I peeing so much and have lower back pain?

Please disregard the other people that answered that it is to early to have any symptoms. Frequent urination is often one of the very first signs of pregnancy, and most often starts before you've even missed your period. A sudden increase in hormones can slow down the bodies digestion and bowel movements, which it does in order to allow your body to absorb all the possible nutrients from your food for a growing fetus. Cramping is also normal very early in pregnancy. Not only does your body start to prepare the uterus, but implantation, which occurs about 6 to 12 days after conception, is when the embryo attaches itself to the wall of your uterus, and is often accompanied by cramps and even some light spotting. and unless accompanied by other symptoms, or if it is very uncomfortable or painful, cramping can be totally normal. As for lower back pain, about 50% of pregnant women experience some form of back pain during their pregnancy. Another side effect of the sudden increase in hormones can also be headaches. Some women are just much more sensitive to hormones, and more in-tune with their bodies, and can spot even the most slight changes or be affected by even small hormone increases. It does sound like you have many factors that indicate a very early pregnancy, but strange as it seems, these can all also be a prelude to getting your period. I would suggest waiting until 5 days before your next period is supposed to start, and testing then. Also, a very good idea would be to look up information on early pregnancy, and you will see that all of your symptoms are listed. Good luck with everything!

Why is there pain in my lower back?

No. It's most likely your muscles or an inflamed tendon. It is very unusual for a young person to have significant lumbar disc disease.

My lower Back is SOO painful.... why?????

If you are not lifting anything at work the improper way (lift with your legs, not with your back), no matter what the size, I would go see a doctor.You do not mention what side it is on, but back pains indicate other health problems which are easily dealt with when not ignored.
I had sharp back pains and had to use a cane to walk--it turned out it was caused by kidney stones which are painful.
They used an ultra sound to find them, then a machine which sent sound waves for 40 minutes thru my body--it didn't hurt. Today the goal is to break the stones into smaller pieces so they can pass on their own, rather than try to remove them invasively. Due to this, minor surgery is rarer.
Plus your doctor will give you a stronger pain killer and possibly an antibiotic over the time until they can break up or remove the stones. It's good to have a doctor monitor these things, so you don't worry alone.

Why does my lower back hurt so much?

Aloha, Please read completely. I am sorry it's so long.
Especially when I am cleaning/standing to long/walking/sitting my lower back hurts. I take a muscle relaxer and I use anxity meds (for anxiety, it helps my TMD, but not my lower back), and naproxen for TMD. When I crack my back(when I can) it eases the pain for a moment, but not long. I also use medical mj for mental health issues, pain management, but it doesnt seem to help pain much anymore. I use heat through the night but still wake up from pain and heat.
I took XRays and an MRI recently and neither shown a thing , but an upside triangle(?) that was overlaping or something. I asked why it hurts and the Dr said maybe it is b/c of the overlaping, but he doesn't know. I feel sore and feel crazyer than ever. Plus b/c I am only 33, the doctors, NP, medical assistant all think b/c I am young I shouldn't have so many issues.
I know when I was young my cousin and I used to carry our younger siblings/cousins on our back. I got pushed when I was in elementary school. I fell back on my bum and slided backwards and hit my back & head against it. Lastly, I never really learned the "use your legs" thing. I always thought I did but always been told to.

Please help, serious help. Mahalo for reading.

Why is my lower back throbbing?Note: I am not a medical doctor.There are various reasons that the lower back might throb.Most of these involve tense muscles, and often the tension is caused by hidden emotional conflicts, such as anger vs fear.These conflicts arise out of a long pattern of dealing with stress and interpersonal conflict in a less-than-optimal way. The tension often leads to muscle strains or pulls which then become a go-to spot for emotional issues to manifest themselves.Please see my other answers about back and neck pain for more information on dealing with this.If you describe your particular situation in a comment, I can sometimes help to pinpoint a specific circumstance that is contributing to the muscle tension (job conflict or job changes, interpersonal conflicts or stresses, areas of life that are highly emotionally charged, etc).Cheers.

If you know what you are doing, doing a deadlift from the floor, rack or pull block with a loaded barbell is easy and pain free, but it can be intense.MAST ON A SHIP!I was looking at an article by: Dr Stuart McGill, Ph.D ((http://Dr. Stuart M. McGill ), says your spine is like the mast on a ship – the rigging holds it firm so it can’t buckle. Your trunk muscles around your spine are that rigging. They hold your spine firm so it can bear heavy loads safely and pain-free. He is is a professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo (Waterloo, ON, Canada).Stop doing deadlifts. Something is wrong!I have years of experience with weightlifting and i have learned a lot from my body parts, weaknesses and strength of my own lifting muscles. Dead lifts use all your muscles and very quickly can reveal weakness points.You must stop doing any sort of deadlift, until you get a complete assessment from a medical doctor or you should consult in person with an “experienced strength training coach” to identify the problem and fix the issue.Here is a good resource to consult with an exercise physiologist, certified with Olympic weightlifting, certified strength training coach and a Ph.D in the field. He is strength training coach for Oklahoma City University.okcbarbellclub with Coach Jason MillerGood luck. I hope i gave you some clues.Image: my gym garage.