Why Is There So Much Unfounded Hate Towards Msg

How do I deal with a person who hates me?

It's really unfortunate that we all wish to be loved, yet, some would easily jump to hating on others. If you've been a victim of hate or cyber bullying, this should be inspiration enough for you to tackle those a-holes.But first, let's understand what builds hate in people. Haters are usually people who are insecure. Know this. It has been established time and again that if people hate on you or criticize you without you having harmed them in any way, they most definitely are jealous of or intimidated by you. And their hate directed towards you is only their defense mechanism. Because they know no better."Not all insecure people are haters, but all haters are insecure people." ~ Jack Schafer, Professor and AuthorWhether you're a person who actively voices out their opinions or not, as long as you're on social platforms, you've most definitely experienced some kind of hatred - directed towards you or one of your social connections. But, it's amazing how people have started taking hate on social media, turning it into something nicer, and throwing it back into the digital universe. Earlier last year, Australian academic, Susan Carland decided to donate $1 to UNICEF for every hate tweet she received.This Is Exactly What You Should Do When People Make You Feel Ugly.This understanding of haters and bullies has led to many people coming up with ways to easily tackle them. Here are some:Be calm, and don't react. Because that's exactly what insecure people look for - attention. And knowing you got affected by their snarky remarks, will make them feel like they have some sort of power on you.But if you must, respond - instead of giving into stimuli, take a couple of milliseconds, and come up with a quip instead to tell them off.Don't take what they say, personally. Remember, it's not you, it's them.Know your own strengths (and weaknesses), and concentrate on those (the strengths, of course) instead.Know your opponents' strengths and weaknesses too. Then point them all, and say, "You see, like I just pointed out, you have some strengths and weaknesses too. We all do. So, we're all the same."Thanks for A2A!!

When did Klanophobia become so deeply ingrained in the minds of Americans?

"THIS IS A WHITE MAN'S ORGANIZATION, exalting the Caucasian Race and teaching the doctrine of White Supremacy. This does not mean that we are enemies of the colored and mongrel races. But it does mean that we are organized to establish the solidarity and to realize the mission of the White Race. All of Christian Civilization depends upon the preservation and upbuilding of the White Race, and it is the mission of the Ku Klux Klan to proclaim this doctrine until the White Race shall come into its own."

Taken from their website.

You can believe that white people are awesome all that you want, but to believe that there are separate races within the Human race is inexcusable ignorance. To base a belief on supremacy of skin color is retarded and shows only a lack of respect for and knowledge of science.

"WE STAND FOR WHITE SUPREMACY. Distinction among the races is not accidental but designed. This is clearly brought out in the one book that tells authoritatively of the origin of the races."

An unfounded belief is an unfounded belief, and deserves no respect of mine nor do the people who hold it. I don't grant my respect; it is earned. All any Klan member has ever earned is my contempt.

Edit: I actually considered that, but on Y!A you can never know.

Why did this aries blow up like that?

It was a few days ago and my ex-lover's bill collector called my cell and left a message looking for him. I don't appreciate that cuz I don't consider myself freinds w/ him anymore. The reason why I walked away from him is bcuz he plays games and I do too, but he really needs to grow up. I was talking to him for 2 1/2 years. He is an Aries. I texted him telling him to call that # so they won't call me anymore looking for him. He said ok. Then he asked me was I still stingy (meaning holding out from him), I then asked him was he still playing around w/ his little hoes. About an hour later he texted back going off of me saying that I was F***ing dumb and that I need to grow up and if I can't deal with it, then 4get his F***ing # and that he doesn't have time for games. Then he said not to call or text him and that he would call me when he wasn't busy. He also says, "I still love u, but sometime u do stupid S***". I then called him to curse him out for disrepecting me like that, and he didn't wanna answer the phone. So, I texted him back saying he's the one that needs to grow up, just bcuz I don't wanna be one of his hoes! How stupid is that?! Then I told him not to ever call me again and that he needed professional help for the way he blew up and to get his mind right. I was still upset and insulted about the way he did things and I was on the phone talking to my friend 2 hrs later, and then I get a text from him saying, " Are u done acting dumb?" I ignored the question bcuz for all I know he could have been trying to start up drama again, and I'm not the one for it. I said all I had to say and cut off all ties to him after that, so that's why I never did respond to it. But why did he blow up like that? Was it even worth all that?

Why i choose terrorism as a presentation topic?

because it is a popular concren since 911,that has brought about many new changes in society like new laws that violate our constitutional rights,increased hate crimes and bigotry against muslims,increased tolerance towards other racil groups like blacks and asians or even mexicans who have all moved down one on the list of people we love to hate because muslims took the number one spot, oil prices and government corruption and corporate power increased since these are all related issues that relate to who is making obscene amounts of money or enjoying lucrative profits because of the war on terror,increased and unfounded public fears about terrorism , we are the baddest *** country in the world mr. bush clearly demonstrated to the world that if you mess with us we will destroy your civilization,implant our corporations and occupy your land ,the message was loud and clear and no country is going to impulsively bomb us unless theyare willing to end their own civilization unfortunately those who will probably have nothing left to lose and we have more military bases in the world than there are countries and we are still trying to create more in other countries ,we ignore the un and do what the hell we want despite our protests so the media plays on our fears post 911 terrorism to keep support for the war on terror alive however we are the the cowering victim americans feel like when they vote for our protection we are bullies and we dont answer to no one and other countries are afraid of us because they have evry reason to be we just reminded the world that we have miltary might unsurpassed by any other country and we are the dominant corporate global power