Why Life Is So Unfair I Quit

Why do some people go through so much pain? Why is life so unfair to some people?

I believe everyone has problems. Everyone has their bad sides, bad days, bad times. Everybody fights their own battles. You can never judge just by looking, how good someone's life actually is. Maybe the person you think life is more fair to, has had problems that you have no idea about. Maybe he deals or has dealt with them differently. Maybe he hides them better. Maybe he ignores them, and then suffers in a completely different way, for a completely different reason. Pain is proof that you're alive. Without pain, there can be no lessons. So even if life were to give more pain to you than the guy next door, it would make you emerge as a much wiser and experienced person, which is your advantage. So life is fair to you, because you gained from more pain. I believe life is what you make it. How you perceive what's happening to you determines how your life eventually becomes. So stop worrying about how things go with others, and stop fretting about how they aren't working for you, and start thinking about how you are going to make them work. It's about you and your life. Believe in yourself and in the power of your actions. Believe in the happiness that you're capable of spreading. Focus on the beauty. Stay blessed.

Why is Life so cruel and Unfair?

Why does God plays favourites?

Not to be rude or judgemental to anyone here, but I am SO ANGRY I can barely even breathe and relax. I can't even sleep.
I just started a new job and I am under intense pressure right now, coping and fitting in with the environment.

I am teaching English in a Chinese School and the reality of the situation here is depressing.
This is a rich school, governed by rich, greedy cruel people who fit the "race criteria" and they are in the rich category.

The people here are boastful, arrogant, rude, twofaced, mean, cruel, jealous of other people's talents and capabilities and they are all backstabbers.
They are selfish, and full of dirty tricks but they are all loaded with a lot of money.

Why does God gives everything to everybody else and to minority group people like us he gives so little ?
I need this job and I need the money very badly to take care of my family.
I knew the reality of the situation here, before I even took this job and signed the 1 year contract.

In fact, the School principle pleaded with me to stay at least for 1 year on the day of the interview.
Last year, they had 10 teachers who resigned.

I am not a Greedy person, but I really NEED the money. My mum is old and our family business is not doing very well. I SERIOUSLY, Seriously need the money as my family is in debt and we had such hard financial times last year.

I am so tensed and worried about whether I will be able to take the pressure.

I am also angry and sad that God gave so much to all these people who cheat and swindle and lie everywhere and to good people like us we He gives so little.

I am so , so angry!

Why is Life so unfair? why is the world so tough?

Everyone has fear like yours at least once in their lives...the choice is do you let the fear rule your life or do you use the fear to make your life? Don't focus on the fear or you will end up like a hampster on a wheel...going round and round but no where!! You have a lot of big decisions to make in the next year or so. The junior year of high school always seems to be the hardest...but you will get through it. One rule I always told my girls to use when they were freeking out is this: stop and ask yourself if whatever is freeking you out will absolutly effect your life in 10 years. If the honest answer is NO then stop wasting time and energy on it. If the answer is yes then you need to step back and analize where you are at and what you are doing and form an action plan. If you want to go to college in NYC then you need to make a plan:
A. What do you want to study?
B. What school in NYC has the best program in your chosen area of study?
C. What are the admission qualifications?
D. What will be the expenses?
E. What will your family be able to contribute?
F. Will you need loans? Grants? Scholarships? (scholarships you need to start looking for NOW)
G. Do you want to work now and save cash for school spending money or work while you are in college?

Talk to your parents, talk to your school counslor, preist, trusted older friend....Once you quit focusing on your fears and get busy with your action plan you will find that they fade and loose their importance. Best wishes and good luck!!

Do you ever feel like life is unfair?

Note: Sarcasm ahead!No, life is not unfair. Today my belief strengthened after reading news paper in morning:Rape victim’s father dies in custody.People are asking stupid questions like How can a normal person die all of a sudden that too in police custody? Why was the father in custody instead of accused MLA and his gang?Why the complaint against them fell on deaf ears? Why did the girl fell urge to try to commit suicide instead of getting proffessional help and counseling?Above all questions have one answer :Life is not unfair. If the girl would have been of any influencial family or the accused would have been common man, the story would be totally different. But the victim is a common girl so her life has to be a little unfair to her so that it can be fair to ‘worthy’men.Another ‘worthy’ man…Salman khan!! His life is totally fair to him.So how can you say Life is unfair! Its just that you dont have the right means to get make it fair.Now on a serious note:Yes, the life is unfair but still we get many chances.We have to utilize them with all efforts to improvise. And one more thing…Complaining never helps! Finding solutions may.

If life is unfair, why should I continue living?

Have you ever stood outside a preschool when the kids are about to come out after the day ends?If you do, you will see a variety of emotions.Some kids will come out crying. Waiting to be in the arms of their parent.Some will come laughing, hand in hand with their classmate. Ready to take on the next challenge (read: eating the next meal).Some will come out with an angry face, mentally cursing parents for sending them away among strangers.Some will not want to go home. They will cry, plead their parents to let them stay more. Bargain. Agree to do something in return if they let them stay for a few more hours.What would go in these little minds? Ever given a thought? They would also feel why is life so unfair.“Why do my parents send me to school when I don't want to go?”“Why do my parents take me back home when I want to play more?”“Why do they lie everyday that I would enjoy school? I clearly don't.”But they still get up everyday, get ready and embark upon that journey, which they know will end in dissapointment.They must be questioning the existence of schools and why did god make it.Some maybe questioning why does a school have limited hours. Why can't they stay there forever?But they still go on with the belief that things would change according to them and they learn to laugh at the dissapointment.If small kids, who have no idea how to express their feelings can do it, we as adults can surely do.

Why is life so unfair I don't want to live anymore?

I'm 56 years old now. My parents were so bad I did wanted to die at young age. Around 20 I suffered a psychological schock which lasted more than a year; it meant I couldn't feel at all and my heart felt like it could burst every moment, 24/7. Some 10 years later I suffered a depression for over 2 years, it was so black and thick it even scared people away from me. Then some 8 years later there was this burnout, I forgot but it must have been about 2 years of heavy tiredness and a body that jumped from suffer to disease.I'll spare you some more episodes, but how do you think this all affected my social life? I've tried sincerely a relationship and didn't manage to succeed for about 12 times. Now at last there's a woman that stays, allready for 5 years now. I met her when she had her own period of shock, before me she dated on the internet which turned out to be a swindle, they robbed her of an amount of money with which you could buy a house. It's said that more than 50% of such victims commit suicide.And how do you think this all affected my professional life? I've been broke twice, having to start all over again with nothing in hand when I was 50. That's disappointing beyond anything, most people cannot even begin to imagine that. How about life being unfair?I've had experiences you cannot even begin to describe to psychologists. I've had to live from wages far below minimum. I've been abandoned for more times I can remember now. I've been sick for periodes that ruined everything I hoped for. Good friends have died from terrible diseases. Life rips them away from you without giving a chance to say goodbye.I'm 56 years old now. It's 7 'o clock in the morning and there's this little dog waiting for me to take a walk. There's this woman that's still sleeping and I have to wake her up because there's a lot to do today. I'll visit my mother in hospital, yes, the same mother that abandoned me when I was so young; I'm not going to abandon her, no matter how ugly she may seem in my eyes sometimes. And why? Why would I do such a thing? Well, it's my experience that if I do things just how they ought to be, from the heart, the example is of great help to my sister. That's a reason to do things. There's many more reasons to do such a thing and maybe today I'll find a reason I do not know yet.The dog needs me, I gotta go.

Is it unfair that my band teacher won't let me quit?

In my opinion, you should just deal.
Dropping out of band will be something you regret for the rest of your life. In band, you're not only learning how to perform a musical ability that will be fun and useful for the rest of your life, but is also sounds like you are learning about discipline (self control).

Having performed in concert band from 4th grade all the way up through my senior year of college, not talking is just something that is supposed to be obvious. If you want to chat, that is what lunch is for. You're disrupting the entire class and slowing down the entire process by yakking away with your buddies.

Put tissues in your instrument case, then you won't have to get up for them, and you can clean your instrument (especially if you play something that is likely to leak spit... clarinet, trumpet, etc.)

Your teacher is actually also doing you a favor by making you perform in front of the whole class. Your whole life is going to involve getting up in front of people at least a few times. If you have problems with being nervous, try performing the content of your playing test first at home in front of parents, siblings, or friends.

I wanted to quit band in sixth grade. My band teacher was nice enough, but he wasn't really that smart, and I didn't think I was learning enough about my instrument for the amount of time I put into the class. Fortunately, I stuck with it, and now I make a good deal of money on the side providing instrumental private lessons. My work in middle and high school also got me into a very good college.

Just try not to give up so easily.
And if you are STILL having problems, you should specifically tell your guidance counselor about these things, and organize a parent-student-guidance-teacher meeting to discuss these issues before you leave.

Why is life so cruel?

ah well that one is hard to answer.
life is cruel because the world is a cruel place. the thing to keep in mind is that there are people who care. and although it seems like they are never there, one day they will be. and everything will get better. hopefully.
sometimes its karma but often horrible things happen to people who dont deserve it, im sure this is what you are referring to. i wish there was some way to stop this but i think the best thing to do is stay strong and if you need to talk to your friends about it. im sure they can help and it will help you to not keep these kinds of things bottled up.

i probably confused you a lot ay. sorry about that =]