Why Men Going Crazy For Feminist Women Nowadays

What do feminists think of men going their own way (MGTOW)?

I used to be a feminist, and I now consider myself to be MGTOW, so I’ll take a stab at this. The hostility is created by the fact women tend to be valued more than men. Men not only are forced to compete for women, but are still encouraged to do so in the year 2016 (under the guise of being confident and ‘manly’). Men also are always ridiculed, and in two specific ways. One way is to belittle men on how they’re morally inferior to women, despite the fact men are ridiculed for having those same characteristics that get women praise. The other way men are ridiculed is by comparing them to other men (whom are usually female-approved).Men calling themselves MGTOW are called losers by the deluded masses, but the female equivalant to MGTOW is known as women’s empowerment. Women are allowed to bash men and everything they do wrong, but it can never be the other way around. With these horrible double standards lurking against men, it’s no wonder why some men who don’t allow their sex drive to control them may be a bit irritated. Again, all of these double standards are justified by both feminists and tradcons. Feminists do so with their male privilege concept, while tradcons use their survival of the tribe argument.Are traditionalist women really any different from feminists? The answer is no, because even ‘traditional’ women cherry pick which tenets of traditionalism to keep in place, and which ones they’ll discard. In a sense I have far more respect for the feminist, because at least they’re willing to get their hands dirty and take a great amount of heat for their views. Traditional women on the other hand not only escape having the stigma of the feminist label attached to them, but still get to reap in the benefits of a post-modern feminist movement and their still retained cultural privileges. Traditionalist women (and men) also want to keep the same tradiations in place that have harmed men to begin with. It’s nice to see that MGTOW has finally started to call out all BS, and not just concentrate on feminists.

Why do you guys hate feminism?

Because, in the past, it has always been men in positions of power. A lot of the time, women weren't even allowed to leave the home. Most of the people that currently run society, are older, white men. They mainly grew up during a time when women were seen as inferior. They want things to stay like that.

Can men be feminists?

"Can men be feminists?"

Male feminists are called "allies" at the top levels of feminism. That's doesn't sound very amicable. And a man is only considered a feminist ally for as long as he completely tows the line and defers to those feminists in power. Speaking of power, there is a complete glass ceiling for men in the feminist power structure. A man will NEVER be president of NOW, which is supposedly a group dedicated towards equality.

This is the hypocrisy of the modern feminist movement. If someone is a "true feminist" who's only conviction is equality between the genders, then men are to have an equal role in the feminist movement. Right? Well, apparently not. And this is a foul proposition, especially coming from an organization that regularly bashes on the government and the church, both of which have much higher representation of women than the NOW has of men.

If feminists organization are going to talk the talk, they should make sure that their house is in order BEFORE calling out someone else. Especially when everyone else is far better than they are regarding actual equality within their movement.

Has the feminist movement become redundant?

It is still needed.

If a woman has sex, she's a s l u t. If a man has sex, he's a stud.

If a man gets angry, he's assertive. If a woman gets angry, she's a b*tch.

If a woman gets pregnant, she's irresponsible. If a man gets a woman pregnant, she's irresponsible.

If a woman raises a child alone, she's selfish and a terrible mother. If a man raises a child alone, he's noble.

If a woman stands up for her rights, she's a fat man-hating lesbian. If a man stands up for his rights, he's a hero.

If a woman is stalked by a man, she must have led him on. If a man is stalked by a woman, she's a crazy psycho b*tch.

Not to mention other cultures where women face much worse prejudice.