Why Must My Dad Make A Big Deal Out Of Everything

My dad yells at me about everything !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

i just put my laundary in and he yelled at me that im gonna burn down the house
he yells at me when i talk to my sister cuz we are both bipolar and we start arguin and he usually yells at me
today he yelled at me when somethin happend he didnt even know anythin about it and he jump to conclusions and blamed me 15 minutes later my mom said it was her fault
he doesnt say im stupid but he does in diffrent words
he calls me fat even tho im skinny and everybody tells me i am
he apologizes then y does he keep doin it over and over again
god i hate him
what should i do ???? i just ignore him now .. i dont talk to him

My dad and I disagree on everything!?

You didn't say how old you are. Practice a little patience with him, talk to him calmly when you disagree. Just because you don't have the exact same taste in everything, or because you argue, doesn't mean he doesn't love you. And obviously you love him, or you wouldn't care so much. Love is a great foundation. The rest will come in time. How about next time you two are arguing about something stupid, just look him in the eye and say, "I love you, Dad". Bet that'll stop the argument.

Why do women make everything a big deal ?

In this society, women are 'trained' over their lives to be in tune with their feelings, rather than logic or rationality. Yes, a lot of women are that way- but it's because they're supposed to be. Watch Disney for a while and see how the girls act on there; that's the way they're going to act in the next generation, because that is what's being modeled for them.
Men, on the other hand, are trained to act as protectors, and the 'thinkers' of the world. They supposedly run things (both genders are needed to keep things balanced, yin and yang my friends) and they're the 'logical' ones.

This isn't exactly the way every individual is, but this is the way we are being taught to be. There are women out there that aren't like that (for example, the only times I've ever reacted on pure emotion to anything is when I was cheated on and dumped, and another time when I was led on by a guy I really, really liked for almost an entire school year), but then there are ones that are.

And, so all you guys know, it'll make us really po'd if you assume that the reason we're upset, angry or in a bad mood is because of PMS. We have emotions other times too, and pinning everything on hormones or PMS is stupid and sexist; men get moody, men get angry, men get upset. We're allowed to as well, but the society we're in also pushes women to let those emotions out and for men to keep their's in.

How do I deal with the fact that my dad needs to control everything I do?

How old are you? That answers your question. I’m 13, and my parents are control freaks. They micro-manage everything, just like any other asian parents do, meaning that they manage everything themselves. That is, until they see reason not to. The reason I’m able to arrange and carpool to the movie theater on weekends with friends is because the first few times they were with me, not a single thing happened. You need to run smooth to convince your parent(s) that you are responsible enough. I suggest you wait your turn patiently for the one moment you can strike and be a “good boy”. Then get yourself stoned on caffeine in Harris Teeter. Just kidding. Don’t. And yes, this is some ginger virgin asian dude talking here. You can smell the Vaseline fumes too. When you project an image of being responsible, don’t overdo it (they start to have expectations) and don’t undo your work by slacking off. I found that in order to free yourself from the clutches of “no”, you need to be able to take it in the first place. I myself am not what you’d think. If someone messed with me, they would probably go home with more than bleeding eardrums from my heavily accented cursing. By keeping yourself to yourself and finding a good balance for what your parents want to see, hear, and know, you can get to a point where:Your parents trust you and you trust them. You’re not ginger or clean, but you’re not a really bad guy either. You have a strong, correct moral compass about what’s good and what’s bad.You aren’t a wuss on the inside. If your parents trust you and you’re beyond “good boy” status, you are of no use when you need to verbally/physically defend yourself. And please, no one likes a snitch.You can maintain a good image of yourself to others. This will prove to be very useful later in life.Do you think you’ll actually take my advice? Go stick your head up your arse and around the corner. If I was on anonymous mode, I would start cursing. Heed life’s advice, not mine and pitch the lemons at the assholes.

Why does my mom make a big deal out of nothing? Come-on I have a baby now?

So it is my mom's birthday today and I had put a reminder on my phone but it did not work. Anyway not that I would have forgotten but it just went out of my mind to call her at "12 am" to wish her as I was "Busy With My 4 mo old Baby" giving her bedtime bath and making her sleep. Later when I called, her mobile was switched off & she was angry with me. Today morning my dad calls up and "blames me" for not calling mom at "12am".
Whats going on?
Isn't it simple to understand that I must be busy with my young baby? I got enough things to do and to remember than making sure to call and wish her 12am. Its not that I would not have called in the morning when it is still her birthday.
Its annoying.
I think I should talk to my dad about it, shouldn't I?

My dad is so negative about everything. Do you have a negative parent?

Ignore it! There is a small percentage of the population that aren't MISERABLY unhappy, they're quite contented that way! He may be one of them.......Don't let him take you down with him into the negativity.

My dad thinks he knows everything about everything?

Ya so I got into a fight with him today. It was over a conversation I had with him about a topic in my critical thinking class. The topic is not important. So I shared my argument with him and of course to him it was not good and had a bad point of view. Before I was able to explain my argument he was already getting upset. He said that everyone needs to learn from everyone else and they have to take criticism. "We are not born knowing everything not you not me" thats what he said. He makes it seem that he knows everything and when I didn't want to argue with him he got really upset. Can someone help it just stresses me out all the time. Please help I love my dad but feel that he thinks he knows everything.

My father always has to be right about everything. Is he a good parent?

No and maybe. My father has the same issue. My father is a highly intelligent man, so yes, he is often right, and was especially so when I was young, but as I grew and matured, I realized, my father lacked emotional intelligence, and he had a very black and white, (childish some might say), view of the world. I have since grown and raised three kids of my own. I am also highly intelligent, so I got the reputation, “Mom is always right.” “Mom has all the answers.” Very annoying for my children, very damaging in my marriages. The big difference, is that I don’t ‘need’ to be right. If I am proven wrong, I have little issue with admitting, I was wrong. My children grew up depending on me, and I stepped back enough in their teens to let them make mistakes, and not lord it over them. In fact, as my children got into their 20’s and had life experiences outside of my frame of reference, the day finally came when I had to tell my daughter, “I wouldn’t know, you have more knowledge of this than I do, what do YOU think?” It actually came as a shock to her. Personally, I think that is good parenting. I am proud to watch my children grow from the knowledge base I gave them and expand on it. They are suppose to surpass me. Mean while, back to my Father, I treat him with respect, and keep a lot of what I think to myself. It creates a sad distance between us but there is nothing I can do about that. It really hit home for me when my Dad did an online IQ test and sent the link to me. After I did it, I scored higher than him. Instead of congratulating me, he started saying how he had an off day, that day, and he took too long on a couple of the questions because of the wording. he is of a generation that doesn’t separate Ego thought response, from Self. I can see all kinds of ways my worldviews have exceeded his worldviews. I think that is as it should be, and I don’t plan to try and enlighten him or treat him as a child as he gets older.That said, I must also include what I did learn from my father, good values. My dad is basically an honest man, keeps his word, stops to help strangers on the street, hard working, and has a deep love for always learning and looking up the answers. He tries to do thing right the first time, and do it well. Even the down sides of how he raised me, taught me what kind of parent I did not want to be.