Why My Muscles Arent Growing What The Hell Is Wrong With My Body Something Isnt Right.

Why do some of my muscles twitch the day after a night of drinking beer?

Alcohol is a diuretic.... it dehydrates you. Hangovers are a mix of leftover alcohol and lack of hydration. Drinking water of course will help. Even better would be something with elctrolytes like Gatorade or Powerade.

Youre muscles twitch due to dehydration. I notice the same problems after I drink or when I have lots of soda and no water. Hydrate yourself before or after a binge and that might help a bit.

But to play the responsible person card... there's a reason you have hangovers and why you are dehydrated. Alcohol isn't good for you... period. People recommend wine due to the tannins in it. So moderation is key.

Gaining muscle without exercising?

Unfortunately, the only way to get muscle is by exercising. It's the way our bodies work. We lose muscle that we don't use in order to stay as efficient as we can. (That way our body isn't burning energy for muscles it never uses) So by exercising your body will use the muscles which allows them to gain mass. Our muscles are made of proteins (troponin and myosin) which is why protein shakes and bars and just generally meat, eggs, milk and other protein sources are able to help you get bigger muscles. The other thing about exercising (that most people don't realize) is that your bones need exercising too. When you do weight-bearing exercise your bones grow in density in order to be as strong as you can be. Muscles and Bones grow together, although they use different vitamins and minerals to grow (muscles use protein, bones use calcium) they still grow together. When people use steriods, the steroids only allow muscles to grow quickly, but the bones don't grow as quickly. This can result in your muscles actually being too strong for your bones which cause your bones to break.

Exercise does wonders though, it releases a neurotransimitter (I think dopamine but I can't remember) which is a pleasure hormone and causes you to become happier. Exercising will also increase your metabolism, which will burn fat more efficiently, and allow you to eat basically whatever you want (within reason). You will also have more energy and feel less groggy during the day. Exercising with weights decreases your chances later of getting osteoporosis, arthritis, and thousands of other diseases when you're older. Also, if you start going to the gym and force yourself to go either daily, or every other day, eventually it'll just be habit and you won't think anything of it.

Good luck!

What's the best way to grow taller and lose weight?

I'm 14 going on 15 and at 1.57 - 1.58m. My brother's at 1.73. My parents aren't short either - well, my dad isn't. He's at 1.7m, while mum's at 1.55m. However, I'm shorter than some of the girls in my class. I want to grow taller so I can even out my weight (53 kg) and look good in skirts and my uniform - my uniform's an A-line skirt, which makes me look awfully fat. The taller, skinnier girls always look good in uniform.

Is there a good exercise that I can do to grow taller or slim down, or even some specific diet? I want to grow naturally before I hit eighteen, and slim down at the same time. I don't want any artificial ways of growing or losing weight either. Any suggestions? Thanks.

I've been lifting weights for 10+ years and I'm still not very muscular, what's wrong with my body?

Good answers here, plus you might live in conviction that you can look like a pro bodybuilders after some time of natural lifting. The answer is that it’s impossible, since those pro bodybuilders are taking LOADS of “juice”, like steroids, hormones, peptides etc etc… Even those shredded models on magazines aren’t natural, they use gear too. Natural muscle growth potential is actually way lower than most people think, since they are influenced by what they see in media, where most guys are juicing too. They are not so big like pro bodybuilders only because they don’t train so hard.Here on the left is a natural bodybuilder Eugen Sandow. In those times people had no option to take steroids because there were none. And he is a guy who trained his whole life. Make your own conclusion.Some people these days are simply too big of a hypocrites to actually tell the truth. Why is that so? Probably insecurity ( especially when it comes to non-pros, and not all of them ofcourse, some will tell the truth) and the fact that pro associations don’t allow their competitors to speak about it (when it comes to pros).

How to make gsd strong and heavy muscular?

Just an hour ago my 2 year old gsd was attckd by another 5 year old gsd who was really big and strong.. I give my dog pedigree.. And twice or thrice i feed him chicken peices mixed with his pedigree dog food.. But he doesnt grow that big he is just kinda lean. And you can feel hi ribs when u tch him.. Please let me know anything..