Why Separate Cash Memo Is Required With Hotel Bill

Is it correct to write, “Please find attached the following reports”?

I would sooner say “I have attached the following reports:” or “Attached, you will find the following reports:”. Neither is impolite, even without the please. To make your sentence technically correct— “Please find, attached, the following reports:” Notice the colon in all three instances.

What is the difference between a bill and an invoice?

Billing and Invoicing is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business. It is often the job of several different people to go over these financial records and keep them accurate.Fastpayee has done a great job making double-entry accounting accessible to many people. One area of confusion is the difference between Invoices and Bills in Fastpayee.Invoice:"Invoices" are sent to customers.An invoice is usually sent after the products/services are shipped or performed. Original paper based invoices have been replaced by electronic ones.BillsBills" are received from vendors. They record expenses (or costs or inventory), and they record that the business owes the vendor the amount of money that appears on the bill.Bills can be included with various status. Draft, Pending and Sent. Cool feature to manage all your Bills online!FastPayee is one of the best cloud billing and invoicing solutions for SMEs . It has a most features that every business wants.For now it is available at 100% free of cost, Customer support plays a major role in almost every business Fastpayee offering good customer service.Visit : Online billing and invoicing software.