Why Should A Man Accept A Woman Who Has Offered Herself To Other Men

If a woman offers herself to a man without marriage/commitment, how can a potential husband trust her not to offer herself to someone else after marriage?

Question as asked: “if a girl offers herself to a man without marriage/commitment, how can a potential husband trust her not to offer herself to someone else after marriage?”One thought would be to only marry women — adult human females — instead of girls, which is to say human female children. Many places have laws against child marriage, and the world increasingly frowns on the practice.Even where the law permits child marriage — say, with parental consent — I'm not sure we'd say girls are “offering themselves.” But, it is probably not realistic to expect that if a child is entered into a sexual situation, then forced to marry because of it, that she will never want to leave that circumstance. If she is able to leave it, she might wish to have a relationship in the future.Marriage is a contract, and entering into it with a child would seem to be risky indeed, for lots of reasons ranging from the legality of the arrangement to the question of whether or not it's reasonable to expect someone who spent their childhood as chattel to hope to be freed from it at any point.Another thought would be to stop viewing women and women's bodies as commodities that get offered, traded, owned and so forth.Now, if you meant a woman instead of a girl, you could try asking the question again to see if you get different answers.

How do men feel if a woman offers to split the bill on a dinner date (first date)?

I like it.Here's how I handle it:I'll offer to pay, saying something like "May I get this?"If my date offers to split the bill, I'll say, "I'm glad to treat if you'd like."If she still prefers to split the bill, then split we will.Why? Well, there are a lot of things that could be going on here, and I'm trying to optimize across all of them. For example:Some people are used to the guy paying. Not offering can seem rude or cheap.I suspect there's some animal part of us that sees it as a nuptial gift, a mating display that is common in many animals, including the kingfisher and the chimpanzee.Some see paying as an act of dominance. That can be appealing for some, and offputting for others. Especially if they have dated somebody who thinks buying dinner entitles them to something. (Ugh.)For some people, accepting gifts too quickly seems awkward or greedy, so they'll make a polite protestation. That's why I'll offer twice.On a first date, I don't know a ton about her financial condition. I'd hate to make a starving artist more starving, especially if I suggested a nice place.We're coming out of a long historical period of male dominance, where women are paid less than men. For some, splitting the check is a way of establishing equality from the get-go.Some like to take turns. That's fun; it's a way of being equal without the awkwardness of splitting checks. So if there's any sign of discomfort when I end up picking up the check, I'll say, "You can get the next one."Like everything about a first date, it's a bit of a minefield. My goal here is to get us through so that there's no major awkwardness and we know a bit more about one another.

What is the essence of being a woman?

The true essence of a woman lies in her attributes of who she is as a person, what she has to offer herself and to the people around her. This makes for the true beauty of a woman. For many women it can be hard to truly appreciate who they are, they will not accept the fact that there is so much to be appreciated about themselves and yet it is all because of what they could be holding against themselves from their past that makes them feel unworthy of appreciation, this is best for you to let go it happened, but do not believe for a moment that you should hold it against yourself forever, no doubt you have learned what you were meant to learn from the experience so do let go, and allow yourself to appreciate the real you of today!Be proud of yourself that you have come so far within yourself, for many women this is not valued and for others it is, as we are so unique we will all come from different spaces within ourselves and that is ok. For many women they will focus on their outer as creating the perfect essence of a woman, that is all fine, of course beauty on the outside is to be greatly admired, and those that have been blessed with beautiful features, and the perfect figures all the more power to you, there is nothing wrong with physical beauty, the big concern is the “inner beauty” which is soul deep, if there is no depth to it then regardless how beautiful you are on the outside it will fade rapidly into insignificance if you do not have that inner beauty. There are so many such beautiful soul deep women that physically may not be that attractive but its that inner that shines onto the outer where they supersede the outer with the inner and this is where the true beauty will shine through for all to see.As it is rightly said -"The beauty of a womanis not in the clothes she wearsnor the figure she carriesor the way she combs her hairThe beauty of a woman will beseen in her eyes because thatis the doorway to her heartthe place where love resides".

When greeting or introducing him/herself, who does have to offer the hand, man or woman?

I am from South America, and just found out that the ettiquette is different in the United States. In my country it doesn't matter who offers hand first, but usually men offer their hands first. I am interested in United States ettiquette.

Why do i hear that men are such cheaters on yahoo. i feel its true. from what is see and hear.?

I agree with you 100 per cent...all men are cheaters even if they swear black and blue that they are not like that...what man is going to say no to a woman if she offers herself up for fun

Any comment on the 33:50 verse?

The verse 33:50 about the Muslim warriors are allowed to have sexual relationship with war detainees (women)?

I went to the mosque for fajr solat today & asked two ustazs. They confirmed that it is allowed. And encouraged to get married with them.

O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated (from Makka) with thee; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her;- this only for thee, and not for the Believers (at large); We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom their right hands possess;- in order that there should be no difficulty for thee. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

What value does a girlfriend or woman add to a man's life if he doesn't want kids? What does a man lack that only a woman can add to his life?

A woman that is supportive of her man and who is respectful toward him will influence him to accomplish great things in life. If she does not support him or if she disrespects him he will likely never make much of himself. This is based on the social interactions that men face with other men every single day. When a man is disrespected by his wife in front of other men, it can ruin his career, marriage, and life. The other men who see it happen may not say it or consciously think it, but somewhere in their heads a little alarm is going off. They understand that if that guy's wife doesn't have any respect for him, why should they? She is the one who knows him better than anyone else in the world. They may think, can we really depend on that guy to get the job done? His wife seems to think he can't do anything right. Is he really the guy we need running the new department? He has no confidence in himself, can't blame him really, his wife breaks him down so much, can any team have any confidence in his leadership? His wife sure doesn't think much of him, I bet I could get her to slip away to the mail room so I can show her how a real man fucks.  Then every day when I see that loser walk in I will chuckle to myself. On Father's Day I will ask him how the kids are and if they look like me.People say women are catty, men are completely brutal. The only thing that makes a difference between success and failure is the woman behind a man. Now I know that there are many successful gay men and single men, this is well known. But those guys are getting enough of a confidence boost in their personal lives that they are unaffected by this unseen savagery. Everyone sees their confidence and just knows to not challenge them. They are the alphas, you don't challenge the alpha unless you are pretty sure of yourself. Like if you fucked his wife or something. The average man will need a wife to help him succeed, he has no chance for success without one. And still less chance with a bitch. Even those alphas, after they have gotten a little older, they may lose some of their vigor or ability with the lady's. They will then settle down and find a young woman who will keep them standing at the top of the social ladder.This is what men need a relationship for. We don't even realize this is what we need most of the time, we understand that we need support, but we think we get success on our own. We are wrong. It is the wife who determines whether we succeed or fail.