Why Solid Water Ice Is Less Dense Than Liquid Water

Why ice is less dense than liquid water? they say water is less extensivly hydrogen bonded,what does this mean

Ice floats because it is about 9% less dense than water. In other words, ice takes up about 9% more space than water, so a liter of ice weighs less than a liter of water. The heavier water displaces the lighter ice, so ice floats to the top.
The water molecule consists of a single oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, strongly joined to each other with covalent bonds. Water is also attracted to other water molecules by weaker chemical bonds (hydrogen bonds) between the positively-charged hydrogen atoms and the negative-charged oxygen atoms of neighboring water molecules. As water cools below 4 degrees Celsius, the hydrogen bonds adjust to hold the negatively charged oxygen atoms apart. This produces a crystal lattice commonly referred to as ice.

Is solid water more or less dense than liquid water? Why?

Ice is less dense that liquid water. When water freezes the crystal structure arranges the water molecules in a more organized configuration compared to the liquid. Water molecules cannot pack as tightly in this configuration, making it less dense that the liquid.

The easiest example of this is ice cubes floating in a glass of water.

Is solid water more or less dense than liquid water? Why?

Solid Water is Ice. Ice floats, so it is less dense than liquid water. The reason ice is less dense (when nonmetallic substances are more dense as solids than as liquids) is because of the way ice crystals form, using up more space thant then same mass of liquid water.

Why is the solid state of water less dense than the liquid state?

When water solidifies to form ice, the solid ice phase is less dense (as observed) than the liquid water. This can be attributed
to the hydrogen bonding that occurs in water in both the liquid and solid states. Hydrogen bonding is the strong intermolecular
dipole–dipole force between the partially-positive hydrogen atom and the partially-negative oxygen atom of neighboring water
molecules. When water freezes, hydrogen bonding holds molecules rigidly in a three-dimensional crystal. There are holes, or empty spaces, within the ice crystal. As water freezes to form ice, it must expand (rather than contract) to form this open crystal. As a result, the density of ice is less than the density of liquid water, which explains why ice floats in water. This is a very unusual phenomenon. Most substances are more dense in the solid state than in the liquid state because particles are usually closer together in the solid state. Water is the rare and unique exception.

Why is ice less dense than water?

There is more hydrogen bonding between water molecules as ice than as water. These hydrogen bonds push the water molecules apart into a lattice. There is more space between the molecules in ice than the molecules in water so water is less dense

Is water’s solid form (ice) less dense than its liquid form?

yes. That is why ice floats. If you pour a mixture made up of different materials of different densities, gravity will draw the denser objects closer to the earth. Unless if another stronger force acts on said materials.Why is ice less dense? at the atomic level any pure element takes up less space as it is cooled. atoms have less energy and come closer together forming lattice or crystal structures which we call solids. water however is made up of oxygen and hydrogen. The structure is called “polar". Oxygen is the negative end and hydrogen is the positive end. In vapour and liquid form water molecules have enough energy to stay away from each other, but in solid form atoms come together as one solid lattice structure. When atoms are this close, the positive ends of the water molecule, that is the hydrogen end, repel each other and instead are attracted to the negative oxygen end of another molecule. This is called hydrogen bonding and it means that even though a solid is formed (ice) the water molecules are physically pushed further apart but maintain the solid form. Making ice less dense.

Why is ice less dense than water but other solids are denser than their liquid states? What other liquids have this same property?

The reason is “hydrogen bonds”. As water cools, so the hydrogen bonds align to cause the water molecules to become aligned and each molecule takes up more space, so the solid is less dense.For other substances, as the liquid cools, so the molecules jostle around and take up less space, so the solid is more dense.This is a little miracle that makes our planet inhabitable. If water behaved “normally”, ice would not float on the surface, but sink to the bottom of the oceans. This would mean that over time, all the water would become frozen, and we could never have evolved.It also explains why water needs so much latent energy to transform from one phase to another. Again, if water did not have hydrogen bonds, it would be evaporated much more easily, and thus our oceans would have disappeared eons ago,And finally, the very large latent heat of water drives our weather, so that the oceans warm very slightly and suck in the heat of the atmosphere to keep the surface habitable. Thank goodness Trump understands this miraculous science…

Why is ice less dense than liquid water at room temperature?

ignore the answers above
the crystalline structure of ice requires more volume for the same number of molecules because they must line up geometrically, thus it is less dense than liquid water and it floats
water expands when it freezes as it forms a solid phase

Is ice less dense than water?

Water is unusual in that its maximum density occurs as a liquid, rather than as a solid. This means ice floats on water. Density is the mass per unit volume of a material. For all substances, density changes with temperature. The mass of material does not change, but the volume or space that it occupies either increases or decreases with temperature. The vibration of molecules increases as temperature rises and they absorb more energy. For most substances, this increases the space between molecules, making warmer liquids less dense than cooler solids.However, this effect is offset in water by hydrogen bonding. In liquid water, hydrogen bonds connect each water molecule to approximately 3.4 other water molecules. When water freezes into ice, it crystallizes into a rigid lattice that increases the space between molecules, with each molecule hydrogen bonded to 4 other molecules.thnx