Why Some Mothers Say

Does the ex get a mothers day gift?

This issue here is that your husband's children need to learn to recognize Mommy for Mother's Day. If they aren't old enough to buy their mother a gift, it would have been nice if Daddy took them to get her something when he had them for visitation. If they are of age, Daddy could have given them some money to buy a Mother's Day gift.

You should broaden your scope and stop encouraging your husband's bad behavior. The man needs to at least teach his children to honor their mother, especially on Mother's day.

How do you say Happy Mother's Day to some one who should not be having a baby?

My sister's daughter is having another baby with a new boyfriend that just got out of prison. My sister is acting like this is wonderful. The girl won't work or go to school and she already has a 5 year old she has dumped on her mother and grandmother who now take care of that child. Now she and her unemployed ex con boyfriend are having a baby. I think my sister is paying their rent now in addition to keeping the first child.

I think this is a disaster and the girl should not be having any more children. I have seen her in action, she is a terrible mother and the first child is far better off away from her. I fear for this new little baby and my clueless niece but my sister thinks this is all just fine and dandy. Is she crazy or am I? We are having dinner tommorrow with our mother and I just do not know what to say about it all.

What IITian's mother say about her child?

IIT = Indian Insitutes of TechnologyIndian Institutes of Technology - Wikipedia

Is it proper to say, "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY?


There is no love, like a mother's love,
no stronger bond on earth...
like the precious bond that comes from God,
to a mother, when she gives birth.

A mother's love is forever strong,
never changing for all time...
and when her children need her most,
a mother's love will shine.

God bless these special mothers,
God bless them every one...
for all the tears and heartache,
and for the special work they've done.

When her days on earth are over,
a mother's love lives on...
through many generations,
with God's blessings on each one.

Be thankful for our mothers,
for they love with a higher love...
from the power God has given,
and the strength from up above.




Peace and Love

Do you wish your ex who you have kids with a happy mothers / fathers day?

I was just curios if you are split you do you still call or write or text the person happy mothers / fathers day ?

Would you be upset if your spouses ex texted them happy mothers day ?

i think its nice when people can get along . But i do think if they dont get along then better to just leave it alone.

I say this because my bf has a daughter and he gets along ok with the mother so this morning i asked him if he was gonna wish her a happy mothers day and he looked at me like is this a trap kinda thing i wasn't trying to be a ***** i wanted him to just be polite and for him to see that i am ok with it and crap and he totally thinks im being the oppostie ? what the heck ?

How could any mother say to their child “ I wish you were dead”?

I was told this on what seemed like almost a daily basis growing up by my mom. I spent the rest of her life trying desperately to please her in some way. The day she died I begged her please don't die. (She was being kept alive by machines at this point) I was SO upset that I no matter what I did I never was able to do anything good enough.I found out years later that she had an affair while she was married to my “dad” & I was the result & that was the likely cause for her hatred 4 me & my only whole brother. To her we were the “black sheep” of the family, which was one of the less unkind things she said.

Why would a mother say she hates her 18 year old daughter cause she's gay?

FEAR.Parents can sometimes get trapped into the belief that their children reflect them as a good or bad parent or reflect them as fitting into society. Depending on how old your mother, what generation, she could have worked very hard in her life to fit into the “norm” of the world so others would not see her as different. Many people fear this the most out of anything…..and maybe, possibly, you reflect back to her, her.Some things to think about but as a gay person, know you are beautiful, wonderful and perfect, just as you are. No ifs ands or buts.I need to correct this, I apologize. I thought the question was why did your mother say she hated you because you were gay.Well burn in hell, that is another story completely. It still falls into the category of you are different. The religious beliefs of some are that this orientation is against God’s word. (I say bullshit) But some would argue with me.Many people, when faced with something they don’t understand, or it goes against their faith, want to try and put THE FEAR OF GOD into you to change your ways to make themselves more comfortable in the world.This actually has nothing to do with you and in no way is your fault. You keep walking the good road (your truth) and know that she is scared.

What does the saying "a face only a mother could love" mean?

What does the saying "a face only a mother could love" mean?It is an exaggeration that implies that people who are ugly cannot be loved by anybody other than their mothers, based on the dubious belief that mothers love all their children, regardless of their appearance.

How does a mother say she hates her son, and wishes he was never born?

This question is scant in detail, but the overall sentiment of the question is painfully clear.A mother is supposed to be the very epitome of unconditional love, self sacrifice and concern.She puts her life, needs and even her body on the line, when taking on the responsibility of a pregnancy.She is entrusted, primarily, with caring for little humans in the immediate aftermath of their birth, at their most vulnerable.But genuine respect and cultural exaltations aside, we should never lose sight of the fact that motherhood is not some sort of magical filter that only lets through the best of a woman, safely sequestering from her children, the unsavoury elements of her personality.Mothers, are people. And people can, sometimes be…well, people.They can be cruel, astonishingly unkind, violent, selfish and utterly incapable of empathy.And such qualities in a woman, have no bearing on her ability to get pregnant and deliver a child.Add to that a whole litany of mental illness, addictions, trauma and other such factors that can alter the behavior of mothers, which motherhood itself confers no protection against.So, it logically follows that as utterly disturbing as it is, there are mothers out there that simply are not fit to be raising children, for a wide variety of reasons.Children need to be protected from abuse from their mothers and the first step in that process is to recognize that mothers are not divine creatures immune to human frailty.And yes, for the vast, vast majority of mothers, the sun may rise and set upon their children in a display of the finest that humanity, but that does not mean mothers cannot be abusive.The conduct of mothers towards their children should not be beyond social scrutiny.We should not be naive about red- flags because it is the mother who is concerned here.The price of blind cultural glorification of motherhood, is neglect of children suffering from abuse at the hands of their mothers.This is not a price any society should be willing to pay, in return for being comfortably ignorant about the realities that surround motherhood.A warm-fuzzy, feel- good sentiment around motherhood is less important than the safety of children.